"There is something wrong with what you said, haven't I been there all the time?"

As soon as Wang Yi finished speaking, the person who had just spoken immediately spoke again.

"Who are you?"

Wang Yi just smiled and asked lightly.

"You don't need to know, and if I call you, there is nothing to tell you. I just want you to stay with me for a while."

When the voice reached Wang Yi's ears, Wang Yi was a little angry.

Fuck!Isn't this deliberately messing with him?

Obviously knowing that there are many people outside waiting for him to go out, and then this guy even found himself in, and after finding himself, he didn't say anything.

It is obviously to embarrass him!

"You really think that I won't do it here, do you?"

Wang Yi said coldly, and he was very upset by the other party's approach.

"No, no, I have never thought of it like this. I know the methods of the young master of the Tianshan Group. I dare not confront the young master of the Tianshan Group."

The person who was speaking explained, but he never showed his figure.

"Hehe, you have to tell me if you tell me today, you have to tell me if you don't tell me, you have to tell me what I want to know today!"

Wang Yi said in a cold voice.

What he wants to know, others don’t want to tell, don’t tell, there is no such reason!

"You are the first to dare to talk to the people at Lingjiu Peak like this on the ground of Lingjiu Peak."

The man smiled and finally walked out of the shadows and came to Wang Yi.

This is also a middle-aged person, but looking at him like this, it does not seem to have any special power in Lingjiu Peak.

If they really have power, they won't be brought to this place by Lingjiu Peak.

"You are not a big man at Lingjiu Peak. I say this again, and you are also the young master of the Tianshan Group. You really don't have any points in your heart when you talk to the young master of the Tianshan Group like this!"

Wang Yi smiled and said so.

"Well, the young master of Tianshan Group? In the eyes of outsiders, this is indeed a scary name, but in my case, that's it."

What Wang Yi didn't expect was that this guy was not afraid of him.

That's right. Now Wang Yi is in the territory of Lingjiu Peak, and he is the steward of Lingjiu Peak. He is not afraid of Wang Yi, and he is normal.

"You can leave after a while, now, no!"

Seeing Wang Yi starting to look around, the man spoke.

"You stayed with me?"

Wang Yi sneered. He wanted to leave, so the guy in front of him couldn't stop him!

"I really don't have the confidence to keep you, but what I can be sure of is that if you want to leave, it won't be that simple!"

The people at Lingjiu Peak didn't speak big words.

Wang Yi wants to go, he can go, but before he leaves, he has to pay some generations.


"Think about it, those guys out there already hate you. If you go now, it's no different from waiting for a while. You can't do it with me."

Wang Yi frowned slightly.

That is, the people of Lingjiu Peak, changed someone else, and said this, Wang Yi could immediately slap over him!

It happened that the person who said these words was from Lingjiu Peak, and Wang Yi still had nothing to do with him.

"Hehe, then say that, you still do it for me?"

Wang Yi chuckled, with countless disdain hidden in his smile.

"If you understand this way, there is no problem."

The person at Lingjiu Peak nodded, and Wang Yi couldn't help admiring him with his shameless appearance.

Compared to shame, Wang Yi thinks that he is not as good as this guy.

The most important thing is that Wang Yi did not have the confidence to challenge this guy.

Ten thousand steps back and said, people are also from Lingjiu Peak, and this parallel world belongs to Lingjiu Peak.

There are not few people who dare to challenge Lingjiu Peak here, but none at all!

"You are really shameless."

Wang Yi said with a smile.

If you put this kind of face in Huaxia, maybe it's still a thing. What's the use of face?"

The person at Lingjiu Peak smiled, this smile looked very strange.

If calculated according to time, the time he stayed in China was far less than the time he stayed here.

Ling Jiufeng had arranged him here early, even if he did not agree, there was no room for resistance.

Looking at these ordinary people every day is indeed a bit boring, but now that Wang Yi is here, everything is different.

With Wang Yi's arrival, he could find joy in Wang Yi immediately.

"You don't give me anything, I'm afraid it's still a bit bad, at least you have to give me something, aren't you just idle and bored? I can let you do something."

Wang Yi thought for a while, then said.

"Let me have something to do. This is the first time I have met someone who talks like this."

When Wang Yi said this, the person at Lingjiu Peak couldn't help laughing.

He has met many people, but it was the first time that Wang Yi was like this.

Actually took the initiative to ask him to do something...

"I also think I made no mistake."

Wang Yi just smiled. As long as he wanted to, he had 10,000 ways to make the people of Lingjiu Peak unable to survive.

"I'm still a little worried about you. It's a good situation. If you make such a mess, maybe you can't play it at all."

The people at Lingjiu Peak shook their heads quickly.

He is not a fool. What Wang Yi wants to do can be guessed with a little brain.

"Look at your nervous look, I haven't said what I am going to do."

Wang Yi said with a chuckle.

"Do you think I don't know what you want to do?"

The person at Lingjiu Peak smiled slightly. What Wang Yi wanted to do was to attract all the firepower that originally belonged to him to Lingjiu Peak.

As for how Wang Yi wanted to be Lingjiu Peak, he didn't know.

Moreover, Wang Yi's mind and spirit Jiufeng couldn't even guess it.

"Don't be nervous, as long as you agree, I will leave immediately"

Wang Yi continued to smile, and he knew in his heart that it was impossible for this guy to agree to his request.

"Do you think I can agree to your request? Even if I don't agree to you, you can't leave."

The person at Lingjiu Peak felt a little flustered. He didn't know how to face Wang Yi for a while. He had never felt like this before. Only in front of Wang Yi, the steward of his dignified Lingjiu Peak didn't even have a bit of himself. Of the opinion.

"I don't want to waste time with you. I will go out if I can go out. I can't go out and play wild."

Wang Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and the situation on the court suddenly became a little strange.

Wang Yi was worried about what would happen if he did it by himself, and the people at Lingjiu Peak were also worried that Wang Yi would directly do it on him. These two people had their own concerns.

This resulted in the two people wanting to do it, but they didn't dare to do it, they could only look at each other at a distance of one person's head.

In this situation, whoever does it first will become the one without a reason. If Lingjiu Peak or Tianshan Group investigates it afterwards, it will inevitably be the person who did it first.

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