"I won't waste your time, you go quickly."

Without giving Wu Xin a chance to quibble, Wang Yi said quickly.

"I shouldn't have provoke you in the first place."

Wu Xin gave the prince a big roll of eyes and turned and left, following Wang Yi's instructions to go outside the source city to find out the news outside the source city.


The second floor of the pub at this time:

"My lord, those people are already putting pressure on Lingjiu Peak."

One of the subordinates stood beside the steward of Lingjiu Peak and spoke softly.

Not long after Wang Yi left, the guys outside fell into a state of riots, and they all wanted to know the details of the source city mission from Lingjiu Peak.

"Damn, the guy from the Tianshan Group put one out."

Lingjiu Peak's stewardship is not popular!

This was supposed to be his offensive against Wang Yi, but Wang Yi lightly reversed it and turned it into pressure from those people.

"My lord, do we want to tell those people the details of the mission? If we don't tell them, they can make this tavern upset."

The subordinate gave a wry smile.

Lingjiu Peak has only two of them in the source city, plus a Wuxin, it is absolutely impossible for them to deal with so many outsiders from China.

The most difficult situation is the practice of killing chickens and respecting monkeys. Wang Yi has done it more than once, and they have no effect.

"For the time being, don't worry about telling them, but you can reveal a little bit of news. You can grasp this degree yourself."

The Lingjiu Peak steward thought for a while, then said.

This is indeed the best solution right now. Don't directly disclose the source city mission to the public, first reveal a little bit of news.

In this way, Lingjiu Peak would not punish them in the end, after all, they were also involuntarily.

Moreover, even if some news is revealed, the impact on those people is not great, they just want to find face from Lingjiu Peak.

"My lord, what should the Tianshan Group do? They should know the details of the entire task?"

The subordinate asked again, he was indeed right. Tianshan Group knew the entire details of the source city mission and also knew how to do it.

This can be seen from Wang Yi staying in the tavern and not leaving.

Wang Yi did not leave the tavern, obviously waiting for something in the tavern.

And only by staying in the tavern can you know how to do the source city mission.

Those guys outside stayed in the tavern just to target NetEase, and Wang Yi obviously had his own plan to stay in the tavern.

"You don't need to worry about this, I will go to Wang Yi."

The Lingjiu Peak steward spoke again.

Up to now, he can only choose a person who he thinks is stronger and tell him the task.

Compared with those outside, he would rather tell Wang Yi the task.

"My lord, I think if we tell him this way, we will lose face."

The subordinate gave a wry smile.

The entire parallel world is the place of Lingjiu Peak, and on the ground of Lingjiu Peak, they, the people of Lingjiu Peak, were oppressed by Wang Yi to this point. It is really a shame to speak out.

"Then do you have a better solution?"

Lingjiufeng's manager, cast aside a glance, now that he has no choice but to negotiate with Wang Yi.

His purpose here is to provide these outsiders with some clues to the source city missions arranged by Lingjiu Peak.

And one thing is unknown. It’s hard to control the Lingjiu Peak of the Primordial Spell. If the heavy elemental guys outside don’t control it, they will lose their minds after a while, even if the Primal Spell is finally released Those people were also hopeless.

Lingjiu Peak is relying on the parallel world as another base of its own. It is nothing more than ordinary people. If these ordinary people die, the entire parallel world will become a dead zone where no one lives.

In this way, the parallel world loses its meaning.

"I see, my lord."

The subordinate nodded and turned and left, first to appease those who were rioting outside.

The Lingjiu Peak manager didn't do anything, his brows frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

After thinking for a full half an hour, he stood up, looked at the room where Wang Yi was, and spoke softly.

"Tianshan Group really lives up to its prestige, then I will see how good you are."


After Wu Xin left, Wang Yi sat in the room waiting for something.

"Master, we just sit here stupidly like this, do you not do anything?"

Finally, Song Changying and others seemed to be a little worried, and asked.

"Someone will come to us in a while, we just wait for him to come."

Wang Yi raised his hand to let Song Changying feel safe. He had long expected that the steward of Lingjiu Peak would find him again.

In the tavern, except for those guys from China, all the living people he saw came from Lingjiu Peak.

The waiters in the entire tavern are believed to be ordinary people who came in to work according to the instructions of Lingjiu Peak.

These people refer to the steward of Lingjiu Peak as the tavern manager. They probably don't know that there is Lingjiu Peak here.

So instead of actively contacting ordinary people, it's better to wait for the people from Lingjiu Peak to come to them.

"Master, do you think too much? We just offended those guys. Will those guys help us in turn?"

Song Changying didn't believe it.

According to his thoughts, whoever offends him must be eradicated in the first place, and those who offend him must help others in turn. How can this be possible?

"You don't understand, this is the rule among the major forces."

Without waiting for Wang Yi to explain, Qiantang spoke now.

"The various forces in your China have their own abilities, and the relationship must not be as harmonious as it seems."

"But when did you hear that these big powers clarified the hostile relationship on the open, and they were not doing some trade and replacement secretly."

What Qiantang said made Wang Yi look at him more.

As a Westerner, Qiantang could have this insight, and Wang Yi really did not expect it.

"Don't look at my western border. Many things are similar to this situation."

Qiantang explained that Wang Yi stared at him.

"Have you heard, now you know why I am looking for this second product to join the Lingjiu Peak Conference?"

When Wang Yi heard that he was not in Kan Qiantang, he looked at Song Changying and Tianlong and asked questions.

"Fuck me, how do you talk? Why are the two goods here?"

Qiantang immediately became upset when Wang Yi called himself a second-hand.

Bang bang bang!!!

Before Wang Yi had time to explain, a knock on the door came from outside the door, and everyone immediately became vigilant. There is no need to think about it. This must be from Lingjiu Peak.

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