
Wang Yiwanquan did not expect that Whale Land would react like this.

I thought that Whale Land would say to go with him no matter what, but now, he is trapped.

"Master, I found out that you really did it!"

Tianlong came to Wang Yi and said softly.

"What do you mean?"

Wang Yi asked.

"People don't plan to ask you anymore. You still look like this. How sad you are!"

Song Changying also came up.

He doesn't understand, isn't this a good thing?

Why does Wang Yi still have such an expression...

"You don't understand, I actually want to go with the whale."

Wang Yi smiled helplessly and said.

"What? Master, are you thinking about it? Are you planning to take the lady with you?"

Song Changying cried out immediately.

How can you bring a female family with such a dangerous thing?

"Is this dangerous? Isn't it just talking? I don't believe it, he said he would dare to attack me, the young master of Tianshan Group."

Wang Yi cast a blank look at Song Changying and said.

"Master, if you say that, there seems to be no problem."

Song Changying heard Wang Yi say this, although he wanted to refute, but he really couldn't find any reason to refute him.

Just like what Wang Yi said, he and Yan Wushuang only asked for help.

If Yan Wushuang had started on Wang Yi because of this, Tianshan Group would definitely clean up Wushuang City!

No matter what the price is paid, Wushuang City will not exist in China!

"Brother, I won't go anymore. I still have an unfinished task on my body. This task was given to me by my father. I must complete it!"

Whale falling heard this and shook his head slowly.

Wang Yi took a deep breath, and sure enough, the thing he worried the most had happened.

The reason why he wanted to take Whale Land with him was because he was worried about whether there were other tasks on Whale Land.

If this is the case, the whale fall will be very dangerous.

Wang Yi would rather let the whale fall by his side than let the whale fall face the danger alone.

"Don't worry, brother, I will be fine!"

Whale Luo smiled at Wang Yi and said.

"Master, you figure it out, now the strength of the young lady is better than you don't know how much!"

Song Changying began to persuade Wang Yi.

"I still need you to tell me this?"

Wang Yi glanced at Song Changying, and said grimly.

"Uh, isn't this to remind you? Now the young lady is a master of Ningyuan, and you haven't even reached the fixed interest rate."

Song Changying touched her nose and continued to speak, but immediately she didn't dare to speak after seeing Wang Yi looking at him about to kill.

"You said you, when can you manage your own mouth."

Tianlong laughed at Song Changying.

"Oh? Then your mouth is very strict? Do you need me to give you an aftertaste of the chairman's affairs?"

Song Changying's unhappy gaze fell on Tianlong in the next second.

This guy is still thinking about himself, but I don't know who said the strength of the chairman last time.

"Uh, isn't this all an accident?"

The corners of Tianlong's mouth twitched slightly.

"Can you two shut up? In front of me, you two have been forced to talk for a long time, so annoying!"

Wang Yi was annoyed.

These two people talked every time when he was talking, so they really didn't regard themselves as masters?

"Master, we were wrong!"

Both of them bowed to Wang Yi and admitted their mistakes.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you, come with me first."

Wang Yi waved his hand, and now it is not the question of the two men's mouths being investigated.

Pulling the whale aside for himself, Wang Yi asked.

"Whale falling, tell me, what mission are you going to perform!"

"Brother, I can't say this, you know."

The whale fell into a dilemma for a while.

When she came out of the Tianshan Group, Feng Duyun repeatedly urged her that she must not speak out her mission, especially to Wang Yi!

Now Wang Yi, as his elder brother, asked himself out of worry, whether he would say it or not...

"Whale falling, I don't mean anything else. I'm just worried about you. Isn't that okay?"

Wang Yi continued.,

Although I don't know what the task is, such secrecy is definitely dangerous.

As the young master of the Tianshan Group, he also received a task, but it was just a task to occupy the noble district.

My own task is so difficult, and the task of the whale landing will definitely not be easy anywhere!

"Brother, you don't need to worry about me, I am amazing now!"

Jingluo smiled at Wang Yi and told Wang Yi not to worry about himself.

But the more she was like this, the more worried Wang Yi was.

This kind of happiness that was lost and recovered, Wang Yi doesn't want to become never seen!

"Be careful, I will never be separated from you again after I have done what I have to do!"

Wang Yi spoke.

When I met, I said I would never leave, but the result was always unsatisfactory.

It’s always difficult...

There are too many things beyond his control, and he is still too weak now.

"Brother, don't worry, I will be able to complete my task soon, and I will go to the West to find you!"

The whale nodded and nodded vigorously!


Wang Yi stepped forward and hugged the whale with force, as if he would never be able to hold the person in his arms again.

"Brother, you hurt me!"

Whale Luo quickly broke free from Wang Yi's embrace, and looked at Wang Yi with dissatisfaction with his small eyes.

"Um, sorry, sorry."

Wang Yi apologized again and again.

Seeing Wang Yi like this in front of him, Jingluo couldn't help laughing.

"You go quickly, in case your business is delayed, it's a big deal, and I can't bear the responsibility."

When the whale fell, Wang Yi hesitated for a moment, and finally turned and left.

Since the whale didn't say anything, he didn't bother to ask so much.

Even if you know it, what can you do?Even if you know that whales are dangerous, can you let go of your own tasks?

After all, there are still many lives in my body that need to be saved by myself...

But what Wang Yi didn't know was that after he left, Jingluo looked at his back and put a hand on his heart.

A trace of pain appeared on Whale Luo's brow.

This kind of pain is not the pain of recurring heart disease, but the heartache from the heart.,

As for why there is such a heartache, Jingluo himself doesn't know.

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