From Wang Yi's point of view alone, this child is no ordinary person.

"Master, what you said is true?"

Song Changying stepped up and asked in disbelief.

"When did your young master make such a joke?"

Wang Yi glanced back at Song Changying.

Ordinary things, he will be fooled and confused, but this matter alone, he will never make a joke.

"Wang Yi, you have to think about it yourself, in case you make a mistake, this is a child!"

This time even Qiantang came up to persuade Wang Yi, even he thought Wang Yi was joking.

"Try it if you don't see it!"

Wang Yi smiled, walked in front of the child, and with a light stroke, a wound immediately appeared on the child's arm.

But the reaction of this child made no one think that he seemed to have taken lightly, and no longer bothered about it.

Suddenly, a drop of blue blood penetrated from the child's arm. After the drop of blood penetrated, the child's arm healed instantly!


This scene stunned Song Changying and Qiantang.

"Witch people!"

Tianlong exclaimed.

"Witch? What the hell?"

When Qiantang heard it, he immediately fixed his gaze on Tianlong. He had never heard of this witch tribe.

There are not so many races in a small place like the West.

"The Wu people are a race of Hua Xia that is about to go extinct, but only Hua Xia will have them. They are active in the Yunlin area. Why are there Wu people here?"

Tianlong opened his mouth to answer, and after speaking, he fell into deep thought.

"Are you sure?"

Wang Yi asked.

"I can be sure that this is the Wu people! Except for the Wu people, no one's blood will appear blue!"

Tianlong nodded immediately and settled down.

"That's it, what else do you want to say?"

Wang Yi looked at the child, and that child's expression at the moment was somewhat unusual.

Sigh, this sigh is definitely not something ordinary children can say.

"Why do you both? Originally I just wanted to live here quietly, so why bother to trouble me."

"It doesn't seem that we are making trouble for you now, but you bumped into us yourself, right?"

Wang Yi raised his eyebrows. Is the situation unclear yet?

If he doesn't come, how could he shoot him.

How could he know that he is a member of the Wu tribe!

"Actually, it's not as complicated as you think. I was only hired by Lingjiu Peak. You can't know anything about Lingjiu Peak from my mouth. I advise you to give up."

The child spoke.

The more he said this, Wang Yi became more emotionally interested.

Such a child appeared in the parallel world, needless to say, it was also brought in by Lingjiu Peak.

It was just that Lingjiu Peak brought in a witch tribe, and Wang Yi was very curious about what he wanted.

"Coincidentally, I just want to know why you are here!"

Wang Yi continued to speak, intending to ask questions.

"Just in case, if you can't save these people, I can still take action, at least these people will not die."

The child spoke softly.

Wang Yi and Tianlong are not very clear about the abilities of the Wu people. They just know that there are not many Wu people in China.

The entire Wu clan, no more than a hundred people, Lingjiu Peak can find one, which is enough to show the ability of Lingjiu Peak.

"It turned out to be like this. I guess your way of saving people should be sacrifice, right?"

Wang Yi suddenly realized.

The blood of the witch tribe has the ability to resist the origin spell.

But there are so many people in Yuancheng who have been hit by Yuanshu, this kid wants to save people, so he can't let his blood dry?

"Sacrifice or something, it doesn't matter, anyway, Lingjiufeng saved me, I have to help Lingjiufeng. Wu people never owe favors."

Hearing this, Wang Yi quickly calculated in his heart.

It would be a good thing if this witch tribe could join his camp.

Lingjiu Peak did not stipulate that it could not recruit people in the parallel world.

"Do you want me to do things for you?"

"Do you think I am joking with you?"

Wang Yi smiled.

As a witch tribe, there should also be some unknown methods on his body.

At the very least, it will be much better than ordinary people in the parallel world.

"Hehe, it looks like I'm still a hot spot. The people at Lingjiu Peak let me do things, and you let me do things."

The child chuckled and said.

"Trap calf, if you don't help me, I will do your blood now and save the people in this source city, even if my task is completed."

Wang Yi sneered. Seeing that there is no temptation, then it can only be a threat!

"Damn! Do you dare to be more shameless, if I don't help you, you can kill me directly without giving others a chance?"

The child cried immediately.

"Nonsense, what I can't get, and others don't want to get it!"

Wang Yi sneered, what he couldn't get, on what basis others could get it.

Anyway, he didn't know this guy before, so let him directly save the people in this source city.

If he couldn't find the source of Origin Art in the end, the child would die.

"Don't tell me, can't I promise you?"

Hearing what Wang Yi said, the child was shocked instantly.

Just kidding, you die if you don't help, who can stand it!

"If you don't do this earlier, it will be over, and it will save me from pestering you."

Wang Yi nodded in satisfaction, very satisfied with his own methods.

"My name is Wu Xin, and you can tell me to be careful or Wu Xin from now on."

Wu Xin spoke and briefly introduced herself.

"About Yuanshu, how much do you know?"

Wang Yi nodded and asked.

"I really don't know this, I know, the people of Lingjiu Peak, get a source magician, plant the source magic in the source city, let you people come to rescue, save these people, you will get a colorful rough stone. "

Wu Xin thought for a while, but finally did not give Wang Yi the answer he wanted to know.

"That's it."

Wang Yi was lost in thought.

After rescuing these people, you will get a colorful rough stone, so it seems that this colorful rough stone is really related to a lot of things.

He just happened to have another colorful rough stone in his hand, but he didn't know what purpose this colorful rough stone was.

If he knows, Wang Yi really wants to unlock the secret of the colorful rough stone now.

"By the way, do you know what this colorful rough stone does?"

Wang Yi looked at Wu Xin, maybe this guy knew something.

"Whoever has a lot of colorful rough stones at the end will be able to win the Lingjiu Peak Conference, but this thing is true or false, and if you are out of luck, you may all be false."

Sure enough, Wu Xin knew the function of this colorful rough stone.

But after he said it, Wang Yi suddenly felt a bit painful, just this thing, there are true or false, Lingjiu Peak really does not let people live!

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