Before long, Song Changying brought the monster to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi immediately laughed as he watched the monster beast brought back by Song Changying.

"Didn't you run very fast just now, would you give me another run?"

"Master, this is the money and rough stone and address I got from him."

Song Changying obediently walked to Wang Yi and handed all the things he had obtained from the monster beast to Wang Yi.

"What happened between the two of you? You got so many benefits?"

There were some differences between Wang Yi, and he shifted his gaze to the monster beast, while the monster beast looked aggrieved.

He never dreamed that he would fold it in Song Changying's hands.

"In that case, you don't even have a threat to me now!"

Wang Yi looked at the monster beast and his eyes gradually became bad.

"Who said I don't have any? I still have a communication device in my hand. If you let me go, I will give you this thing too!"

The monster immediately spoke without thinking.

"Since you have communication equipment, why don't you call it a reinforcement?"

Qiantang asked curiously.


The monster suddenly realized that he had Lingjiu Peak’s communication equipment in his hand, and he sent a message directly to Lingjiu Peak so that Lingjiu Peak would send someone to rescue him. In this way, he would not have to give Song Changying so many things. Was caught back.

"You are really a talent!"

Qiantang really didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.

Lingjiufeng actually asked such a person to convey the news. If Lingjiufeng knew what this guy did, he would probably be pissed to death.

"I was too hasty when I ran away, and forgot that I still have this thing."

The monster looked a little embarrassed.

"I know this thing. Everyone has their own number. If you give this thing to Lingjiu Peak, you will not trouble me at that time. You want to push me into the fire pit!"

Wang Yi just opened the monster's mind with just one sentence, and the embarrassed expression on the monster's face became more obvious.

"Why do you bother? At first, you looked for my young master. Once the only one couldn't run away, he was caught by Song Changying. Even if he was caught, this guy is a human being. You gave him so many good things. You really are A silly lack!"

This time, even Tianlong couldn't help but complain. Wang Yi, Tianlong, was very clear about who he was, and he generally wouldn't judge others.

But the method of this product in front of him is really incomprehensible, and even Tianlong didn't hold it back and began to mock.

"I said you have also got what you want to achieve, can you let me go now?"

The monster beast didn't care if they were mocking himself, he just wanted to survive now.

"Forget it, I have a good heart, you can go."

Wang Yi smiled, this guy's behavior is so cute, and Wang Yi doesn't want to do anything to these two people.

"Are you really letting me go?"

The monster still couldn't believe it, it seemed that Song Changying had deceived it.

"Don't worry, my young master is not me. If my young master says to let you go, then he will definitely let you go. You can rest assured!"

Song Changying smiled and walked to the monster beast and said.

"You really have the face to say you!"

The demon beast's mouth was mean, Wang Yi didn't want to kill him, so he calmed his mood.

"Actually I'm quite curious, why didn't you plan to target me?"

Before leaving, the monster turned his head and asked Wang Yi this question, which was a question he had been curious about.

"Why am I killing you? I have got what I want from you. Since then I let you go is considered a good deed, isn't it?"

Wang Yi just smiled, but this explanation obviously couldn't satisfy the monster beast.

"I caught you back because you slandered the Tianshan Group, but you also paid the price you deserve."

Tianlong continued Wang Yi's words and explained the monster beast, and then he understood it.

To put it simply, Wang Yi can be insulted, but Tianshan Group must not be insulted.

Insulting Wang Yi, it is enough to apologize at the end. Wang Yi is not the kind of person who kills and decisively, and would not be such a killer.

But slandering the Tianshan Group is different. The Tianshan Group is involved in the Tianshan Group. If you insult the Tianshan Group, NetEase will not let it go.

"By the way, I advise you to say that the guy who uses the source technique is not easy to provoke, so be careful."

After the monster nodded and understood, his state of mind rose to a level and no longer had to worry about the money he had lost.

After all, there are not many people who can provoke the Shang Tianshan Group to retreat safely.


"Master, I think you did the right thing!"

After the demon beast left, Tianlong came to Wang Yi and said softly.

"Don't you always ask me to kill these people without being merciful?"

Wang Yi looked back at Tianlong and said with a smile.

"Master, we don't mean that. What we mean is that we are afraid that if the master does not kill these people, these people will retaliate later."

Tianlong opened his mouth and explained.

This was what he had been thinking about before, but seeing the appearance of the monster beast seemed to be truly moved by Wang Yi.

I believe that the monster beast will not do anything against Wang Yi in the future, and even if it encounters the monster beast Wang Yi next time, it will definitely treat Wang Yi respectfully.

This was not because Wang Yi had let him go, but because Wang Yi showed his demeanor, which made the monsters admire.

"Do you still remember his last words? The person who performed the origin technique is not easy to deal with."

Wang Yi waved his hand and didn't entangle Tianlong with these things. He noticed the last words of the monster beast. That person was not easy to deal with.

He originally thought that person was from Lingjiu Peak, but listening to the monster's meaning, this man seemed not to obey Lingjiu Peak.

"Master, I have also noticed. According to common sense, shouldn't this person be dispatched by Lingjiufeng to the parallel world? I heard that monster meant that Lingjiufeng couldn't control this guy."

Tianlong nodded, of course he noticed this.

According to the monster beast's words, as long as you find this person, then let this person cast the source spell to release the source spell in the source city.

Everyone thought that as long as the monster beast level was passed, this matter would be over, but it seemed that it was not that simple now.

What they need to face is this last person, who is not obedient to Lingjiu Peak.

It was precisely because this last person did not obey Lingjiu Peak that this matter seemed so difficult.

What does not obey Lingjiu Peak means that he will not show mercy to anyone in the Tianshan Group.

"Anyway, you still need to check it out at the last step."

Wang Yi bowed his head and thought for a long time. Although the man seemed to be terrified after listening to the monster's meaning, but now, they have no retreat.

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