The two of them were so angry that they had to fight.

"Whitebeard, you..."

Shanks pulled out the Griffin and couldn't suppress the shock in his eyes.

"Uh la la la!"

"It seems that Red Hair, you are no match for me!"

Kaido laughed heartlessly on the side.

Whitebeard raised his big hand: "Red Hair, you don't need to persuade me, I don't plan to do anything to Kaido."

"It's just that kid bullied my son and I beat him up to vent my anger!"

"But since you are all here, you can't leave if you don't help me do something."

Red Hair's face sank, and Kaido seemed indifferent.

Anyway, he couldn't beat him, what else could he do?

He still knew a little about Whitebeard, after all, he had been on a ship before.

Since Whitebeard said he would not take action, he would definitely not break his promise.

Shanks said in a deep voice: "Tell me, what's the matter."

If it's to go to Marineford...

"Kulalala, easy!"

"Help me stop Kizaru, don't let that kid run away!"

"Since they kidnapped my son, I'll kidnap a navy admiral!"

Whitebeard's eyes suddenly looked into the distance.

It would be strange if they didn't find this kind of surveillance.

"Ealalala! I'm fine!"

Kaido had recovered about 70% at this time, at least it would be no problem to stop the admiral.

But the red-haired man asked: "Reason?"

There was nothing to hide about this, Whitebeard said directly: "Ace."

Shanks nodded when he heard it.

So a few miles away, Kizaru, who was watching the battle, watched from a distance as a beam of light flew towards him quickly in the sky, and at the same time two auras locked him.

At this time, Kizaru, who was talking on the Den Den Mushi, changed his expression.

"It's broken!!"

"What's wrong? What happened!"

Sengoku's voice came from Den Den Mushi.

"The three of them are coming at me!!!"

Were they fighting just now?

How could it be so sudden!

Without any hesitation, Kizaru's body turned into light and was about to run!

The next moment, Kaido was already on top of his head!

"Bad wind!"

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Countless wind blades spewed out of Kaido's mouth!

The warship was destroyed in an instant, and Kizaru's elementalization was also interrupted.

The next moment.

Red Hair had already arrived in front of him, and Griffin raised his hand and pointed it at him: "Don't touch Kizaru!"

And Whitebeard followed closely behind!

Kizaru raised his hands very sincerely.

Can't fight, can't fight at all!

Three Four Emperors, even if Roger came, he would be beaten up!

"Kizaru! What happened!"


Sengoku looked at Den Den Mushi anxiously in the office.

Then the Den Den Mushi in front of him changed his appearance.


"It's been so many years since I last saw Sengoku."


"What kind of cooperation did you reach? Why did you unite?"

Whitebeard ignored Sengoku's doubts and put forward his own request: "Kizaru is in my hands now, exchange him for Ace."


Sengoku's roar echoed throughout the office.

"Then you can wait for the death of Kizaru, one of the three admirals!"

Whitebeard was about to hang up.


Seeing this, Whitebeard's beard rose higher.

An admiral for Ace, whose identity has not yet been announced.

He believed that the navy knew how to choose!



"Why do I feel that the eyes of people around me are weird?"

Minato looked around with some doubts.

Shock, excitement and all kinds of emotions.

Before he could ask, he saw a large group of people and frowned immediately.

"Uchiha clan?"

"What are they doing?"

They are still moving things in big and small bags?

What's going on?

They have already moved everything before, why are they moving now?

And they are all in low spirits, with their heads drooping, as if their mother has died, and they don't even bother to look at the road.

The surrounding residents looked at the Uchiha clan with hatred.

Some even spit on the ground, and some threw eggs and vegetables on the ground.

But the Uchiha clan didn't react at all, just lowered their heads and walked forward.


He immediately walked towards the group of people.

The Uchiha clan member in the front row who was absent-mindedly moving raised his head and froze the next moment.


The things in his hands fell to the ground.

At the same time, behind him

The group of clan members also stopped and raised their heads impatiently and shouted:

"What are you doing!"

As soon as they raised their heads, they were also stunned.

"The Fourth Hokage!"

"Minato! Lord Minato!"

"Lord Minato!"

One after another exclaimed.

The clan members standing in the middle and back shouted excitedly: "Lord Minato is dead!"

"He's dead!!!"

"Stop having unrealistic fantasies!"

For a while, the Uchiha clan who were moving seemed to be in a state of panic.

There were even many people who burst into tears.

If you ask who is the most unacceptable to the death of the Fourth Hokage, they are definitely one of them!


"I'm dead? When did I die? How come I don't know?"

Minato's voice sounded, looking helplessly at the group of people in front of him.

The bodies of those who saw him in front froze, and those who didn't know the situation in the back were crying.

It made him look like he was really dead!

Hearing this familiar voice, countless people looked up and looked forward. Everyone put down the things in their hands and ran forward in panic.

When they saw the yellow-haired figure, they were stunned.


It was really the living Minato-sama!


A resident on the roadside called out tentatively.

Minato turned his head: "It's me, what's wrong, I'm not here for a day, what am I doing?"

And the more courageous Uchiha clan came up directly and started to attack Minato.

The real touch came.

"It's... it's true!"

"It's true Minato-sama!"

"I said Minato-sama will not die, but you still don't believe it!"

"Now you believe it!"

Minato was speechless, and the two big men touched each other here and there.

The crying became louder and louder, as if it was contagious.

Even many middle-aged people were infected by this sad emotion and were moved to tears.

It took a while for Minato to calm down.

Then when Minato asked the reason, an eight-foot-tall man hugged his thighs and cried like an eight-hundred-pound child again.


"Minato-sama, you have to make the decision for us!"

"I don't know who spread the news of your death, the Third Hokage was re-appointed, and that old dog Shimura directly ordered us to move out with the Hokage!"

"It's even more unfair that we killed you!"

"We Uchiha are wronged!"

At once, many people started crying again!

They could never hurt Minato-sama!

They felt so wronged!

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