"This way! I'll give you 20 million! Get out now, you don't deserve to eat here!"

The young man took out a bank card and put it in front of Feng Miaomiao, smiling wildly.


Feng Miaomiao was anxious and wanted to speak, but Wang Yi was dragged behind him.

"You are very arrogant."

Wang Yi took the initiative to stand out, watching the young man speak lightly.

"Who are you? I don't talk to the bodyguard."

The youth saw Wang Yi voluntarily come out from behind Feng Miaomiao, thinking Wang Yi was Feng Miaomiao's bodyguard or something, and immediately looked down on it.

"Wang Yi, young master of Tianshan Group!"

Wang Yi said his identity.

Unexpectedly, the young man on the opposite side laughed more presumptuously!

"Hahaha! Whom I thought it was! It turned out to be the young master of the Tianshan Group. It really scared me to come. Why don't you ask your father Feng Duyun to come and talk to me? Boy, in Sichuan, it's not your turn To your arrogant Tianshan Group, get out!"

The last one was said by the youth very seriously, and it was obvious that he wanted to deliberately humiliate Wang Yi.

A smile gradually appeared on Wang Yi's face.

Seeing the smile on Wang Yi's face, Tianlong hurriedly passed Song Changying.

"It's over, this guy is getting narrower."

Song Changying also smiled and nodded.

"Tsk tusk tusk, one word! Die!"

Wang Yi showed this expression. Although it was a smile, it showed that Wang Yi was really angry, otherwise Wang Yi would never show such a smile!

Originally, this young man was at most a lesson learned by Wang Yi.

But this guy said something bad, and brought Feng Duyun with him.

Think about it, what would you do if someone scolded your Lao Tzu like this?

"What did you say?"

Wang Yi walked over with a smile, came to the young man, and asked with a smile.

"Why? You still want to do it, let me tell you, even if the chairman of your Tianshan Group is here, I dare not..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Yi's fist was already in front of the youth!

It's so fast that it's almost invisible!

Now Wang Yi is, anyway, a spiritual cultivator who is about to enter a fixed interest rate. Isn't it enough to catch this kind of stuff?


Before he could react, the young man realized that he was already flying in the sky!

"Oh, I accidentally did it."

Wang Yi stood there, looking at his fist, there was still a trace of scarlet blood on it.

When I came to the person in charge of the hotel, the person in charge was stupid now.

Are you kidding me, there are people who dare to attack the people in Wushuang City in this land of Sichuan and Shu?

"Go get me a bottle of red wine! It's more expensive."

Wang Yi spoke, and the person in charge quickly handed Wang Yi a bottle of red wine.

When he walked to the young man who was beaten and flew by himself, this young man couldn't believe that he was beaten and flew by Wang Yi just now.

Seeing Wang Yi walking over, he got up.

"You dare to do it on me?!"

"Don't worry, I made a mistake, am I not here to pay for the alcohol?"

Wang Yi smiled, showing a neat row of teeth.

"Fuck off! I want you to die here today! Fuck off! Dare to do me, you are tired of living!"


Without waiting for him to finish, Wang Yi started talking directly with a bottle of wine and hit him on the head.

The young man suddenly felt dizzy in his brain.

A hot thing on the forehead flowed down the forehead. It didn't feel like red wine, it was blood!

"Oh, I’m just a little bit anxious. I can’t find anything to open the bottle for a while, so I just borrowed your head to use it. Look at my hand. I don’t have much wine left. Bring it again! "

Wang Yi roared!

The person in charge of the hotel almost fell to the ground in fright.

Hurriedly ran over to bring a few bottles of red wine to Wang Yi.

Looking at the red wine in his hand and listening to the crackling noises, Song Changying couldn't help but go too far.

"Hey, tell me, what are you doing to provoke the young master?"

Tianlong also swallowed his saliva.

Wang Yi actually smashed that guy into a faint!

A living person doesn't know if the red on his body is wine or blood.

Anyway, there are... it's a bit miserable...

"Oh, it seems that you have had enough. If you have enough, then forget it. I don't want to waste time with you."

Looking at the young man on the ground who had passed out, Wang Yi stood up.

It is strange to say that this young man is all covered with red wine and blood, but looking at Wang Yi, it has no effect at all!

What it was like when you came in just now, if it weren't for Wang Yi's behavior just now was seen by everyone, you wouldn't even dare to believe that Wang Yi just hit someone.

"How much was the wine just now?"

Wang Yi came to the person in charge of the hotel and asked with a smile.

Seeing Wang Yi's smile now, the person in charge of this hotel is like seeing the devil.

"Run... ran... eh! Calculate the money, don't go!"

Watching the person in charge of the hotel run away like flying, Wang Yi shouted at his back.

The roar made him run faster.

"Xiao Yi, you are amazing."

Feng Miaomiao came to Wang Yi and gave Wang Yi a thumbs up.

This can be regarded as taking care of what she has always wanted to do but has never dared to do. Wang Yi really deserves to be the young master of Tianshan Group, awesome!

"Master, how do you deal with this guy?"

Tianlong came up and looked at the remaining young man.

This young man had just witnessed everything, and now he dare not say anything big, he can only look at Wang Yi with trembling legs, and beg Wang Yi not to attack him.


Wang Yi walked up to the young man and asked with a smile.

"I'm afraid... uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... still afraid."

The young man was so scared by Wang Yi that he couldn't even speak.

"It's really a fucking thing. Go back and tell you people in Wushuang City. Tianshan Group is not a soft persimmon. You must know how to write the word respect at all times!"

Wang Yi snorted.

I thought that the people in Wushuang City are all things.

If this is the case, then I really look at Wushuang City highly...

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