I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 614 Three more places

Tianshan Group, as the No. 1 Group of China, coupled with the identity of the Medicinal Materials Group, it is not difficult to achieve this.

This can be seen from Wang Yi's body.

"This...is it really possible?"

The surprise that burst in made Qiantang a little dizzy.

He didn't expect that when he came to Tianshan Group this time, instead of being punished by Feng Duyun, he would still benefit from Tianshan Group.

"If you don't want to, I have no objection."

Feng Duyun smiled and said.

"Think about it!"

Qiantang nodded again and again. If this opportunity were let go, wouldn't he have become a fool?

"Well, Changying, you can take him there. You should know where to go. Just arrange it."

Feng Duyun nodded and asked Song Changying to leave with Qiantang.

After Qiantang left, Wang Yi and Feng Duyun were left in the room.

"You kid, you did a good job at the time. It seems that the reputation of the Tianshan Group outside is still not stale by you."

Feng Duyun finally set his gaze on Wang Yi and spoke like this.

"Hey hey, I'm working, don't worry."

Wang Yi smiled, this is the first time Feng Duyun praised herself in front of her.

"But you have to pay attention, this meeting of Lingjiu Peak will be very specific to our Tianshan Group."

"And many groups and forces have already given up their quotas. I bought you three quotas. Now our Tianshan Group can send five people."

Feng Duyun spoke, and Wang Yi took a deep breath.

This thing can also be bought?Isn’t that the Lingjiu summit restriction?

"You kid, you still don't understand the world. Some groups, knowing that they don't have the strength, will secretly sell the places in their hands. As long as I send people to their group first, even Lingjiu Peak will not be able to find them. What's wrong."

Feng Duyun smiled and continued.

"I believe that we, Tianshan Group, are not the only ones doing this kind of activity. The Dijiang Group will definitely do it too!"

"But with their abilities, they should be the same as us, they can only buy three places."

"If this is the case, then it means that we, like Dijiang Group, can bring three more people to the Lingjiu Peak Conference?"

After Wang Yi reacted, there was a burst of joy.

Being able to bring three more people will help him, but it is visible to the naked eye!

"There is nothing wrong with you saying that."

Feng Duyun nodded.

He was racking his brains for these three places.

However, the addition of three people does not mean that Tianshan Group has the strength to win.

All this depends on how Wang Yi uses these three people.

"For three people, I will bring Song Changying and Tianlong!"

Wang Yi thought for a while, and finally decided to bring Song Changying and Tianlong.

The strength of the two people around him is considered the strongest.

"What about another one?"

Feng Duyun nodded, and Wang Yi would take these two people with him. He also understood very well.

"I don't know yet."

Wang Yi shook his head lightly.

He was not sure about this third candidate. He thought about taking Xidian or Ji Shi, but the two of them were practicing in the Tianshan Group and did not have time to go with him.

Even if he brought the two of them, it wouldn't help him. After all, the strength of Xidian and Ji Shi still couldn't meet the requirements.

"If you don't have a candidate yet, how can I arrange one for you?"

Feng Duyun heard Wang Yi say that he didn't know, so he said.

"Father, just arrange them. You gave me these three places. I arranged two and I'm satisfied."

Wang Yi nodded, he had no reason to refuse.

After all, these three places were all won by Feng Duyun, and it is understandable that he wants to arrange a person.

"Simple, let the whale fall with you."

Feng Duyun nodded and said.


Wang Yi's heart beats,

Feng Duyun asked Whale Fall to follow him to participate in this Lingjiu Peak Conference. Isn't he afraid of accidents when the whale falls on the Lingjiu Peak Conference?

Besides, taking the whale fall and doing many things will distract yourself.

"Don't want to bring it? You can, then let Qintong go with you. Qintong and Jingluo are now spiritual cultivators in the Qi Gathering realm, and won't hold you back."

Feng Duyun gave a smirk and spoke like this.

"Don't tell me, then I'll take the whale fall."

Wang Yi spoke quickly.

If he had to choose between Jingluo and Qintong, Wang Yi would rather bring Jingluo with him.,

Qintong is his wife in name, and he took his wife to the Lingjiu Peak Conference. Is this something that people can do?

"Then it is so decided. The remaining three people are Song Changying Tianlong and Jingluo!"

Feng Duyun nodded and quickly finalized the matter.

"Father, I wonder if you arranged it early in the morning, just waiting for me to drill into your suit?"

Wang Yi's face was black.

Sure enough, he still couldn't play with the wind alone.

"Yeah, you actually know, but it's too late for you to know now. I have arranged everything for you. You can only do as I said, understand?"

Feng Duyun laughed.

The reason why the whale landing was arranged was because the whale landing greatly improved Wang Yi.

Jingluo is also one of the four pupils of the Tianshan Group, if it is possible to let Jingluo and Wang Yi be together.

Even if something happened to Wang Yi, Jingluo was able to hand over all his strength to Wang Yi.

Moreover, Feng Duyun believed that even if he gave Wang Yi his strength, Whale Fall could be stabilized in the Lingjiu Peak Conference.

Because Wang Yi would definitely protect the whales desperately. Feng Duyun had no doubt about this.

"For you to attend the Lingjiu Peak Conference this time, I have a request."

Feng Duyun spoke suddenly, and Wang Yi looked back at Feng Duyun and laughed.

"I know, I must win."

"No, I want you to come out alive!"

Feng Duyun shook his head with a serious face.

Wang Yi was taken aback, wondering what it was like.

"I don't ask you to achieve any results at the Lingjiu Peak Conference, nor do you have to win the final victory. Those fifty spiritual cultivators in the enchantment realm, if you don't, you don't need it."

"I'm just a son like you, one of the few relatives, I don't want to lose it anymore."

Feng Duyun spoke, and his tone was obviously lonely.

Wang Yi knew that Feng Duyun was thinking of his mother.

"Father, don't worry, I must be the one who won in the end. Not only do I want to survive, I have to bring you fifty spiritual practitioners!"

At this moment, Wang Yi's heart warmed, and the corners of his eyes became unconsciously moist.

This own father has always been strict with himself on weekdays, but when encountering such a major event, his father's nature is finally revealed.

However, this time I went to the Lingjiu Peak Conference for falling gold and for saving my mother.

Although Wang Yi ostensibly agreed to Feng Duyun, if he meets the opportunity, even if he is dead, Wang Yi will win the final victory of the Lingjiu Peak Conference!

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