I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 392: Trafficking in Human Traffickers

"Can you tell me why you want me to help you destroy Fuchuan Mansion?"

Wang Yi thought for a while, then asked Xiao Mo.

"Because Fuchuan Mansion is not doing personnel affairs! The money Wang Fugui took is not clean money!"

Little Mo's forehead blue veins violently, his original fear was temporarily suppressed by hatred at this moment!

The three Wang Yi looked at each other.

If you really count it, what they do is not personnel, and the money they make is not clean money.

"What do you mean by this? Can you tell me exactly?"

Wang Yi asked.

"Wang Fugui specializes in catching children in the ghost market, then trains these people, and then sells them to the West! If you don't obey, you will be turned into a human..."

Xiao Mo lowered his head, as if thinking of something scared, the anger just disappeared.


The three Wang Yi gasped at the same time.

They all know what this so-called person is.

Cut off the limbs and encapsulate it in a jar... Excretion and food require human feeding.

To put it simply, is also called another name for a pig, a humanoid animal, this is...

"You also think he is not human, right?"

Xiao Mo noticed that Wang Yi's expressions were wrong and asked.

It seemed that it had been too long for no one to talk to, or it was because of a young man's heart that made Xiao Mo completely defenseless against Wang Yi and the others, and told them everything he knew.

"This... we are not good at evaluating."

Without waiting for Wang Yi to speak, Tianlong spoke first.

"This is also called a bad evaluation, it can't be described as a person, it's crazy!"

Wang Yi stared at Tianlong.

This Wang Fugui, treating a group of children in this way, the trafficking of human beings is fine. The fact that he is a man makes Wang Yi annoyed.

"Master, you haven't been to the prison of Tianshan Group. Once you go, you won't feel that people are cruel. You can at least eat and live."

Tianlong gave a dry cough and spoke softly.

This man sounds terrifying, but in the Tianshan Group, those guys who specialize in criminal law are much more cruel than Wang Fugui.

Many of the Tianshan Group wanted to defect from the Tianshan Group and were captured.

These people are not ordinary people, and to deal with these guys, some more terrifying methods are naturally used.

He and Song Changying were fortunate to have been there once.He can swear to heaven, that kind of place, absolutely don't want to go a second time.

Don't say yes, even if I think about it now, I feel scared.

"Speaking like hell."

Wang Yi just shook his head. He hadn't seen the Tianshan Group prison that Tianlong said, so he couldn't understand it.

However, Wang Yi has a choice in front of him.

You can choose to sit back and leave directly, or you can choose to go to the so-called Buchuan Mansion.

At the same time, Wang Yi also knew that if he chose the latter, it would not be a simple matter to look at.

I went to Buchuan Prefecture on my own, and he didn't bring out the troubles of Buchuan Prefecture...

"If I promise to help you, can you take me to the so-called Buchuan Mansion?"

Wang Yi said, looking at Xiao Mo.

"Okay! I'll take you there!"

Xiao Mo agreed without thinking about it.

"You are not afraid that I cheated you?"

Seeing that he was so decisive, Wang Yi smiled and asked.

"Not afraid!"

Xiao Mo shook his head, his face was firm.

"Master, he trusts you quite a bit."

Song Changying came up.

Now he is used to not blocking any decision made by Wang Yi. As long as Wang Yi wants to make it, they will follow!

"This is not trust, it's just that I saw the only ray of light in the dark. If I were to change, I would not hesitate."

Wang Yi shook his head.

It's just a trivial meeting of myself, where does the trust come from.

Having said that, he is the only light that Xiao Mo can see in the darkness.

Whoever changed it would follow this light without reservation.

"Master, when did you become a philosopher?"

Tianlong also smiled and walked up.

"What about you? Follow me or not?"

Seeing that both of them had come, Wang Yi smiled and asked.

"Master, what are you talking about, you have gone, can we have any reason not to go?"

Tianlong made a color towards Song Changying, and Song Changying also nodded to Tianlong.

"That's OK, let's go to this so-called Buchuan Mansion first. Before we go, we will pretend to be."

As Wang Yi spoke, he took out a black suit and put it on his body.

With his own face, he would be recognized as soon as he entered Buchuan Prefecture, and he couldn't do anything he wanted.

"They are here."

Xiao Mo turned his head, and in the direction where he was caught by Tianlong, several big men hurried over.

After seeing Xiao Mo, several big men shouted together, speeding up their pace.

When they arrived in front of Xiao Mo and saw that Xiao Mo didn't mean to run away, these big guys were all stunned.

"Boy, are you scared stupid? You didn't run away?"

One of the big guys didn't even look at Wang Yi. He walked up to Xiao Mo and picked him up.

"Let him go!"

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

"Boy, don't be nosy, this is a matter for Fuchuan Prefecture! If you intervene, your legs will be interrupted!"

The big man glared at Wang Yi ferociously, as if he wanted to scare Wang Yi away.

"I let you let go, are you deaf?"

Wang Yi continued to speak lightly, his tone already becoming a bit cold.

"What kind of thing are you, let me put...ah!!!"

The big man hadn't finished speaking, Song Changying had turned into a breeze and came to him in the blink of an eye.

With a click, the big man grabbed Xiao Mo's hand and was abruptly broken by Song Changying.

In the face of these unsightly guys, Song Changying didn't keep any hands!

"You! Who are you?!"

Seeing that his comrades were so easily resolved by Song Changying, the remaining big men took a step back in a neat manner.

"Me? I'm going to your Buchuan Mansion, this person, I bought it!"

Wang Yi stepped up, pretending to be sophisticated.

With his appearance, these big guys thought that Wang Yi was looking for Fuchuan Mansion to buy and sell those children, and they didn't think much about Wang Yi's true identity.

"What? Business is here, don't you plan to lead the way?"

Wang Yi continued to speak, and Song Changying also stepped forward.

These great men were not shocked by Wang Yi, but after seeing Song Changying step forward, they all backed away.

Several big men looked at each other and gave way to Wang Yi.


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