"Master, you're not going to want to manage this matter?"

Song Changying noticed that Wang Yi's expression was wrong, and quickly asked.

"What if I say I want to take care of it?"

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

No matter where people are, they are always a life. Taking the lives of these people in exchange for their own strength, Wang Yi disdains such methods.

For Lingjiu Peak, there is nothing wrong with this, but for Wang Yi, none of this will work!

"Master, you can think about it, Lingjiu Peak is not easy to provoke, at least we are now subject to Lingjiu Peak, but we can't do things on impulse!"

Song Changying spoke quickly. He was really afraid that Wang Yi would directly attack the people at Lingjiu Peak.

"Don't worry, I plan to do it myself!"

Wang Yi raised his hand to stop Song Changying who wanted to continue talking.


Song Changying still wanted to say something, but Wang Yi's fierce eyes made Song Changying afraid to speak.

When did he see Wang Yi showing such an expression?

In order to provide the vitality needed by fifty spiritual cultivators in the spirit formation realm, how many ordinary people's lives should be absorbed by Lingjiu Peak?

This is what Wang Yi thought of, and Song Changying and the others also thought about it, but they all chose to ignore it.

Because this is the rule of this world, the weak will always be a stepping stone for the strong.

"Wang Yi, think about it! What you are carrying now, you are not alone, and Dijiang Group is working together!"

Jiang Changqing said in a deep voice.

At least so far, Dijiang Group and Tianshan Group have stood together for the time being.

Jiang Changqing is also aware of the conspiracy of Lingjiu Peak.

Lingjiu Peak did this, obviously relying on himself to master a parallel world to radiate to China, and then control the entire China!

This is the ambition of Lingjiu Peak!

"I think very clearly, if Lingjiufeng is allowed to do this, we will not end well."

Wang Yi nodded.

He knew exactly what he was doing, and the purpose of Lingjiu Peak's conference was to gather Chinese spiritual practitioners to this place.

As for why, it is very simple. The vitality that ordinary people can provide is obviously not enough for Lingjiu Peak to use, so Lingjiu Peak held this conference.

One is to let Lingjiu Peak's own people win the final victory. If they can break the rules of China, Lingjiu Peak can enter the West and obtain meteorite gold!

The second is to rely on these spiritual cultivators who have entered the parallel world to continuously improve the strength of the fifty spiritual cultivators!

From now on, Lingjiu Peak's plan has been more than half successful.

What Lingjiu Peak needs to do next is very simple, just wait for them to fight each other, and finally reap the benefits of the fisherman!

"Although we all know what Lingjiu Peak wants to do, the people outside don't know. In this world, we have cut all contact with Huaxia, and can't contact my father and the others."

Jiang Changqing lowered his head.

If this news can be passed on and told to Jiang Ditian and Feng Duyun, the matter will be resolved.

Directly use the capabilities of the Tianshan Group and the Dijiang Group to force Lingjiu Peak together.

In the face of big right and wrong, I believe that Feng Duyun and Jiang Ditian can recognize the situation clearly and will not fight each other again.

"Is there a way?"

Wang Yi looked at Jiang Changqing and asked.

"You are crazy, if I have a way, I will stay here with you?"

Jiang Changqing was speechless.

He wanted to make another way for himself, but Lingjiufeng mastered the parallel world, and only Lingjiufeng knew the way to leave the parallel world.

It can be said that as long as Lingjiu Peak does not want them to go out, they will never get out.

"Is there such a possibility that Lingjiu Peak originally imprisoned us here to threaten China's various large groups?"

As a bystander, Qiantang will see things more clearly than Wang Yi.

These are all matters of China, and have nothing to do with the Western Realm. The only thing in the Western Realm that can attract competition from the major forces is the falling gold!

Their purpose is not to destroy the Western Realm, but to obtain meteorite gold. As long as the meteorite gold is let go, nothing will happen to the Western Realm!

"Look at people, this is an old monster that has lived for more than a hundred years."

Wang Yi smiled.

"Can you still laugh?"

Jiang Changqing and Bai Wang Yi glanced at it. It is estimated that under this situation, only Wang Yi can laugh.

"Why can't I laugh? I am not allowed to laugh yet?"

When Wang Yi heard it, his smile became brighter.

He didn't think it would be easy for Lingjiu Peak to implement these plans.

Moreover, Feng Duyun and Feng Jingtian are not fools. They have talked to Lingjiu Peak countless times to protect themselves.

Presumably the two must have guessed something, but they are not sure.

"By the way, didn't Cao Jin also come in? How about looking for him first?"

Jiang Changqing spoke, he suddenly thought of Cao Jin, he still remembered that Cao Jin also followed into the parallel world.

Something they can't solve may be solved by Cao Jin.

"My master went to another city, is there a problem?"

Wang Yi smiled.

"Master, there is still a very serious situation."

Tianlong, who had been standing aside without speaking, suddenly spoke, Wang Yi immediately looked at Tianlong and asked.

"what happened?"

"This kind of sacrifice vitality can only enjoy one altar by one person. In other words, there are fifty such places in this parallel world, or even more!"

Tianlong gave a wry smile.

Although I am very reluctant to admit it, this is indeed a fact.

"Are you kidding me?"

Qiantang took a breath, and according to what Zhang Laosan said, almost all of them on the back mountain were that kind of monsters.

There are mountains and plains, and the number of people who sacrificed because of sacrifices is unknown.

Then Tianlong said now, is there more than one such place in the parallel world?

"I'm not kidding, who would talk nonsense about this kind of thing?"

Tianlong nodded vigorously.

Wang Yi was still smiling, but when he heard this, the smile on his face instantly converged.

Wang Yi himself could not believe all this, it was too sensational.

If all this is like what Tianlong said, wouldn't this so-called sacrifice have already harvested countless lives?

"I'm thinking now, where do people in this parallel world come from."

Wang Yi said in a deep voice.

When everyone thought about it, they couldn't figure out where so many people had found Lingjiu Peak.

Only Lingjiufeng knows about the emergence of the parallel world, and these people have the characteristics of Huaxia people, whether they look or talk, they are like Huaxia people.

It can be said that these people are replicas of Huaxia people.

In that case, does it mean... these people were brought from China by Lingjiu Peak?

Lingjiu Peak has existed in China for a long time. It is not difficult to achieve this!

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