
The door was slowly pushed open, and Wang Yi led Song Changying into the office.

As soon as he entered, Wang Yi saw that someone had already taken his seat.

There was a burst of anger in my heart.

Grandma's, this seems to be your own office, right?

In your own office, occupying your own position, you still have your legs crossed?

"Master, calm down."

The two Song Changying only glanced at Wang Yi's expression, and they knew what Wang Yi was thinking, and they quickly dissuaded them.

The people in Tianjitang are not easy to provoke, and looking at the back of the person sitting in Wang Yi's position, they seem so familiar.

"I said, Tianjitang people, are they so arrogant now? Just come up and take my position?"

Wang Yi simply didn't bother to pay attention to Song Changying's calmness.

The nest is occupied by others, so calm down!

"Is that what you mean by lack of temper?"

What Wang Yi didn't expect was that the old man who was talking turned his head and glanced at the young man next to him, and laughed.

"Grandpa, you have taken other people's position anyway, you must have a temper."

Hearing this sound, Wang Yi was stupid.

How could this voice sound a bit familiar?


Wang Yi gave a tentative cry.

"Brother Wang Yi!"

Sure enough, the young man who was following the old man turned around, and it was really Qintong.

But Wang Yi's attention was not on Qintong's body. Qintong just called this old man... Grandpa?

"Boy, dare to yell in front of me, you are the first, even your grandfather, dare not do this."

The old man turned his head, his gaze fell on Wang Yi, Wang Yi instantly felt like he was being stared at by countless pairs of eyes.

It seems that all his secrets have been seen through by the old man!

"Um, it turned out to be Qintong's grandfather, who met the old hall master."

After knowing the identity of the old man in front of him, Wang Yi became honest.

Just kidding, the person in front of him is not only Qintong’s grandfather, but also his immediate boss!

You can't be arrogant with him!

In case one is not good, you will lose your position as the deputy head of the Heavenly Secret Hall.

This is the only position in which he has a bit of real power, and Wang Yi can regret it if he loses his intestines!

"Don't be nervous, I just come to see my future grandson-in-law, the family."

The old man smiled and started to introduce himself.

"My name is Qin Xuan, and the master of Tianji Hall of Tianshan Group is also Qintong's grandfather. By the way, I am also your grandfather."

In the last game, Qin Xuan also specially emphasized.

Wang Yi's expression became more and more weird. Didn't Qinxuan know that he didn't want to marry Qintong?

Heaven and earth conscience, I have never said anything like that now!

"You don't need to be nervous. I'm here to tell you something about Tianjitang. As the deputy head of Tianjitang, you also need to know this."

Seeing Wang Yi seemed very nervous, Qin Xuan smiled and said.

"I'm not nervous."

Wang Yi spoke quickly.

Although he said so, Wang Yi's back was still wet with sweat.

Good deed, when I saw my father, I was not so nervous, right?

It's strange to say that when I was in front of Qin Xuan, I didn't know why, I felt like I was being watched, and I was uncomfortable.

"It's fixed interest rate, it's not bad, just broke through?"

Qin Xuan looked at Wang Yi and said.

"The juniors are not talented, and now they have only just reached the realm of fixed interest."

Wang Yi nodded, not daring to be presumptuous.

"Then you use your open eyes to look at me and see what realm I am."

Qin Xuan spoke, and Wang Yi swallowed dryly.

Can you see this by yourself?He is the master of the Tianji Hall of Tianshan Group, and his strength must be unfathomable!I can see that there is a ghost.

"Let you see, just take a look, my grandpa is very talkative."

Qintong ran up to Wang Yi, took Wang Yi's arm affectionately, and gave Qin Xuan a glance, seeming to blame Qin Xuan for making Wang Yi so nervous.

"Oh, the child has grown up, so it's not good to raise it."

Qin Xuan laughed and joked, but Wang Yi couldn't laugh at all.

The light in his eyes flickered, and under his gaze, Qin Xuan's whole person was like a ray of light, and he couldn't see anything at all.

"This is the spiritual quality! Understood?"

Qin Xuan saw Wang Yi's expression and spoke.


Wang Yi nodded, Qin Xuan's strength surpassed his imagination, and Qin Xuan's body was filled with spiritual essence!

"Okay, let me tell you about the strength of the Heavenly Mystery Hall. In the Heavenly Mystery Hall, who you can mobilize, I will give you 30 masters of Ning Yuan, plus five masters of Qi gathering, which is almost enough for you. Up."

Qin Xuan spoke, and he gave Wang Yi a big gift.

Not to mention the five Qi Gathering masters, the 30 Ning Yuan masters alone are enough for Wang Yi to do a lot of things.

"As for the higher spirit-forming powerhouse, if you don't need it now, I won't give it to you."

Qin Xuan spoke, but Wang Yi could only nod his head.

After all, Tianjitang, the other person is the hall master, and he is just a deputy hall master who has done nothing, relying on Qintong to get up.

"As for this girl, I will be by your side for the time being. You will help me take care of her. If you let me know, what did you do to sorry her, it is not me who takes care of you, but your father!"

Qin Xuan glanced at Qintong, and a word made Qintong flushed with shame.

"Grandpa Qinxuan, I don't agree with you."

Wang Yi took a deep breath. Although he knew that in front of Qin Xuan, if he said this, he was looking for death, but Wang Yi still had to say it!


Qin Xuan frowned, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped to freezing point.

His position in the Tianshan Group can be said to be the highest level of people!

Even Wang Yi's father needs to listen to some of his opinions in front of him.

But Wang Yi in front of him, actually wanted to disobey him?

"For Qintong, I still regard her as my sister, but you can rest assured, senior, I have no intention of breaking the contract. I will not refuse the marriage contract."

Wang Yi spoke lightly, his tone very firm.

The eyes of Song Changying and the two standing beside Wang Yi were full of horror. They dared to challenge Qin Xuan. Wang Yi was indeed very courageous.

But the two of them were just guards by Wang Yi's side. No matter what Wang Yi did, they could only follow.

Even if Wang Yi is now fighting with Qin Xuan, they will help Wang Yi, even if they die, they will die before Wang Yi!

This is their silent promise to Wang Yi, no matter what, as long as Wang Yi's enemy is their enemy, the enemy for life!

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