"Miss, we know we were wrong, and we won't do it next time!"

The two Tianlong spoke like this quickly.

What they did the last time was indeed wrong, and there was no reason to look for it.

Failure to protect Wang Yi is their confession.

"If you change the chairman, it is estimated that you will fight online desperately, right?"

Feng Zimei glanced at the two of them, and replied in an angry voice.

The two looked at each other, and both saw each other's seriousness once ashamed.

Indeed, if the status is changed, if the person facing that situation is Feng Duyun that day, neither of them will take a step back.

"I tell you that Wang Yi's identity is the heir in the Tianshan Group, if something happens to him.

Think about the consequences. I don’t want something like this to happen again today, no!This is the second time that this kind of thing cannot happen today!"

Feng Zimei spoke again and again.

She also understands that this cannot be entirely blamed on the two of them. Faced with such a situation, people's instinctive reaction is to run away immediately.

"Miss, if there is another time, we will definitely die before the young master!"

Song Changying nodded vigorously and said.

"Idiot, who said you should die, I just said, you should know how to protect the young master!"

Feng Zimei gave these two people a glance.

The curse is over, the next step is to deal with Wang Yi's affairs.


China, Jiangdu:

"Fuck, you two are kidnapping, no, you three! You three are kidnapping!"

Wang Yi woke up on the way to Jiangdu, and when he saw Song Changying two people, he immediately roared.

Don't dare to shout Feng Zimei, don't you dare to shout these two guys?

Whether or not these two guys fainted themselves, they all have a share!

"This is for your own good, shut up."

A faint voice sounded in Wang Yi's heart.

"I heard it?"

Wang Yi is stupid, isn't he deaf?How can you hear the words?

"Spiritual communication, understand?"

Feng Zimei looked at Wang Yi without speaking, but Wang Yi could know what Feng Zimei wanted to say.

"Fuck, there is such a great thing!"

Wang Yi was messed up.

Why didn't I know this kind of good stuff before? You don't need to open your mouth when you scold someone!

It's over if you scold in your heart...

If Feng Zimei knew what Wang Yi wanted to do with this kind of thing, Wang Yi would be alive and angry.

"I'll take you to find someone who can cure your disease, so just stay with me honestly!"

Feng Zimei spoke faintly, and then glanced at Wang Yi with a hint of threat.

"Take me there, just go, this look is what you want to do."

Wang Yi was helpless.

I'm not a god, can these three people run away in front of me?

"By the way, who is that person?"

Wang Yi's gaze fell on the whale sitting opposite.

The benefits of lengthening the Lincoln were manifested at this time. One car directly installed all five people including Wang Yi.

"She? Going to the doctor too, she can't talk."

Feng Zimei glanced at Whale Landing.

Wang Yi didn't know, she naturally knew.

Before leaving, Jingluo had already agreed with them, don't tell Wang Yi about her identity.

As for talking, just say that I went to heal with Wang Yi and it was over.

Wang Yi's eyes were mimicked, the golden light in his eyes flashed, and he looked towards the whale landing.

"What do you want to do?"

Before Wang Yi could watch, Feng Zimei walked over and blocked Wang Yi's vision.

"You are so impolite, you are a girl, I don't know what your eyes can do?"

"No, eldest sister, I just look at what's behind her mask. I always feel that this person is very familiar to me."

Wang Yi quickly explained.

I don't know where it came from. Wang Yi always felt that the girl in front of me seemed to have seen it somewhere.

It feels familiar, but I can't remember when I saw such a person.

"You thought I would believe you, I tell you, if you mess around, your father won't let you go!"

Feng Zimei spoke and moved out Feng Duyun directly to suppress Wang Yi.

"Okay, okay, if you don't watch it, don't watch it. What is it to take out my father to press me down."

Wang Yi lost his temper all at once.

Anyway, I don’t have to go to see it. If I don’t see it, I don’t see it. If I don’t see it, I can lose a piece of my own flesh.

"Just be honest."

Feng Zimei nodded and did not continue to block Wang Yi's vision.

After Feng Zimei left, Wang Yi's gaze immediately fell on the opposite Whale Luo.

But this time, Wang Yi did not intend to use his eyes to open up his eyes.

Feng Zimei said to myself, if I dare to open Yang Eyes, my father won't let him go, so I can't be stupid and insist on watching, right?

"Can't you talk?"

Wang Yi looked at the masked whale landing and spoke softly.,

The whale nodded and sat motionless.

"Then what's your name?"

Wang Yi continued to ask.

Whale Luo hesitated for a moment, as if thinking of a better name for himself.

It took a full minute before Jingluo took out a notebook and wrote the words Xunluo on the notebook.

"What are these two words?"

Wang Yi looked at the two characters in the notebook, confused.

"Master, read this word "Xinluo."

The voice of Tianlong resounded in Wang Yi's heart.

"What? Whale falling?"

After Wang Yi heard it, he almost didn't get up from his seat.

If Wang Yi stands up excitedly, it is estimated that his brain will come into close contact with the roof of the car.

"Young Master, it's Xunluo, not Jingluo!"

Tianlong quickly reminded Wang Yi to wake up.

Wang Yi just calmed down his feelings.

These two words are so similar that I thought I heard the name of Whale Luo.

The whale on the opposite side saw Wang Yi's expression with a smile on his face under the mask.

Sure enough, Wang Yi was still worried about himself.

"Sorry, I'm so gagged, it's really your name, very similar to a friend of mine."

Wang Yi touched his head and smiled apologetically at Whale Luo.

This person is what Feng Zimei said, even the old man would not let him go if he moved!

Just thinking about identity is not easy!That's why Wang Yi apologized...

The whale shook his head slightly.

But inadvertently, Wang Yi saw a small mole on the white neck behind the mask after the whale fell and shook his head.

My heart fluctuated wildly, and finally it was suppressed.

The person in front of me has nothing to do with Whale Luo. Just his figure is stronger than Whale Luo...

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