"If this is China, you can let you be presumptuous, but here is not asking you to figure out your identity!"

Cao Jin walked to Wang Yi, picked up Wang Yi's collar, and stared at Wang Yi.

Wang Yi took care of things that he didn't even dare to take care of, and Wang Yi not only took care of him, but also made such cruel words to Lingjiu Peak.

It's not that he didn't know what Lingjiu Peak did, not even Feng Duyun knew about it.

However, both he and Feng Duyun chose to ignore them. If Wang Yi hadn't met Zhang Lao San, they would not have known these things.

Wang Yi didn't know that these things were obviously the best results, but now Wang Yi knows and has done such things.

"I still don't think there is anything wrong with what I did."

Wang Yi said softly.

"If you insist on saying something wrong, then those people at Lingjiu Peak are wrong! I'm not wrong! These people simply want to survive."

"Why can they deprive them of the right to survive? If Lingjiu Peak really becomes the No. 1 power in China one day, will the Tianshan Group agree to deprive me of the right to survive?"

Wang Yi repeatedly emphasized that he was right. According to his knowledge, not only did he not do anything wrong, but he did very well.

It is everyone's right to live, whether it is a commoner or a so-called high official.

"That's different. At least there is Tianshan Group behind you. What can be behind these people?"

Cao Jin continued to entangle with Wang Yi. After changing his usual time, he slapped his sleeves and left. But now he can't do this. He must make clear his stakes with Wang Yi.

It was too late for Wang Yi to stop and continue to confront Lingjiu Peak. Lingjiu Peak was really annoying, and he could not save Wang Yi.

"Master, I will call you a master for now. If your apprentice was treated as a sacrifice by Lingjiu Peak one day, what would you do?"

Wang Yi's words stopped Cao Jin's question, and there was no way to answer Wang Yi for a while.

Cao Jin couldn't answer, and he couldn't open the mouth. Wang Yi was right. If one day Lingjiufeng would also sacrifice him as a sacrifice, his purpose would be to stabilize Lingjiufeng's own strength. Cao Jin definitely won't let Lingjiu Peak go.

"I'll talk about these things later, you leave with me now!"

It took a long time before Cao Jin spoke again. After speaking, he pulled up Wang Yi and was about to leave Houshan.

"Wait a minute, there is another thing I haven't finished!"

Wang Yi spoke quickly and broke free of Cao Jin and walked to Ling Xu.

"You have also seen how Lingjiu Peak treats the forest guards. It's not without a chance that you are walking with me and uniting against Lingjiu Peak."

Song Changying and Tianlong listened in horror.

The two of them barely walked to Wang Yi to remind Wang Yi loudly. Just now, Cao Jin also said that Wang Yi should stop worrying about Lingjiu Peak.

As a result, Wang Yi now turned around and said to Lingxu to deal with Lingjiu Peak together, still speaking in front of Cao Jin!

"Just now this adult said, I told you not to interfere in this matter. Didn't you understand?"

Lingxu smiled and said.

"He can't control me. I want to hear your opinion. If you don't go with us now, do you think you can survive here?"

Regardless of Cao Jin's ugly expression, Wang Yi continued to speak to Lingxu.

"Boy, I'm not dead yet, I'm standing here now, are you saying this to me?"

Cao Jin walked up and looked at Wang Yi. He swears that he really wants to slap Wang Yi so much now.

It's fine if you don't respect the teacher, is there such a damn annoying thing?He really doubted whether Wang Yi was deliberately pissing him off.

"You can hold a boat in your prime minister's belly, and still care about it?"

Wang Yi just smiled and said jokingly.

"Tianlong, let's go outside and wait for the kid, I am looking at this kid now!"

Cao Jin flushed with anger and turned around to let Tianlong follow him.

Tianlong and Song Changying also nodded again and again, and quickly followed Cao Jin away.

Let Cao Jin stay here to listen to Wang Yi's words, and maybe when Cao Jin will take action to teach Wang Yi, the two of them felt that Wang Yi's doing so was indeed a bit annoying.

After everyone was gone, Ling Xu still didn't speak, he just stared at Wang Yi.

"It's useless for you to look at me. If you agree, then you agree, if you don't, you won't agree. I won't force you to do anything. I just want to tell you that the things I told you before are not fake!"

Wang Yi shrugged, he was absolutely confident, and Ling Xu would leave with him.

It's not that he feels that Lingxu is afraid of death, but that if he wants to save Lingxu's clan, he can only rely on how he did things just now.

Lingxu had also experienced it firsthand. Without relying on Wang Yi's words, it would be sooner or later that the spirit guards were destroyed by Lingjiu Peak.

For the Chinese clan like the spirit guards, Lingjiufeng would not care, and the door would be destroyed if the door was destroyed. Anyway, they already mastered the secrets of the spirit guards.

"You want me to leave with you, and then take me to find other guardians, let me convince them, right?"

Lingxu spoke out Wang Yi's purpose.

Wang Yi was not surprised, and Lingxu was not a fool. He would naturally know this. Just knowing it well and saying it directly are completely two concepts.

Everyone thinks about it in their hearts, which is a good way of cooperation between the two.

It's not that smell when it is said.

"Didn't I just say that the cooperation between us is entirely voluntary. I don't threaten you like the people at Lingjiu Peak."

Wang Yi spoke lightly. He persuaded others to never rely on his fists, except for those who are extremely stubborn.

"I think your master doesn't seem to want me to deal with Lingjiu Peak with you."

Ling Xu spoke, and glanced at the direction Cao Jin had left.

Wang Yi suddenly understood that Lingxu's feelings were worried about Cao Jin, and Lingxu should be afraid that after agreeing to himself, Cao Jin would stalk him because he did not want the two to cooperate.

Relying on Cao Jin's strength, if you want to do this, the best way to do this without breaking the alliance between the two is to kill Lingxu directly.

So this is also a concern in Ling Xu's heart.

"Let’s put it this way, you promise to cooperate with me, I can guarantee that he will not treat you, but if you do not cooperate with me, you will face the people of Lingjiu Peak, and the people of Lingjiu Peak will not show mercy to you. ."

After knowing Lingxu's scruples, all this was easy. Wang Yi assured Lingxu that he would not let Cao Jin do anything out of the ordinary.

Other Wang Yi could not guarantee, but Wang Yi could use his own life as a guarantee in taking human lives.

Even if Cao Jin wanted to destroy Lingxu, he would definitely inform himself, and would not make a silent move!

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