I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 604 I Don't Think You Have This Ability

"I understand what Tianshan Group means."

Qiantang spoke softly, but in exchange for Feng Zimei's sneer.

"You understand? No, no, you don't understand at all. Tianshan Group can tolerate and eliminate it. Although there is only a two-word gap, it should not be difficult for you to choose."

The atmosphere instantly solidified.

Feng Zimei said so, that is to point out and tell Qiantang that you must either follow the Tianshan Group and become a member of the Tianshan Group.

Or, Tianshan Group will directly enter the western territory!

"Can you fight the Tianshan Group? I don't think you have this ability."

Feng Zimei looked at Qiantang, cold sweat on his forehead.

This is the first time Tianshan Group has conveyed pressure to him.

He was almost barely threatening him, but he didn't have any ability to resist!

"Indeed, I don't have the ability to fight against the Tianshan Group, but there is one thing that I have to consider carefully. People in Xiling District also want to enter the West, how should I choose?"

Qiantang shook his head first, then fixed his gaze on Feng Zimei's body.

What Qiantang said made Feng Zimei's heart jump. People in Xiling District didn't always care about the affairs between the Tianshan Group and the West?

The peace that has lasted for decades is about to collapse overnight?

"There was a person in Xiling District who looked for me. He also has meteorite fragments. The ability in his hand is that subjective time slows down."

Qiantang spoke again, telling the Tianshan Group everything he knew.

"Subjective time slows down?"

Feng Zimei frowned, she didn't understand what Qiantang was talking about.

"This person is different from ordinary people. He is not a lingering person, nor an ordinary person. The falling gold fragments are integrated with him. In his ability, the outside time will slow down. In fact, in our eyes, it is still That way."

Qiantang spoke again, Feng Zimei became more dazed.

She didn't even understand what Qiantang's words meant.

The supervisor's time slowed down, this is a word that Feng Zimei can't understand.

"This simplicity is nothing more than making our speed and movements slow down exponentially in his eyes."

Suddenly, Wang Yi's voice came in from outside.

Hearing Wang Yi's voice, Qiantang's expression did not change much. He had known that Wang Yi had come to the West.

Hearing Wang Yi's voice, he only confirmed this.

"We understand that in our eyes, one minute is sixty seconds, but under his ability, in his view, one minute becomes 120 seconds. All our actions will change in his eyes. Slow, and he himself is not affected!"

Wang Yi's explanation was very transparent, and Feng Zimei understood Wang Yi's words almost instantly.

After understanding it, Feng Zimei became more surprised.

This is simply a magical skill!

Meteorite still has this ability. This is just the power of fragments. If it is the main body, how terrifying?

"You are willing to say this, are you planning to reach an agreement with Tianshan Group?"

Wang Yi walked to Qiantang and looked at Qiantang and asked.

"You are now the pinnacle of Qi Gathering Realm, you have the final say."

Qiantang nodded inconclusively.

Compared with the guy in Xiling District, Wang Yi obviously made Qiantang more threatened.

"If I don't have such strength now, would you still say something like this?"

Wang Yi opened his mouth and asked Qiantang, only to get a faint smile from Qiantang.

"If you are not a spiritual cultivator in the Qi Gathering Realm now, I won't care about you, do you believe it or not?"

Wang Yi was not angry when Qiantang said that.

Qiantang is right. The only thing in this world that can truly awe a person is strength.

What kind of identity he said, relying on Tianshan Group, if there is no Tianshan Group, what would he be?

However, the identity of a spiritual cultivator with the Qi-gathering realm is different. The cultivation level of a spiritual cultivator is accompanied by a lifetime!

"I naturally believe this, but I also want to know why Nanshan Mansion and Disha Palace suddenly united against you."

Wang Yi nodded and spoke calmly.

"Does this still need to be asked?"

Qiantang shrugged, if it wasn't for what Nanshan Mansion and Disha Palace wanted in his hand, the two forces would not unite against him.

This thing, Tianshan Group also wants to get, that is the initiative in the West.

The Lingjiu Peak Conference will be held soon. After the Lingjiu Peak Conference, the meteorite gold in the west will also come out.

At this juncture, whoever can master the initiative of the Western Region is equivalent to mastering the right to own meteorite gold first.

"In fact, I know why you came to the West."

Qiantang spoke again, and Wang Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Tell me."

Wang Yi wanted to know what Qiantang could say in his mouth.

"If the Tianshan Group allows Fengzimei to stay in the West, it can be seen that the Tianshan Group is unwilling to give up the achievements in the West. I believe that if the Dijiang Group is not short of manpower, they will also leave the manpower to stay in the West. "

Qiantang spoke, and said in one sentence the current situation in the West.

Wang Yi nodded inconspicuously.

Anyway, Qiantang is also the boss of the West, it is not strange to know these things.

The most important thing is that Wang Yi needs to know how Qiantang intends to look at and deal with these matters.

"What I want to know is, how do you plan to deal with the current situation in the West?"

Wang Yi did not hesitate and asked straightforwardly.

"Does this need to be asked? First, drive out the manpower of Nanshan Mansion and the Shaman Palace left in the west. Then, you have solved the problem for the Shaman Palace. Nanshan Mansion, I also have that confidence."

Qiantang spoke, his eyes stern.

These two forces have kept suppressing him.

Suppressed, he still has nowhere to vent his anger in his heart!

Before, there was no way to take advantage of these two forces, otherwise he would have killed him directly!

"It seems that you are planning to accept the cooperation of Tianshan Group?"

Wang Yi smiled and continued to speak.

"In addition to accepting the cooperation of Tianshan Group, do I have other options?"

Qiantang gave a wry smile.

If it weren't for the Tianshan Group's move, he would not even be able to resist this crisis.

If he still wants to gain a foothold in the West, he must rely on the strength of the Tianshan Group!

Qiantang is very clear about this!

Without the Tianshan Group, it would be impossible for him to keep a foothold in the Western Realm!

The most important thing is that apart from the Tianshan Group, no other forces are willing to cooperate with him.

Even the Tianshan Group chose to cooperate with Wang Yi because of his face.

He is not the kind of person who doesn't know what's good or bad. When opportunities are placed in front of him, he knows how to grasp them.

Without the support of the Tianshan Group, he is modest, and how long he can be the boss in the West is unknown!

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