"Master, I understand."

Tianlong nodded, turned around and directly ordered the pilot to land directly.

According to Wang Yi, whoever dares to stop them from landing today will kill them today!

The Tianshan Group’s plane landed directly regardless.

Just after landing, before Wang Yi and the three got off the plane, they were already surrounded.

"Master, we seem to be surrounded."

Song Changying sat on the plane, looking through the window at the people below who surrounded them.

"Really? How do I feel, I surrounded them."

Wang Yi gave a chuckle.

"I think so too."

Tianlong nodded, and the three of them got off the plane. As soon as they got off the plane, someone came up immediately.

"Didn't you say that you will not let it land? You are breaking the rules of the Dijiang Group!"

"Here, does the Dijiang Group have the final say?"

Wang Yi walked up and looked at the person who was talking.

"Otherwise? You used the route of the Dijiang Group, but the route of the Dijiang Group was used privately without the permission of the Dijiang Group. Isn't this a bad rule?"

The person who spoke just now continued to speak.

"You dogs of the Dijiang Group, there is a Dijiang Group behind you, and you really don't put anyone in your eyes."

Wang Yi laughed disdainfully and motioned to the pilot to refuel the plane.

"I see who would dare to cheer for them today!"

As if seeing Wang Yi's thoughts, the man shouted.

This was a complete anger to Wang Yi.


A loud slap resounded throughout the audience, and Wang Yi directly slapped the face of the speaker!

"You...do you dare to hit me?"

After being slapped by Wang Yi, that person didn't even react for the first time.

"What kind of thing are you, just your identity, don't say I slap you, even if I kill you, I can stand it!"

Wang Yi said coldly, he didn't have so much time to talk nonsense with these guys.

He just wanted to quickly refuel the plane to find the whale.

Since these short-eyed guys want to stop, just hit it.

"Fuck it!"

Song Changying also walked up and kicked it up!

After being beaten by the two Wang Yi in succession, the man was finally regarded as counseling and walked away silently.

However, this does not mean that he will not continue to attack Wang Yi, and after he has withdrawn to a distance of absolute safety, he waved to the person under him.

Suddenly the dozens of people who surrounded Wang Yi rushed up.

If you want to fight, of course these people can't fight, they just want to delay Wang Yi's time.

There are so many people like this, as long as they stop Wang Yi from fueling the plane, it will be considered a success!

"General Cao of the Southern District Guard is here!"

Just when Wang Yi was about to fight these people, a shout suddenly came from a distance.

At the same time, hundreds of people hurried over from a distance!

Coming over mightily, with great momentum.

"Southern District Guard, Ye Hao's Guard?"

After Wang Yi heard it, he glanced at Song Changying.

"Hehehe, Master, you have to praise me for being smart this time?"

Song Changying chuckled, it was indeed Ye Hao he had contacted.

Although this airport is controlled by the Dijiang Group, it is also within the scope of the Southern Region. As long as it is in the Southern Region, Ye Hao's guard is the King of Heaven!

"Southern District Guard?"

Hearing this sound, those dozens of people who had planned to rush towards Wang Yi stopped at the same time.

They also know the horror of the Southern Guards.

If they are forced to ignore it, the guards under Ye Hao can take them all over the airport~!

"See Master!"

The leader of the Southern District Guard came to Wang Yi and half-kneeled towards Wang Yi respectfully, which made Wang Yi a little uncomfortable.

"See Young Master!!"

Immediately after that, the team of a hundred people, Qi Qi half-kneeled towards Wang Yi, watching Song Changying grinned for a while.

"Master, these chores, leave it to us, you should go to your own business, just these few villains, it's not worth your troubles, Master."

The leader spoke respectfully to Wang Yi, but when he looked at the dozens of people behind him, his appearance changed.

The eyes look like a wolf like a tiger!There is no doubt that he will swallow these guys alive in the next moment!

"Alright, we will leave first."

Wang Yi nodded and got on the plane. The plane taxied slowly towards the oil depot, but no one dared to stop it.

The hundreds of guards from the Southern Great Region looked at them with enthusiasm, as long as anyone dared to go up, they would rush up and tear up those who didn't open their eyes!

"This guy is quite sensible, but Ye Hao is also great. In the Southern District, he is still the number one man."

Song Changying sat on the plane and laughed.

"Nonsense, people have a team of tens of thousands of people in Nanda District, you see, where are you going to follow."

Tianlong also spoke.

Don't say it's Nanda District, even in other regions, as long as Wang Yi says something, people from other regions will come to help Wang Yi.

This is the authority of the young master of Tianshan Group in China!

"Master, we are finished, we can go on."

Soon, the replenishment of jet fuel was completed, although a little time was wasted, but fortunately, people from the Southern Region came quickly enough.

The plane left the airport, but the team of hundreds had no intention to leave.

"Your master is gone, are you still going?"

The airport manager who was clamoring with Wang Yi just now saw that the people in Nanda were still not leaving, and said with a frown.

"Go? You blocked the young master of Tianshan Group and wasted so much time. Do you think you can live better?"

The leader of the Nanda District sneered, and between the beckonings, a team of hundreds of people whizzed and scattered around the airport.

The entire airport, but all the planes that have not yet taken off, were all forced to stop by them.

"Find someone for me! Find someone from the Dijiang Group!"

The leader of the Southern Region ordered again.

This is the death order he received from Ye Hao, no matter what, the people of the Dijiang Group should be left at the airport!

At least within three days, this airport will not allow any more aircraft to take off and land!

All this is for Wang Yi to make plans, the people of Dijiang Group must be at the airport!When Wang Yi leaves, the people of the Dijiang Group will also leave.

If these people from the Dijiang Group are allowed to leave the airport safely, they will not go to trouble with Wang Yi again, and delay Wang Yi's time.

Time is extremely precious to Wang Yi now!

"you dare!"

The person in charge of the airport shouted, wanting to stop, the next moment...


A gunshot resounded throughout the tarmac!

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