If Jiang Ditian's thoughts were known to the Tianshan Group, he would probably come to Dijiang Group in annoyance.

It's too fucking too much. If you say this, it's better to let the Dijiang Group directly fight the Tianshan Group.

In this case, at least there will be no other hypocrisy.

"Father, I think you are indeed right to think this way, but is Tianshan Group really that easy to deal with?"

Jiang Changqing asked if he could.

"It's simple. The elder of the Tianshan Group is called Wang Yi, right? I heard that Wang Yi has a good relationship with Jiang Changhong."

With that said, Jiang Ditian put his gaze on Jiang Changhong.


Jiang Changhong's eyes really hit him with Wei Mi.

The relationship between myself and Wang Yi is indeed good, and they are two people who have experienced some things together.

Because of this, Wang Yi also believed in himself very much. He wanted to catch himself and start from Wang Yi. As his father, he thought very well.

"I don't agree, I am not a member of the Dijiang Group now, why should I help the Dijiang Group!"

Jiang Changhong refused without thinking.

"Presumptuous, in front of your father, you dare to speak like this, since you are not a member of the Dijiang Group, then get out now!"

Before Jiang Changqing spoke, Jiang Changhe yelled out.

Obviously, these two guys have already discussed, and they want to humiliate Jiang Changhong in front of Jiang Ditian.

"I also said that if you want to join the Dijiang Group, you can join now.

By the way, I can help you restore your blood, and even I can make you the vice chairman of Dijiang Group!Become the next chairman candidate!"

Jiang Ditian spoke, and everyone took a breath.

Unexpectedly, in order to deal with Tianshan Group, Jiang Ditian was willing to release bait like this!

The position of the vice chairman of Dijiang Group, one person is below 10,000!

Jiang Changqing has been coveting this position for a long time, and he hasn't seen the opportunity to go up yet, because he has never even had the opportunity to go up!

But now, as long as Jiang Changhong nodded, he would be able to achieve this position immediately!

How could this make Jiang Changqing angry!

"Father, the position of the vice chairman is not a trivial matter, and Jiang Changhong has now left the Dijiang Group for so long.

I don't know some things in the Dijiang Group. Why don't you let me try?"

Jiang Changqing spoke quickly, if he missed this opportunity, in case Jiang Changhong agreed.

Then the position of Vice Chairman of Dijiang Group will really be robbed by Jiang Changhong.

"Hehe, just you? Can you go down to the West Realm to where he is now when your cultivation base is abolished? Can you mingle with the young master of the Tianshan Group?"

Jiang Ditian sneered.

How could he not know Jiang Changqing's activities behind the scenes?

Forget it before, but now he needs Jiang Changqing to help him deal with the Tianshan Group.

In other words, as long as Jiang Changhong agrees, if Jiang Changqing still wants to deal with Jiang Changhong, it is against him!

"I... don't agree!"

Jiang Changhong spoke softly.

After everyone heard the news, their inner reactions were different.

Jiang Changsheng had long thought that Jiang Changhong would not agree to it. As for the two of Jiang Changqing and Jiang Changhe, they all had a smile in their hearts.

If Jiang Changhong agreed to this, they would be sad to live in the Dijiang Group.

Jiang Changhong, who has become the vice chairman, will inevitably rely on his own power to deal with both of them.

As for Jiang Ditian, because of the need for Jiang Changhong, he would not have any opinion on Jiang Changhong's actions.

All of this was foreseeable, but Jiang Changhong did not agree, and it made them two not expect.

After all, it seemed to them that there was really no reason not to agree to this kind of thing.


Obviously Jiang Ditian didn't expect Jiang Changhong to refuse without thinking, and asked.

Anyway, you fucking think about it anyway?It was a shame for him to refuse in this way...

"Because I don't want to deal with the young master of the Tianshan Group because of the Dijiang Group. I can deal with the Tianshan Group, but I can't deal with Wang Yi."

Jiang Changhong spoke.

For Wang Yi, he always has an obsession.

Anyone can deal with Wang Yi, but he can't!

He owes Wang Yi a little too much.

If he sees Wang Yi too much, he must remember what he owes Wang Yi. Under these circumstances, how to deal with Wang Yi.

"What about you, Changsheng? Let you be the vice chairman?"

Jiang Ditian nodded and looked at Jiang Changsheng.

What a fuck, what a fuck!

Jiang Changqing was about to be blown up.

Even if it is the ranking, it should be your turn, right?

I actually got in touch with Jiang Changhong and Jiang Changsheng, but I didn't mean to find myself as the chairman of the board. Isn't this annoying?

"Father, I didn't mean anything like that, and I couldn't attack Wang Yi either. He is my friend!"

Jiang Changsheng also refused without even thinking about it.

Without Wang Yi, he would be dead now, and he would not have the opportunity to sit here and talk to his father.


Looking at Jiang Changqing's expression now, it is very funny.

This guy is looking forward to the next one, is he going to ask himself what will happen when he becomes the vice chairman.

If this is the case, he immediately agreed, without even thinking about it.

But Jiang Ditian didn't mean it was his turn at all, he just sighed helplessly.

"Oh, neither of you are willing, then I'll talk about it."

"Changsheng, you now have more than half of the equity in the aristocratic district, right? You can say that these equity are all for Wang Yi, right?"

Jiang Ditian looked at Jiang Changsheng and asked coldly.

Jiang Changsheng didn't speak, and Jiang Changqing's expression suddenly collapsed.

Half of the equity was acquired by Wang Yi. This is a serious crime in the Dijiang Group!

Get the equity in your hands and then return it to Wang Yi?

"Also, Jiang Changhong, your purpose is also to destroy the Dijiang Group. Also, you want me to die, right?"

Seeing Jiang Changsheng did not speak, Jiang Ditian continued to focus on Jiang Changhong.


Jiang Changhong's fists clenched suddenly.

My purpose is still seen by this father, not surprising, as the chairman of Dijiang Group, it is not too strange to be able to see these things...

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