"Money, money..."

Sitting in his office, Wang Yi looked melancholy.

If you want to rob yourself, you are good at making money, you are really inexperienced...

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Jingluo came to Wang Yi's side and asked, tilting his head.

"Nothing, poor."

Wang Yi shook his head, and immediately laughed after talking, covering his mouth.

"Brother, don't be joking, you won't be poor if anyone is poor, okay, you are the young master of the Tianshan Group, if you are poor, there will be no rich people!"

"I am really poor, and I know for the first time that it takes so much money to raise so many people."

Wang Yi smiled bitterly.

I was rich before because I didn’t have many people at all.

Now that there are more staff, the money is like it's not own, and it's out of the net.

"Isn't it money? Go to the ghost market, what money can't you get?"

Before Jingluo spoke, Xing Bo stepped in from outside.

"Are you finally willing to come?"

Wang Yi raised his eyebrows and stood up.

"Haha, shouldn't I tell you about the relationship? Don't you have meteorite gold in your hand? It's worth a lot of money if you sell it. If others don't say it, Qiantang will definitely buy it."

Xing Bo smiled and said with a smile.

"Shut up, you know that I can't let go of this thing."

Wang Yi spoke out of anger,

This falling gold was ups and downs, I don't know how much it took to get it for himself. If he sells this thing, he is afraid that it will go up and down to find himself desperately.

"I'll get in touch with you, and they said they would add you, but according to the gossip, Jiang Changqing and Qiantang have also contacted him. If you want to get the support of his ghost city casino, you can figure it out."

Xing Bo opened his mouth and told Wang Yi about his busy life.

"After doing it for a long time, you still told me that someone would rob me?"

Wang Yi is speechless, what's the difference between saying this and not saying it?

"Do you think you can get what you want so easily? These two guys are robbing you of less? What are you afraid of?"

Xing Bo just smiled.

This is not something he is worried about, he has not told Wang Yi about the more troublesome thing.

After he returned to the ghost market, he found that the news that the young master of the Tianshan Group had come to the west had spread.

Many people are already waiting for Wang Yi to trouble him when he goes to the ghost market.

Under such circumstances, Wang Yi's trip to the ghost market is no less than death.

"I'm taking it too..."

As for Wang Yi, he doesn't know these things for the time being, but is depressed by himself.

"By the way, when you go to the ghost market, remember to bring more people."

After Xing Bo reminded him, he turned and left.

"Eh! What do you mean? What does it mean to bring more people!"

Wang Yi reacted and hurriedly wanted to ask what happened, but Xing Bo didn't tell him what he meant. Instead, he speeded up his pace and left.

"This fucking!"

Wang Yi scolded, what is it?

When I came up, I told myself that Qiantang wanted to grab someone from him, and then he wanted to bring more people with him?

"Go and call Song Changying and Tianlong, as well as Ji Shi and Xidian, and let them all come over."

Wang Yi bowed his head and thought for a while, then said to the whale.

Since Xing Bo said so, he must have his own thoughts. It is better for him to follow Xing Bo's statement honestly.


Jingluo asked, she thought she had heard it wrong.

These people can be regarded as all the main forces around Wang Yi now, and they have all been called up at once. What does Wang Yi want to do?

"Yes, all, let them all come and find me!"

Wang Yi nodded and confirmed again.


The whale nodded and didn't ask much.

Soon, all of them were found by Whale Landing, and they stood in line in front of Wang Yi.

"It's all here, well, let me just say it briefly."

Wang Yi nodded when he saw that everyone had arrived.

"Xidian, you and Ji Shi, set out to the ghost market first, don't expose your goal, wait until I too.

Just follow quietly. As for Song Changying and Tianlong, you two, follow me, the whale will fall on you..."

Having said this, Wang Yi looked at the whale landing, the seriousness of the whale landing was full of hope.

Wang Yi could see that Jingluo wanted to go to the ghost market with him.

"Then go together, you act alone, if you are found, you will lead people to the past quarters."

Looking at the eyes of Jingluo, Wang Yi couldn't bear to let her go, so he could only speak like this.

"Haha, thank you brother, mua!"

When Jingluo heard Wang Yi let him go, he almost jumped up happily, ran to Wang Yi, and kissed Wang Yi's face!

"So many people!"

Wang Yi's face was rarely red under the gaze of several people.

"I don't understand. If so many of us, all of us are gathered together, who else would dare to do it? Why do we want to disperse? Doesn't this give them a chance?"

After a while, Ji Shi did not set off immediately, but instead looked at Wang Yi with puzzled eyes.

"I just want them to make a deal. You are all by my side. How do they make a deal? Don't you know if there is a saying that you can't make a deal?"

Wang Yi explained.

With his current strength, even if he was separated from Xidian and the others, there were not many people in the Western Realm who could deal with him.

Unless Qiantang plans to come to the West on his own, but looking at Qiantang's injury, it is obviously impossible.

"You go first, I have to wait a while."

After Wang Yi finished explaining, let Ji Shi and the others set off first. Whale Luo gave Wang Yi one last time and followed Ji Shi and them out.

In the office, Wang Yi and Song Changying were left alone.

"Master, why should we go later?"

Song Changying asked.

"This one……"

Wang Yi spoke and took out the meteorite gold fragment from his arms. The meteorite gold fragment at this time was blooming with a faint white light.

Bai Guangguang shone on Song Changying's body, Song Changying's complexion changed greatly!

"this is……"

Being illuminated by the white light, Song Changying could immediately feel the blood flow in her body much faster!

And this white light can stay in his body for a long time, making everything in his body become extremely active!

"This thing, save your life."

Tianlong gave a wry smile.

After reaching the realm of constant interest, Wang Yi was able to use some of the abilities of falling gold.

But this ability is really painful, it actually burns human potential to explode the spiritual power in a short time...

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