"Do you suspect I did it?" Raiden Shogun's glance before he left was watched by the mirror.

Jingliu just chuckled at this, and didn't explain too much, let alone care too much.

"Mirror Flow...... Isn't there a force that has paused time here just now? Columbia asked with a solemn expression.

The power of time...... Except for the reign of time, Columbia could think of anyone else who could control this power. In other words, just now, Time Archon Istarlu himself appeared here and suspended time here for ......

"When, when. Hearing this, Jing Liu directly pretended to be confused and asked Columbia. In his heart, he was secretly scolding Ishtar.

Although Columbia's strength is indeed strong, but you can't quietly do still time when you execute a time, Jingliu thinks that Istalo should retire quickly, and I can govern at this time.

Ishalo: And this kind of good thing?o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

"Didn't you notice Kagami?" Columbia looked at Kagami as if she was lying to herself, and the confusion on her face was even stronger.

It shouldn't be, you can find it with your own spiritual power, and there is no reason why the mirror stream, which is several times stronger than your own spiritual power, ......can't be discovered

"What do you perceive? Could it be that you forgot to bring it with you when you went out today?" Jingliu preemptively looked at Columbia with a foolish look.

"Yes...... Although there was not a hint of lying in the words of the mirror stream, Columbia always felt that something was strange, but she couldn't say what was strange.

"How could you have noticed something that I hadn't even noticed, Columbia.

"It's not that I look down on you, but my mental power is several times that of yours, and even what I didn't notice must be that you sensed it wrong.

"That's right. Columbia nodded, feeling that what Jingliu said was not unreasonable. Even Jingliu didn't notice it, it must be his own problem.

'But ......

' "Oh, don't think about it, let's go, I'll take you to have fun." Before Columbia could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the mirror stream, and took her hand and left the statue of a thousand hands and hundreds of eyes.

Columbia looked at the face of the mirror and always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't say ......


"Excuse me, you two, and may I ask Ying how they are doing now.

Kagami-ryu and Columbia walked to the streets of Inazuma Castle, and Kamisato Ayaka walked up to the two of them with an anxious look and asked.

"They're fine, they're just wanted.

"Is that so...... Great......" Listening to Kagami's answer, Kamisato Ayaka was also relieved, although she was wanted, it was not a matter for the company.

As for why he didn't speak up for Thoma when he was at the statue of a thousand hands and hundreds of eyes just now, it was naturally because of the society's commission...... But now it's the best outcome.

"Two, I'll be out of company first. After Kamisato Ayaka finished speaking, she left the place in a hurry. I should have gone to arrange a way back for Thoma and Ying.

"But Raiden Shogun really doesn't care about anything, if he were Raiden Shogun, I'm afraid the three commissions would have ceased to exist a long time ago. Jingliu looked at Kamisato Ayaka's departing back, and couldn't help but snort coldly. Three pursuits, five ideas, ten rebellions.

"I can only say that it is worthy of eternal freedom, Inazuma?" Columbia nodded in agreement. If he were a raiden general, he wouldn't know how many times he would have died......

"Don't think too much about it, anyway, we're just ordinary travelers, no matter what Raiden Shogun does, even if she brings down Inazuma, Yae Miko will be on top of her. "Kagage-ryu has to feel sorry for Yae Miko.

"What is the Raiden General who brought down Inazuma and had Yae Miko on top of it, so I was like Thor. The

two of them turned their heads to look at the voice, only to see Yae Miko standing behind them with a smile on her face.

"I guess you must want to ask why I'm here, of course, because the general actually came to collect the hundredth Vision in person, and I, as a dependent, naturally want to come to watch it once. Yae Miko said to himself. I didn't notice the disgusted expressions on Kag-ryu and Columbia's faces.

Kagami, Columbia: Where did this Puxin girl come from?

Kagamiya looked at Yae Miko's appearance, and couldn't help but ask, "

Who asked you?" "Who asked you." Columbia also replied.

"Hahaha. Yae Miko's face was thick enough, and he was not embarrassed by his face. Yae Miko's face did not change, and then he said

, "The two of you have already seen Raiden Shogun, right?"

Kagami-ryu did not reply, but looked at Yae Miko with a foolish look.

"Okay, okay, I'm not going to tease you guys. Yae Miko smiled and raised her hands in surrender, and then said,

"Do you have any thoughts on Raiden

Shogun?" "I only have two words for Raiden Shogun and the God of Thunder. Jingliu said lightly, but did not continue.

"What?" Yae Miko asked curiously.


Columbia, Yae Miko: ......

"Civilization point. Columbia couldn't help but punch Jingliu.

"But I'm not wrong. Jingliu was punched inexplicably, and couldn't help but look at Columbia with some grievances.

Yae Miko reacted, then looked serious and thought for a while, and then looked abrupt.

"Yes! "

Columbia: ......

Is it because you are too civilized to keep up with their thoughts? Do you want to become more uncivilized?"

The best way to do this is to beat her ass into three petals, so that she will naturally become well-behaved. "

Hmm...... That's a good idea. Yae Miko nodded, and then looked at Jingliu: "

Then do you want to hit the ass of the God of Thunder, Bao can beat it." "

Oh, no. Listening to Yae Miko's words, Kagairu refused without hesitation, not mentioning why he wanted to spank Thor's ass for the time being, if he agreed, I'm afraid Columbia would come to spank his ass.

"Well, that's a shame. It seems that there is no other way to do it. Yae Miko seemed to sigh with real pity.

"Do you have any arrangements for the next two of you?"

"Sleep in the Echo Shrine." "

How long do you sleep?"

"Sleep until you die." "

Yae Miko, Columbia: ......


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