According to the documents Jiang Changhong gave to Wang Yi, the place where their four brothers and the chairman of Dijiang Group met was actually placed on an island in China!

Coincidentally, this island is also a private island of Dijiang Group.

Although it belongs to the Dijiang Group, in the entire Dijiang Group, apart from the chairman and a few high-level officials, no one can get on the island.

On the island now, Jiang Changqing is already waiting.

In the villa by the beach, Jiang Changqing sighed while looking at the sea level surging in the distance.

"Oh, third brother, I can't kill you like this, it seems that you are alive."

After speaking, Jiang Changqing walked out of the villa and came to the beach outside.

At this time, Jiang Changhong's boat had arrived.

After getting off the boat, the first thing Jiang Changhong saw was the person he least wanted to see.

"Jiang Changqing, are you waiting for me here?"

"Third brother, what you said is wrong, how should you call me eldest brother?"

Jiang Changqing smiled and said.,

"Call you big brother? Your big brother sent someone to assassinate your younger brother?"

Jiang Changhong sneered at Jiang Changqing's smile.

"I also think that what you did, eldest brother, is indeed a bit too much. If you want to kill us, I am afraid that if my father finds out, he should be angry?"

Jiang Changsheng also got off the boat and walked to Jiang Changhong and said.

"Haha, brother, when did I say I was going to kill you? When did you assassinate you?"

Jiang Changqing chuckled.

He may have forgotten it, but Jiang Changsheng can't, he can't forget it all his life.

If it weren't for Wang Yi before, he is already dead now.

If Jiang Changqing's plan is completed as scheduled, after killing himself, Jiang Changhong will be the next one.

Only Jiang Changhe is the one who robs him for rights. Obviously Jiang Changhe cannot be Jiang Changqing's opponent!

It's just a pity that none of his plans have been realized. Not only are they all alive now, even Jiang Changhong has returned to the Dijiang Group.

"Haha, I'll know everything when my father comes."

Jiang Changqing laughed, turned and left.

Seeing Jiang Changqing's smile like this, Jiang Changhong and the two looked at each other, both of them couldn't understand why Jiang Changqing could still laugh.

"This guy is not stupid, right?"

Jiang Changhong said something.

"God knows, I'll know when my father comes."

Jiang Changsheng shook his head. He couldn't understand either. It was obvious that Jiang Changqing himself was at a disadvantage now, and he made himself the same as having a great advantage.

"Still be careful, God knows what medicine this guy bought in the gourd."

Jiang Changhong spoke.

I have to say, I still have to beware of Jiang Changqing, this guy's secret methods are so scary.

"I think if my father is here, he won't be able to make a lot of waves. Is it possible that you are still afraid that he won't be able to do it in front of his father?"

Jiang Changsheng spoke.

In front of his father, he believed that even if Jiang Changqing wanted to kill Jiang Changhong, there would be no way.

"What I worry about is that it is not Jiang Changqing who will kill me, but my father!"

Jiang Changhong hesitated and spoke softly.


Jiang Changsheng was shocked by Jiang Changhong.

It was his father who wanted to kill him. How could this be possible!When his father let him leave the Dijiang Group, how could he still kill him?

"You don't understand, you will know then."

Jiang Changhong shook his head helplessly. What he said was the truth, but Jiang Changsheng still didn't understand it...

Not only him, even Jiang Changsheng, will be involved...


One day later, waves appeared on the calm sea again.

The four Jiang Changqing brothers came to the beach at the same time.

Now the four of them are on the island, and the one on the island now is naturally their father, the chairman of Dijiang Group!

Soon the boat stopped on the shore and looked at the person walking off the boat. The three men bent over at the same time. Only Jiang Changhong stood on the spot with his waist straight!

He is not a member of the Dijiang Group, so there is no reason to salute!

A middle-aged man with a Chinese character face walked off the boat, looked at the three people who had bent down, and then looked at Jiang Changhong.

"Why don't you salute?"

The voice of the middle-aged man is very majestic, and makes people feel the urge to bow down.

"I am not a member of the Dijiang Group, nor your son. You personally drove me out, so I'm not polite and there is no problem, right?"

Jiang Changhong spoke slightly.

Jiang Changqing's face was about to burst into laughter, bending over.

In front of his father, Jiang Changhong is still so arrogant. Isn't this what is going on?

"Oh? Listening to what you mean, it seems to have a big opinion on me?"

The middle-aged man did not get angry, but looked at his third son with interest.

With his identity as the chairman of the Dijiang Group and his news channel, he knew everything Jiang Changhong did in the West!

He also didn't expect that a person who had lost his cultivation base could actually do something like this in a place like the Western Realm.

"Opinions don't count, I'm just stating the facts."

Jiang Changhong continued to speak softly.

Facing his so-called father, he didn't sigh at all, he had driven himself out of the Dijiang Group.

It was the follow-up who drove himself out of the Dijiang Group. There was no regret on the face of his so-called father!

Want to recognize him now?Isn't this a foolish dream?

"Yes, I have learned a lot in the long time outside, go to the meeting room on the island to gather, wait for me, Jiang Changhong stay alone!"

The middle-aged man spoke, and Jiang Changqing nodded again and again.

No one of the three dared to stop or say anything about the decision he made.

After all, the three of them now face their father. Besides their father, more importantly, it is the chairman of Dijiang Group!

"What are you leaving me for?"

Jiang Changhong watched the three leave, and set his eyes on the middle-aged man.

"I want to chat with you alone, why? No?"

The middle-aged man chuckled lightly, his tone of voice was not much turbulent.

"Of course it can, but I don't know. What is there to talk about between you, the chairman of Dijiang Group, and a little man of mine?"

Jiang Changhong spoke slightly.

"Talk about why you were expelled from the Dijiang Group by me."

The middle-aged man said, looking at Jiang Changhong’s expression,

However, Jiang Changhong's expression remained unchanged, and if he had changed, Jiang Changhong might jump up straight.

But now, Jiang Changhong is used to these things...

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