I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 632 Cangyan Mountain

"Even if you are a senior, you can't say that."

Wang Yi frowned.

This was the first time he saw such a senior.

When you come up and call someone a fool, isn't this deliberately unhappy?

"Boy, you can't blame me for this, did you really figure it out by yourself?"

The old man also smiled and recovered.Asked.

"Nonsense, no one told me,"

Wang Yi spoke.

"If this is the case, it can be considered as fate, so let me give you a place. You can find a colorful rough stone in that place."

The old man murmured, and a string of words suddenly appeared on the light curtain.

Cangyan Mountain, Gongshan City!

"Are these two places or one place?"

Wang Yi looked confused and asked.

"Two, choose one of the two. There may be colorful rough stones in these two places, but there is only one place."

The old man spoke.

Wang Yi was speechless. When he was a primary school student, he was still doing multiple-choice questions for himself here.

"What the hell does this colorful rough stone do?"

Wang Yi thought for a while, and asked the question he cared most.

What he wants to know most is what this rough stone is for.

"This thing has something to do with the final victory, but if you really say it, it doesn't seem to have a big relationship. After all, it's just the first task."

The old man lowered his head, thinking.

"I'm...what about playing?"

Wang Yi cursed secretly, Ling Jiufeng is playing everyone as monkeys?

"Nonsense, brat, there are fifty spiritual cultivators in Lingjiu Peak, if you can get it so easily, my Lingjiu Peak will have no face!"

Seeing that Wang Yi seemed to be dissatisfied, the old man immediately scolded.

"Yes, yes, what the senior said."

Wang Yi can only nod his head.

"By the way, how is that old thing Feng Jingtian?"

The old man suddenly spoke and asked Feng Jingtian.

"Senior knows my grandpa?"

Wang Yi asked.

"Of course, your grandpa and I have not only met each other, but also drank alcohol."

The old man laughed, as if saying that the wind is shaking, he and the wind shaking the sky, there is a beautiful past.

"Then, since the senior knows my grandfather, can you open a back door for me?"

Wang Yi immediately laughed hippiely.

People know their grandfather, and they seem to have a good relationship. It shouldn’t be a problem to open a back door to yourself?

"Smelly boy! Don't even think about it, Lingjiu Peak Conference, pay attention to fairness! I opened the back door for you, and countless people asked me to open the back door. Besides, we have turned a blind eye to the things that Tianshan Group does. Just look. What do you want?"

The old man was amused by Wang Yi, and laughed and scolded.

"Uh, forget it, senior, you go well."

Wang Yi twitched his mouth in embarrassment.

It seems that Lingjiu Peak knows exactly what the Tianshan Group has done, and the reason why it does not take care of it is just to give the Tianshan Group a face.

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, you are having fun."

The old man nodded, and after speaking, the light curtain disappeared.

"Master, this..."

Song Changying immediately looked at Wang Yi with a look of bewilderment.

"Don't look at me, I don't understand either."

Wang Yi spoke immediately.

This situation is indeed beyond his own imagination. God knows that the usage of this rough stone is actually to be crushed.

"Master, not all rough stones can be crushed. This is considered a lottery. Crushed blue rough stones is already like this. I don't know what it looks like to crush colorful rough stones."

While speaking, Song Changying licked her lips.

He somewhat began to look forward to the scene of Wang Yi getting the colorful rough stone.

"You're crazy, are you addicted to squeezing? People didn't say that all the rough stones can be crushed to get good things."

Wang Yi glanced at Bai Song Changying.

The old man just now didn't mean to give them a small stove at all.

He just followed the rules and told Wang Yi the information he should get from crushing the blue rough stone.

"You go find Yan Yan, let her take us to the Cangyan Mountain area first."

Wang Yi thought for a while, then said to Song Changying.

"Master, are you going to see it now?"

Song Changying asked.

"Well, I'm afraid there are people like me. In case all the news about the blue rough stone is the same, it won't be easy to fight for."

Wang Yi nodded.

This is what he is worried about.

At least one thousand people participated in the Lingjiu Peak Conference.

These thousand people are all Chinese spiritual cultivators, and the number of rough stones is fixed.

In case someone had this kind of encounter again, if someone else knew it, one or two would be fine to deal with.

But those guys had united early and planned to deal with the Tianshan Group.

As a result, Tianshan Group will be difficult to handle.

"it is good!"

Song Changying nodded, and immediately went to find Yanyan.

Yanyan came to Wang Yi and looked at Wang Yi with blinking eyes.

"Well, do you know how to get to Cangyan Mountain?"

Wang Yi asked softly.

"Big brother, what are you doing in Cangyan Mountain?"

Yan Yan asked puzzledly.

"It's not clear to you, anyway there is something."

Wang Yi waved his hand, he didn't know how to explain to Yan Yan.

"Cangyan Mountain, if Big Brother wants to go, he must first find someone. Only that person can enter Cangyan Mountain with his consent."

Yan Yan thought for a while, then said.


Wang Yi asked, sure enough, this thing is not that simple. This person should be the man who arranged Lingjiu Peak in Cangyan Mountain.

"I don't know, but I heard that this person is very powerful. All of us are afraid of him. He is in the Ling Pavilion outside Cangyan Mountain. The guardian is the only way to enter Cangyan Mountain."

Yan Yan explained.

"This is a bit troublesome."

Wang Yi nodded.

If this is the case, if he wants to enter Cangyan Mountain, he must also get the consent of this guy.

But the blue rough stone had been crushed by him, and it was impossible for him to use the power of the rough stone to summon a high-level Lingjiu Peak.

I can only pass it abruptly, and I don't know what this guy wants.

If it's just a fight, Wang Yi is not afraid, and deliberately making things difficult will be very annoying.

"Big brother, let me take you to find that person first. Find that person. Your strength should be able to enter Cangyan Mountain."

Seeing that Wang Yi hadn't spoken for a long time, Yan Yan took the initiative to speak.

"Alright, then you can take me there first."

Wang Yi nodded.

Now only let Yan Yan take herself to meet that guy first.

After all, Cangyan Mountain sounds like there is a baby.

As for the city, Wang Yi didn't want to go, mainly because there were too many people.

In case of encountering a person who is also Huaxia, wouldn't his whereabouts be exposed?

He didn't want to get into a lot of trouble at the beginning. Wang Yi could guarantee that even if those guys didn't want to get well, they wouldn't make him feel better.

After a hundred people were chased and killed, Wang Yi got goose bumps after thinking about it.

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