"Ahem, everyone laughed, this kid doesn't understand etiquette."

Seeing that everything was resolved by Wang Yi, Feng Duyun immediately spoke and said with a smile.

The people below are all in agreement, but none of them dare to say anything else.

The meaning in other people's Fengduyun dialect is already obvious. I don't understand etiquette, but I won't apologize to you.

"Let everyone come this time, just to discuss how to deal with the traitors of the Tianshan Group."

Feng Duyun opened his mouth and put this conference on the right track.

"Chairman, according to my point of view, just kill directly. Those who betray the Tianshan Group are not qualified to stay in this world!"

As soon as Feng Duyun finished speaking, someone slapped his tongue.

Wang Yi sneered, but this guy is very good at seizing the opportunity to please Feng Duyun.

"Master, this person is the manager of the second warehouse of Tianshan Group."

Song Changying stood beside Wang Yi and came down to explain to Wang Yi.

"Yes! Just killed! This kind of people staying in the Tianshan Group is just a disaster!"

In an instant, many people began to agree.

But Wang Yi found that there were still a few people who did not speak, and even had a strange expression.

If the guess is correct, these people should all have something to do with those guys.

"and many more!"

Wang Yi stood up suddenly and looked at these people.

"Tianshan Group does not advocate killing people, and there are so many people, all killed, is it really good?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone immediately agreed with Wang Yi. Those who agreed with Wang Yi were those who hadn't spoken before.

"Yes! The eldest master is right, even if he is severely punished, if he kills it, it seems that the Tianshan Group is harsh."

Wang Yi sat down and sneered in his heart.

He already knew why Feng Duyun asked him to attend this conference.

It was nothing more than to show him the factions of these guys in the Tianshan Group.

Basically, the ones who kill and those who don't are between half of them.

Of course, the final decision-making power lies in Feng Duyun's hands.

"This matter will be handled by the deputy head of Tianjitang!"

Feng Duyun said in a deep voice.

It took a long time for Wang Yi to react, the deputy head of Tianjitang, isn't this his mother?

by!Feng Duyun threw himself a ball again!

"Tianjitang deputy chief, what do you think?"

Feng Duyun smiled and looked at Wang Yi.

Wang Yi felt aggrieved, but still stood up.

"I said, these people should be locked up in the Tianshan Group for the time being, and don't kill them. After all, there are a large number of people and they will be solved all at once. Seeing too much blood is not good."

"Yes, yes! The young master is right!"

"That's right, even if you want to kill, just kill a few felons!"

All of a sudden, those who agreed with Wang Yi immediately began to yell.

"be quiet!"

Feng Duyun yelled, calming the scene, pretending to be thinking.

"Why not, I will hand the people over to the deputy head of Tianjitang for trial. These people, you can interrogate them carefully. If the crime is not dying, they will be imprisoned in the Tianshan Group for a period of time. Depending on the circumstances, choose whether you can continue. Work for Tianshan Group."

"If the sin is serious, then just kill it."

After Feng Duyun's instructions, Wang Yi immediately agreed.

And the guys who didn't advocate killing at the beginning were all happy.

"There is a second thing, the second thing is, Tianshan Group, to lay off employees!"

Feng Duyun continued to speak.

As soon as the word layoffs were spoken, the entire conference room became quiet and the needle fell.


A weak voice asked.

"Because... I'm out of money."

Feng Duyun held back this sentence for a long time.


Wang Yi almost didn't hold back and laughed directly. The group said he had no money. He believed it. Only Tianshan Group said he had no money and killed Wang Yi. Wang Yi would never believe it.

Tianshan Group has no money, then China has no power with money...

"Tianshan Group's finances were severely incurred by these guys, so they had to lay off staff. Of course, what I want to lay off is the management class. Those workers do not need to lay off."

Feng Duyun spoke again.

Those guys still haven't reacted. If it's layoffs, doesn't it mean that they all lose their jobs?

"Daddy, are you playing a bit too big?"

Wang Yi leaned into Feng Duyun's ear and said softly.

"Is it big? I don't think so."

Feng Duyun smiled and answered Wang Yi softly.

"Chairman, think twice, these people have to do things for Tianshan Group. If there are too many layoffs, Tianshan Group's finances will only be reduced!"

Someone began to persuade Feng Duyun.

This was heard in Wang Yi's ears, and it was no different from farting.

If these people are laid off and reduced, Tianshan Group's finances will increase instead.

It is because these guys exist in the Tianshan Group that the financial shrinkage of the Tianshan Group will result.

"I have already decided on this matter, and give it the full authority to the deputy hall master of Tianjitang!"

Feng Duyun waved his hand with a firm appearance.

He actually left this thing to Wang Yi again, and Wang Yi took a deep breath and comforted himself in his heart.

This is a meeting, and you can’t swear, this is a meeting, you can’t swear, this is a meeting, you can’t swear.

Wang Yi vowed that if it weren't for many things related to this conference, he would definitely curse people!

Grandma's, is there anyone fucking like that?

He is just a person, and Feng Duyun entrusts so many things to him. Is this for fear of exhausting him or something?

Moreover, it was not intentional to announce this in front of so many people. Wang Yi did not believe...

"Master, you are hot."

Song Changying reached Wang Yi's ear and spoke.

"Shut up, you!"

Wang Yi returned him angrily.

"Okay, today's meeting is over here, let the deputy head of the Tianji Hall take care of the rest."

Feng Duyun stood up, and after speaking, he turned around and left.

Even Song Changying was stunned. This was definitely the shortest meeting since Tianshan Group was founded.

Feng Duyun simply explained two things and left like this...

For a while, Wang Yi became the focus of the conference room, and everyone was watching Wang Yi.

Watched by so many people, Wang Yi scolded Feng Duyun half to death in his heart.

I was grateful for what Feng Duyun said not long ago, but it hasn’t been long since I’ve been warm, and I’ve been directly into the abyss of invincibility...

"Master, look, how do you deal with these things?"

As soon as Feng Duyun left, someone immediately began to question Wang Yi.

"The meeting ends first!"

Wang Yi waved his big hand, damn it!Feng Duyun doesn't want to care, then he doesn't care, who is afraid of whom!

Who can slip away...

"Master, no!"

Song Changying quickly stopped Wang Yi with a wry smile.

Feng Duyun has already left, and Wang Yi will leave again. This conference cannot be held yet.

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