I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 323 The Western Region Eighteen Years Ago

"what's the situation?"

Feng Duyun was shocked, and quickly looked towards the direction of the sound.

"Hahaha, Feng Duyun, let me catch you today. I heard that you came to the West to find meteorite gold. For this kind of thing, the Tianshan Group actually asked you a young master to come by yourself. Isn't it afraid that you will die in the West? "

A burst of laughter came into Feng Duyun's ears.

It was obvious that the laughter was still far away, but in an instant, it was in front of Feng Duyun.

"Jiang Chuhe! You actually chased me here from Dijiang Group?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Feng Duyun opened his mouth and called out the person's name directly.

"Hey, if you can solve the young master of Tianshan Group in this place, would you say that Tianshan Group will be eligible to snatch meteor gold?"

The opposite Jiang Chuhe laughed.

Jiang Chuhe is regarded as the number two figure in the Dijiang Group.

In Feng Duyun's knowledge, this person's strength is completely beyond his own.

Now there are so many people around him, but he still carries Xiaorou...

"Come, don't leave!"

Jiang Chuhe sneered, and while waving his hands, all of his men rushed towards Feng Duyun.


A teardrop fell.

Feng Duyun retracted his gaze looking at the ceiling.

"If I had known that it would be like that earlier, I would not have gone to the West by myself."

During that battle, Xiaorou's life was not preserved by himself, and if it were not for the ups and downs, even he himself would die there.

Therefore, Feng Duyun did not dare to have any memories of the West.

That's why he put the guards in the west, but he never went to the west to see anyone.

Tianshan Group claimed that Xiaorou had died of illness, but only a few high-level officials knew that Xiaorou had died in the hands of Dijiang Group!

"I remember that when I said that I wanted to establish a trading relationship with Dijiang Group, you gave me a temper for half a year. It was also because of this. You were worried that Xiaoyi, like you, would be unpredictable in the West, right?"

Father Feng Jingtian continued to ask.

"If you say yes, if you say no, no, it's not bad for a place like the western border."

Feng Duyun shook his head first, and then nodded again, making people completely unable to figure out what he thought.

"Back then, it was entirely because your master was not there. Now that your master is in the West, there will be no problems with that kid. Your master is very strong!"

Feng Jingtian patted Feng Duyun on the shoulder, sighed, and left Feng Duyun's office.

"Really, does strong work..."

Feng Duyun just lowered his head, two lines of clear tears silently slipped from the corners of his eyes.

As the chairman of Tianshan Group, the number one leader of Tianshan Group!

In front of outsiders, he Feng Duyun is a murderous demon, a cold-blooded chairman.

Who knows how much softness is hidden in his Feng Duyun heart, which cannot be touched.

"Since you want to do it, then do it. Before you come back, don't think that you can take advantage of the slightest advantage to Tianshan Group!"

Feng Duyun wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and restored the appearance of the chairman.

The current state of affairs in Tianshan Group does not allow him to focus too much on these things!

At least before Wang Yi returned to the Tianshan Group, he had to guard the Tianshan Group and not let those guys occupy it!

It's just for Wang Yi to have a home to come back after he finishes his experience outside!


Sichuan and Sichuan, Tianshan Group Branch:

"Master? Master?"

At this time, Wang Yi had already woken up from his coma.

Wang Yi, who woke up, seemed to be still in the midst of that great battle and had no response for a long time.

"Fuck, Master won't be stunned, right?"

Song Changying put her hand in front of Wang Yi and shook it vigorously.

But Wang Yi just didn't react at all.

"It's over, Master seems to be really stupid."

Song Changying looked at Tianlong and said.

"Go away, you won't be stupid if you are stupid, Master!"

Tianlong slapped Song Changying's head, can you look forward to something good!

I'm dumb and deaf at every turn, and I really doubt whether the undercover from outside is hiding in the Tianshan Group, otherwise how could I have been expecting something from Wang Yi...

"I am worried too."

Song Changying smiled and explained.

In fact, Wang Yi is not stupid, he has been watching the two talk.

He watched the two mouths open and close, but he couldn't hear any sound.

"I can not hear……"

Wang Yi slowly opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't even hear what he said!


Wang Yi got up from the bed with a carp.

She covered her ears and stared at Song Changying and Tianlong with wide eyes.

"I... why can't I hear you!"

Song Changying and Tianlong looked at each other, and their most worried thing happened...

What they worry about is nothing more than that Wang Yi will temporarily lose his hearing after experiencing such a huge explosion.

Now it seems that this worry has been established...

"Master, can you hear me?"

Song Changying approached Wang Yi's ear and almost shouted out such a sentence.

The trembling Tianlong frowned slightly, but Wang Yi did not react at all.

"It's over, Master is really deaf!"

Song Changying realized that Wang Yi really couldn't hear him. This is no joke!

"Fool! Big fool!"

I don't know what Song Changying thinks, so he shouted this in front of Wang Yi.


In the next moment, Wang Yi slapped Song Changying's forehead.

"You scold me? Are you looking for death?!"

"No, you can hear me, Master!"

Song Changying almost jumped up excitedly.

"Nonsense, your fucking mouth is so open, people are just deaf, not blind!"

Just when Song Changying thought that Wang Yi could hear him, Tianlong spoke out of nowhere.

Just now Song Changying's exaggerated mouth shape, it is estimated that anyone with a thousand degrees of myopia can clearly see what he is shouting.

"Uh, mistake, mistake."

Song Changying was a little embarrassed.

I had known that I had said it in a low voice, and I was finally able to scold Wang Yi in front of Wang Yi and still not be beaten. It is understandable that I wanted to try it...

"Wait, Xiao Yi doesn't seem to be anxious at all."

Feng Miaomiao spoke at this moment.

She has been watching Wang Yi’s expression, except for a panic the moment she knew she was deaf.

What Wang Yi showed was actually very calm?

My ears are all deaf, and I don’t scream or make noise, which makes people feel very unusual...

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