But where is it so easy to find the source.

The cast of the source technique does not even require people to be in the source city. As long as it is performed from the outside, people can enter the source city with items with the source technique, and they can easily start to spread.

It can be said that everyone in the source city is a source of pollution.

Anyone who is released can pollute the people of a city!

"Hehe, Lingjiufeng treats us as thugs."

Wang Yi chuckled.

"Maybe this thing was made by Lingjiu Peak."

Tianlong said, he saw it thoroughly.

This kind of thing is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to own. A parallel world is not so powerful that it can derive such a horrible existence.

"This is the first test of Lingjiu Peak?"

Wang Yi laughed, looking relaxed.

"You can still laugh, don't you hear? The living dead, the time of Origin Surgery will run away!"

Qiantang glared at Wang Yi irritably. When is this time, he can actually laugh.

"Why can't I laugh, you don't want to laugh, don't you let me laugh?"

Wang Yi is still laughing.

It seemed to him that he wanted to deal with these people and simplicity who had been in the Source Art. It was estimated that the time for the next runaway was still far away.

Looking at the state of these people, they are very stable, and there should be nothing to do in a short time.

I just don't know, now in Source City, only they can see that something is wrong, or everyone can see it.

If everyone can see it, it will be even simpler, and everyone will directly clean up the entire source city.

Of course, what Wang Yi wanted to clean up was not to kill all these people.

Wang Yi couldn't do such a thing either.

What Wang Yi is thinking is to find the source. As long as the source is found, it can be completely contained!

"In this situation, what will happen to the Tianshan Group?"

Qiantang no longer looked at Wang Yi, but instead focused on Song Changying.

Song Changying shrugged. If you ask Tianshan Group, you should ask Young Master instead of me. Can you figure out the order of priority?

"No, just like Wang Yi, can I still trust him?"

Qiantang was speechless.

After Wang Yi knew these things, he seemed to be stupid and laughed all the time.

Look at Tianlong. They are all nervous. You Wang Yi has been laughing here. What is this?

"I said, you ask the young master, otherwise you can ask Tianlong, I am just the youngest, I don't know."

Song Changying kept shaking his head.

In his opinion, this matter is also very simple, perhaps only Qiantang would find it difficult.

"Tianlong, talk about it."

Qiantang glanced at Wang Yi and saw that Wang Yi was still smiling, and he completely gave up.

There is absolutely no way to make sense with Wang Yi, so it is better to listen to Tianlong's opinion.

"From my perspective, I think this matter may not be that simple."

Tianlong finally spoke.

When these words were said, Qiantang suddenly seemed to have found the backbone.

"Master, do you think that Lingjiu Peak will really set the core of Origin Technique where we can easily find it?"

"If they make these people like this, and then directly transfer the core of the source technique, don't we still have to solve these people?"

After Tianlong finished speaking, Wang Yi stopped smiling, and the expression on his face suddenly solidified.

Tianlong was right. According to Lingjiufeng's urine quality, it was not impossible to do such a thing.

If Lingjiu Peak really doesn't care about these people's life or death, should they also care about it?

"Now you know how to panic?"

Seeing that Wang Yi stopped speaking, Qiantang immediately found a chance to challenge Wang Yi.

"You shut up! No one wants you to talk!"

Wang Yi directly cursed back.

If Tianlong is right, this matter is indeed troublesome.

Originally finding the source point can solve the trouble, but the source point is no longer the source city, what should I do?

Is it possible to find another place, the parallel world is so big, want to find a source, easy to negotiate?

"The only way now is to wait for these people to be mad. As long as their madness will impact the source and the location of the living beings, then we can take a look."

Tianlong thought for a while, then said.

It's a pity that I can't go out now, otherwise I can go directly to Tianshan Group to get some medicinal materials, and all of them will be saved!

"You said, this rough stone, is it useful? Lingjiu Peak asked us to bring the rough stone here. It shouldn't be a waste of it."

Suddenly, Wang Yi took out the colorful rough stone.

It's okay if this is not taken out, when it is taken out, everyone's eyes are looking at the colorful rough stone.

The person who looked at the colorful rough stone regained a sense of consciousness, but still looked sluggish.

"keep it!"

Tianlong gave a low cry, and Wang Yi quickly collected the colorful rough stone.

Tianlong discovered that after these people recovered a bit of consciousness, they would want to snatch the colorful rough stone in Wang Yi's hand.


Wang Yi lowered his head. He had never thought that this matter would cause such trouble today.

"Yes, this is a complete break, I don't know what to do."

Qiantang also waved his hand. He didn't know anything about Yuan Shu, and he couldn't help if he wanted to.

"Master, you can try that golden rough stone."

Tianlong said, let Wang Yi take out the golden rough stone.

Wang Yi took out the golden rough stone according to Tianlong's intention, but when the golden rough stone was taken out, these people did not respond.

In other words, they will only react to the colorful rough stone, but not to the golden rough stone.

"Genius, rough stone..."

Tianlong had been muttering something low in his mouth.

All these things he said were heard by Wang Yi.

So Wang Yi was also muttering along with Tianlong.

Qiantang saw the two people muttering the same sentence, speaking silently.

"I said you two, it's not necessary. If you can't fight, leave the source city. Lingjiu Peak didn't say you can't leave the source city."

"Shut up, you!"

Song Changying gave Qiantang a big eye.

People are thinking of a way, you keep beeping here.

Although the people of the parallel world and the people of China are not in the same world, at least they are not people.

If it can be saved, it will naturally be saved.

Besides, the people of Lingjiu Peak let them come here, it is impossible to let them travel.

It is very possible that whoever can finally save these people will be able to obtain priority rights.

"Yes, master, we are like this."

Suddenly, Tianlong seemed to have thought of something, so he leaned into Wang Yi's ear and said something.

"Say what?"

Qiantang leaned his ears to listen, but Song Changying pulled him back.

"Don't listen to what people say, right?"

Being dragged back by Song Changying, Qiantang looked speechless, and angrily he poured himself two sips of wine.

But as soon as I drank the wine, Qiantang felt a fiery heat in his lower abdomen, and even vomited out between his mouth.

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