At the time when Wang Yi was going to King Cunning Island, on King Cunning Island:

"Qin Xiaotian! How much money did you take away from the Tianshan Group?"

A loud roar came from a villa on the Isle of Kings.

"How much money can I take away, how much money can I take away, don't you have any points in Xuanwuyan's heart?"

The person called Qin Xiaotian was the target of this whale landing.

It's just that there is an extra person opposite him now, this person is the former owner of the island of King Deception.

"You ran to me and brought a troublesome character with you. Are you not afraid that the Tianshan Group will directly oppress the territory?"

Xuan Wuyan spoke coldly, looking at Qin Xiaotian in front of him, he had the idea of ​​wanting to hand over this guy directly.

"Hehe, we are people on a rope now. If I die, you will not end well. After all, I bought you the money for King Strange Island. I am not afraid to tell you that this money is Tianshan Group. Money!"

Qin Xiaotian chuckled. Anyway, things have reached the point they are today, and there is no need to hide anything.

"You want to kill me together!"

Xuan was furious.

"Eh, not necessarily, I have made contact with the Dijiang Group. If the Tianshan Group is looking for trouble, the Dijiang Group will support it. What are you worried about?"

Qin Xiaotian was not in a hurry, but laughed.

He himself is a member of the Dijiang Group, and leaving with Tianshan Group's money is also the meaning of the Dijiang Group.

Tianshan Group really hates him, but isn't there another Dijiang Group that will keep him?

"You are a member of Dijiang Group, but I am not! Dijiang Group protects you, what the hell shall I do?"

Xuan was speechless and gritted his teeth.

You are good, there is a Dijiang Group behind you, I have nothing!

Even the hands of these people on the Isle of King Cunning had worked so hard to pull them together.

"Don't forget, I gave you the money in the first place, so you can have such an island. Recently, you have done looting at sea, right?"

Qin Xiaotian laughed and said.


Xuan Wuyan was about to vomit blood because of Qin Xiaotian's anger, but there was nothing to do with Qin Xiaotian.

Qin Xiaotian is a member of the Dijiang Group, supported by the Dijiang Group behind him, and now he needs to rely on Qin Xiaotian to survive in the hands of the Tianshan Group.

He can guarantee that as long as he and Qin Xiaotian break away, Tianshan Group will be the first to destroy himself!

"Your only way to survive now is to stand with me. That little girl is on the island now. Do you need me to teach you how to do it?"

Qin Xiaotian looked very reasonable, Xuan Wuyan's teeth tickled for a while, but there was nothing to do with the guy in front of him.

"It's actually simple. As long as we catch this little girl, we have a way for Tianshan Group. If we can't catch it, I don't care. I just leave. Anyway, it's the same when I return to Dijiang Group. It's different. If you can't catch people, you will die..."

Qin Xiaotian sneered, his face full of disgusting stench.

From beginning to end, he just used Xuan Wuyan as his own means.

When he bought Xuan Wuyan's money for King Deception Island, he had already thought of everything.

"Come on, seal up the entire island for me and search for people!"

Xuan Wuyan gritted his teeth, called a few of his men, and gave orders.

"Yes, you still know what to do."

Qin Xiaotian came up, smiled and patted Xuan Wuyan on the shoulder, and after speaking, turned and left.

Watching Qin Xiaotian leave and his back, Xuan Wuyan made fists with both hands, wishing to rush up to beat this guy immediately.

Compared with the people of Tianshan Group, these people of Dijiang Group are obviously more disgusting.

It's just a pity that I have already been fooled by this guy, and I have no choice but to go to the dark one way!


At this time, the whale landed in a valley above the Isle of King Guilt.

At this time, the whale fell, and his complexion looked a little pale.

While pursuing Qin Xiaotian, she was wounded by Qin Xiaotian and was forced to the island, and even the means to contact the Tianshan Group had been lost.

According to the Tianshan Group's intelligence, Qin Xiaotian was just a spiritual cultivator in the realm of fixed breath.

But when she confronted Qin Xiaotian head-on, she discovered what fixed-rate realm Qin Xiaotian was, and she was clearly a master of Ning Yuan!

And he was the kind of Ning Yuan master who had already stepped into the Qi Gathering Realm with one foot.

Faced with such a master, Whale Fall will be defeated, which is also expected.


Whale Land was sitting under a big tree in the valley, and what emerged in his mind was the figure of Wang Yi.

Now Wang Yi, where is he doing something... Maybe he can't accompany Wang Yi anymore...

When I think of this, Whale Landing wants to live infinitely.

It's just a pity that the injuries she received were so serious that even if she was a spiritual practitioner who came to a fixed-rate realm, she might not have been able to fight it.

Although she can still deal with ordinary people easily now, but what she needs to face is the thousands of people on the Isle of Kings.

And these thousands of people, everyone is well equipped!

For the time being, she has not been found yet. Once found, her destiny will basically end...

"I hope Tianshan Group can realize that I am still on the island and the mission has failed."

Jingluo murmured and began to recover from his injuries.

When she came out of Tianshan Group, she brought a lot of medicinal materials.

Give her some time, it is not difficult to recover from the injury, but now, how much time is there for her to recover from the injury...

"I left something, at least... After I die, my brother will know."

Jingluo suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the big tree beside him.

call out!

A dagger suddenly appeared in Whale's hands, and a few large characters were carved on the tree quickly.

Looking at the line of words he left on the tree, two lines of clear tears slowly slipped down from the corner of the whale's eyes.

I hope my brother can see the words he left...

Regardless of whether these things will reveal your whereabouts, as long as the other party is willing to spend a little time looking for it, he will definitely find himself!

When the whale turned and left, the big characters on the tree were very eye-catching and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Please don't wait, always accompany the words, the final answer..."

Just a few words showed how desperate the whale fell.

She still didn't know that Wang Yi, who she was thinking of, was flying in her direction...

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