"what do you mean?"

Qiantang spoke in a cold voice, and unexpectedly stood up from the chair and walked towards the youth.

"What are you doing? I look down on you! Can someone like you get involved with the Tianshan Group?"

The young man was already irritated by Wang Yi, and he yelled at him, disregarding his image and words!

"What right do you have to look down on him?"

Without giving Qiantang a chance to speak actively, Wang Yi snatched what Qiantang would say next.

Even Qiantang didn't realize that Wang Yi was helping himself to speak again.

"Because he is not worthy, he does not have the strength to match it, am I obvious enough?"

The youth spoke.

"I am in the foggy mountains, and I also have meteorite gold in my hand, and my meteorite gold is more powerful than Qiantang's, I don't know how much, why I am not qualified!"

Facing the angry youth, Wang Yi just sneered.

"Because you only think about yourself, and he, for the entire Western Territory, this point, you can't compare with him."

Suddenly, Wu Qianshan felt a little lost.

There is no huge gap between the meteorite gold, every piece of meteorite gold fragment is peeled off from the main body.

No fragment of meteor gold is useless.

But the gap between them is not without it. Qiantang’s meteorite gold is all used to stabilize the strength of the Western Territory.

On the other hand, he is almost used to enhance his own strength.

From this point of view, Qiantang is better than him. I don't know how much.

The power to use meteorite gold for himself is indeed very strong, but Wang Yi looks down on such a person!

"I can't go, as long as you prove that you can make the Western Realm better than it is now under your leadership."

Qiantang walked out and spoke softly.

If Wang Yi said just now to give the youth an explanation, then Qiantang's words completely defeated the youth's line of defense.

He can't do...

It is true that he has strength, and at the same time, he deeply knows that his leadership ability is not as good as Qiantang, and even one or two of Qiantang has not!

The difference between him and Qiantang is only in strength. In other respects, Qiantang crushes him!

"Nothing to say?"

Wang Yi said again.

At this time, Wuqianshan has nothing to say.

"Going to Lingjiu Peak really depends on personal strength, but I believe that my strength can make up for Qiantang's lack of strength. You follow me, your strength is indeed sufficient, what can you use to prove your heart?"

After saying this, the youth completely lost the ability to continue to struggle with Wang Yi.

Coming so aggressively, I can't hold back a word for a long time now.

"I don't understand what you want, but if you want to prove your worth, I can ask you to go to Tianshan Group to meet my father."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

Wu Qianshan is indeed an individual talent, his strength alone is enough to say that he is an individual talent!

If such talents can be used by Tianshan Group, it is a good thing for Tianshan Group.

"Can I go to Tianshan Group?"

Wuqianshan couldn't believe his ears.

Although he is considered the number one person in Xiling District and the West, he did not expect to be able to go to Tianshan Group.

"I am the young master of Tianshan Group. I said you can go, then you can go. I believe no one can doubt this."

As Wang Yi said, he gave Wu Qianshan a business card. It was Feng Duyun's business card and the identity verification that allowed him to enter the Tianshan Group.

"After joining the Tianshan Group, think about it, the so-called qualification."

After Wang Yi finished speaking, he pulled Qiantang and left directly, leaving Wu Qianshan alone in the hotel lobby.

"You can, you can get such a powerful person without a bloody sword!"

Qiantang stood beside Wang Yi and smiled.

"Strictly speaking, he is not our own person."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

This Wu Qianshan, he just met him just now, and he didn't know much.

However, Qiantang had been right with him before, and his understanding of Qiantang was much better than Wuqianshan.

But since Wu Qianshan had this opportunity in front of him, he had no reason to let it go like this.

After all, Wu Qianshan is also a figure in the Qi Gathering Realm. If such a person can be brought to the Tianshan Group, it may also be a great improvement to the strength of the Tianshan Group.

"You are not afraid of this guy turning back."

Qiantang smiled suddenly and asked like this.

"Anti-water? In the situation of Tianshan Group, you don't know that many people in Tianshan Group have already turned against the water. Why don't you try to trust outsiders?"

Qiantang's words sounded like a mockery in Wang Yi's ears.

Speaking of the traitors captured by the Tianshan Group, Wang Yi didn't know how to deal with them. Feng Duyun would do all these things, but he believed that Feng Duyun would severely punish those guys.

From then on, those guys still want to be in the Tianshan Group, it is no longer possible.

"I really don't understand the situation of Tianshan Group. I have never been to Tianshan Group. That's why I want to take a look and see what the Huaxia No. 1 Group looks like?"

Qiantang continued to speak lightly.But when it comes to the Tianshan Group, no one in China is not shocked.

After all, China First Group is Tianshan Group after all.

If there is no internal turmoil in a large group, it does not deserve to be called the first group.

"I think we can fight for this guy as much as possible. If this guy can do things for the Tianshan Group sincerely, it will be great news for us."

"But if he wants to fight back, there is not no one in the Tianshan Group who can deal with him. It is no exaggeration to say that even I can compare with him, but I didn't make a move."

"Who can't brag, I can brag, I can also say that I can compete with him, I am not hung and beaten by him."

Qiantang pouted his lips.According to Wang Yi, he thought he could fight against Wuqianshan before, but the cruel facts told him that he was not Wuqianshan's opponent at all.

Even in front of Wu Qianshan, he didn't even have the qualifications to compete.

"That's you. After I returned to the Tianshan Group, the Tianshan Group tilted almost all of its resources on me. Although you have meteor gold in your hand, you have used it for your subordinates. Have you ever used the power of Yunjin? ."

Although Qiantang also has commissions, most of the power of his eyes is used to nurture his subordinates, instead of enjoying the Wu Qianshan alone.

His eyes are fully used for himself.

To put it bluntly, people like Wu Qianshan can be said to be profiteering, but it just so happens that such talents are more suitable to survive in this harsh society.After all, only when you are strong can you do more things you want to do.

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