"Shut up, you, if you want to die faster, continue to expose your position!"

Wang Yi yelled out of anger.

"It's up to you."

Jiang Changhong didn't speak anymore. He had also practiced before, knowing that as long as he dared to expose his position, those guys would definitely find himself immediately.

"Long shadow, light up!"

Wang Yi roared, Song Changying understood in an instant, and swept out, all the lights in the front row went out!

Suddenly, the area where Wang Yi and the others were located became completely dark!

But this does not affect Wang Yi. Wang Yi's eyes can see things that others can't.


Suddenly, there was a burst of sound around Wang Yi!


Wang Yi made a fist with one hand, and the flames above his fist shook him fiercely!

But Wang Yi's fist fell on the air and it was of no use!

"I wipe it!?"

Wang Yi quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of Jiang Changhong.

There was already someone who quickly came to Jiang Changhong's front.

Even if it is completely dark, for these people, it is only a weak influence.

"Hehehe, take your head and get the money."

The man sneered, the dagger in his hand emitted a clear light!

At this moment, blood bursts!

The person from whom the blood came was not Jiang Changhong, but that person!

The man turned his head back hard and glanced at the wonderful girl beside him.


It was Whale Falling who killed him.

But the whale fell in the hand, but there was no weapon in sight, it could even be said to be empty!

"I told you so, don't trouble me."

Jiang Changhong smiled helplessly, these guys, dare to run to his face alone without waiting for his teammates?

"Song Changying!"

Wang Yi shouted, and Song Changying came back quickly from a distance.

After lighting the lights all the way, Song Changying was at least a hundred meters away from Wang Yi!

For these killers, this distance can only be reached in an instant!


Two figures appeared again, but they were stopped by the whale falling!

With precautions this time, the daggers in the hands of these two men pierced the whale first!


With two crisp noises, Wang Yi had already arrived in front of Whale Luo, and two daggers were inserted along Wang Yi's sleeves.

Fortunately, Wang Yi twisted, which meant that his clothes slipped and did not cause him any harm!


At the same time, Song Changying also arrived, grabbing a person's neck and twisting hard!

The two people did not expect Song Changying to be so fast, at a distance of 100 meters, Song Changying arrived almost instantly!

"Master, are you okay?"

Song Changying looked at Wang Yi and asked.

"It's okay."

Wang Yi waved his hand.

In the distance, you can see the figures of the two Tianlong rushing crazy, as long as you hold on for more than ten seconds!

Bang bang bang!

However, this time, the few remaining people saw that the situation was not good and took out their guns directly!

Song Changying was not afraid of this thing, but apart from him, in the eyes of other people, it was a god of death!


At the moment the firearms were fired, the taxi in the distance suddenly fluttered sideways in front of a few people, who squatted down.

Just now, Honghe and his party had squatted there and hadn't moved before, just waiting for the other party to draw a gun!

At this moment, Tianlong and Fengzimei have also arrived!

Wang Yi crouched behind the taxi, and they could not help shaking their heads listening to the screams coming from there.

"Oh, why bother."

All of this happened in a short period of ten seconds.

In just ten seconds, the life and death of two people can be determined. At least it seems that Jiang Changhong and Jiang Changsheng are not yet dying.

"Fuck! It's scary!"

Jiang Changhong gave a strange cry and patted his chest.

"Don't pretend, you don't panic at all, I can see it."

Wang Yi gave him an angry look.

This guy pretends to be quite alike, but he can see that although his mouth is screaming, there is no sense of panic in his eyes!

"Cut, you are boring like this."

Jiang Changhong made a cut.

I have worked so hard to pretend for a long time, but Wang Yi can tell at a glance that I don't want face.

"Master, it's all done!"

Soon, the voice of Tianlong came over.

Wang Yi stood up and looked at the bloody corpses on the ground.

"How do I feel, the strength of these people is so weak and outrageous..."

With that said, Wang Yi began to look around with open eyes.

Suddenly, Wang Yi's eyes stopped moving. He saw Whale Luo's body. Through the mask, he saw Whale Luo's face.,

Wang Yi trembling all over, pointed at the whale falling.

Whale Luo also seemed to realize that he was being spotted, and was a little bit at a loss when standing still.

In the next moment, Wang Yi rushed towards Whale Luo, who was at a loss and his heartbeat increased rapidly.


A gunshot echoing in the tunnel!

At the entrance of the tunnel where they had just entered, there was another person standing there!

This person fired at Jiang Changhong, and he was hiding in a dark corner, and Wang Yi could only see it just now with his Yang eyes open!

But it's too late. In Wang Yi's seriousness, the speed of the bullet can even be seen.


A sound that penetrated the flesh and blood sounded, and Honghe suddenly fell down!

At the critical moment, Hong He took the lead to come to the back of the whale landing. The smell of the professional special forces made him aware of the danger.

It’s just a pity that it’s too late to say, I can only use my body to help the whale fall and block this shot...

"Red River!"

Wang Yi reacted and hurriedly rushed towards the Red River and caught the Red River the moment it fell to the ground.

"Song Changying! What are you waiting for!"

Tianlong also yelled out loudly. Only he and Song Changying were the fastest, and Song Changying was just not far away from that guy.


Song Changying's reaction turned into a flash of lightning, and he was in front of the guy who shot the shot just now!


Under the slap, that guy directly fanned Song Changying into a coma!


Song Changying cursed, he was about to kill the protection.

"Song Changying, stop, this guy wants to keep it!"

After Tianlong saw it, he quickly stopped Song Changying.

"No, this guy has shot, and you still have to keep it, your brain is flooded?"

Song Changying looked at Tianlong and then at the Red River with blood flowing in Wang Yi's arms.

"This is the only witness, you must keep it!"

Tianlong snorted again, Song Changying gritted his teeth, punched the ground next to him, and cracked the ground.

In the end, he stopped. Tianlong was right. This is the only living thing and must be kept...

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