Listening to Jingliu's words, Lei Movie was silent for a while and did not speak.

"So, 'eternity' can't be realized, right?" asked Lei Ying after being silent for a long time, a little unrelenting.

Hearing this, Jingliu shook his head and said lightly: "I don't know, it may be possible, it may not be possible."

"At least, as far as I know, no living being has achieved 'eternity'. "

Whether it is an immortal planet or a star god standing at the apex of fate, it will die one day.

Neither in one's own nor in the cognition of the "mirror stream", no creature has reached the true sense of "eternity".

The so-called "eternity" is just to live a little longer.

"Yes......" Lei Ying was silent for a while, and then smiled with relief: "

Whether 'eternity' can be realized or not, it has nothing to do with me now.

"Now I am no longer the shadow that I once blindly chased after 'eternity'. Now I am the shadow of a wish made by my subjects. Yae

Miko, who was on the side of the "Shadow ......", looked at the appearance of the Lei movie, and was somewhat relieved.

"Okay, you two flirt at night. Kagami-ryu finally said this to Yae Miko.

"Little couple, flirting, what does this mean?" said Ray, looking at Yae Miko with an inquiring expression.

"It's just a compliment to our good feelings. Yae Miko covered her mouth and said, not letting Lei Movie see the smile on her lips.

"Hmm......" Lei Movie thought for a while, and seemed to understand what Yae Miko meant, and said with a serious face: "

Yes, I have a very good relationship with Miko, so we often flirt with each other. "

Mirror Stream: ......

If it weren't for the lack of water in his mouth, he would have been so high and low that he would be able to spray thunder on his face.

"Then are we two little couples?" Columbia on the side touched the mirror stream with her elbow and leaned into her ear.

Hearing Columbia's words, Jingliu chuckled, "Of course we are two young couples.

"As for flirting, I'll tell you what it is when I go back at night. Jingliu blinked and said a little mysteriously.

"Okay, then we'll go back and flirt in the evening. "

Mirror Stream: ......

How can there be a sense of guilt for deceiving an ignorant and simple girl?

"Ahem. Jingliu coughed lightly, then looked at the Lei movie

, and said, "This body of yours is rebelling against you, and if you don't deal with it in time, you may never get out again." "

Well, I know. Lei Ying nodded, understanding what Jingliu was talking about.

"Raiden Shogun is a puppet of his own making, and it is a proof of his own practice of 'eternity'. From the time she was made, she never thought she would give up on the ...... of 'eternity'

" "That's why it led to this result......" Ray Movie sighed softly.

"Shadow ......" Yae Miko looked at the Lei movie with some concern, and the confrontation in the physical and mental aspects was no longer under the influence of outsiders.

"Yes, there is still a long way to go before the General's dedication to 'eternity' reaches its peak. "

That was enough time to turn her mind around. Lei Ying said lightly, and there was no anxious look on his face.

"Is there anything else you want to ask? No, we'll go first. After Jingliu finished speaking, he got up and prepared to leave.


"If something happens to you two in Inazuma, you can come to the castle tower and ask me. "

Well, I don't need it, but thank you. Kagyu chuckled and left with Columbia.


"Mirror Stream, Columbia, I've finally found you. He was blocked by a panting Yoimiya.

"It's for the fireworks. Looking at Yoimiya's appearance, the two also understood what her purpose was.

"That's right, I didn't expect the eye hunting order to end so smoothly. "

Then my fireworks display is about to start. "

Hey, hey. Yoimiya writhed in embarrassment.

"We are looking forward to a brilliant fireworks display with you. "

Hmm!" Yoimiya nodded solemnly, as if Kagamiya had issued some commission to him.

"I'm not good in other ways, but I'm sure I'm sure. "

No one in Inazuma knows more about fireworks than I do. Yoimiya scratched her head a little embarrassed.

Yoimiya's unconfident appearance ushered in Kagamiya's laughter: "We believe in you very much, so we don't have to be so unconfident and show your strength as the queen of the summer festival." "

Light up the whole Inazuma with your fireworks. "

Well, I will, I'll go and get ready now, look forward to it!" After speaking, before the two of them could speak, Yoimiya ran away.

"Worthy of the owner of the Fire Vision. Jingliu couldn't help but sigh.

The eyes of the fire gods are lively and enthusiastic, you say yes, a certain owner of a winery in a certain area.

"Let's go shopping, and we'll be able to leave Inazuma in a few days.

Jingliu stretched out his hand to Columbia very gentlemanly.

"Good. Columbia chuckled and reached out to put her hand on it.


"Sancai dumplings, three-color dumplings, delicious three-color dumplings.

"Dango milk, dango milk, this is General Lian's favorite food." "

At this time, the streets of Inazuma Castle finally have a lively feeling that a big city should have.

The previous Inazuma, although still prosperous, seemed to have an invisible dark cloud over everyone's head. As a result, the entire Inazuma Castle has a gloomy feeling.

"Columbia, do you want to eat three-color dumplings?" Jingliu looked at the stall not far away and asked Columbia beside him.

"Do you want to eat?"

"I'll eat if you eat."

"Do you want to eat it?"

"If you don't eat it, I won't eat it either."

"I mean, do you want to eat it?" Columbia didn't answer Kagami's question, but said word by word.

"Haha, eat, eat, I want to eat. Seeing Columbia's thoughts, Jingliu couldn't help but touch his nose with some embarrassment.

I can't even fool Columbia, no. Columbia can be smart to others, but she is definitely not good to herself. Otherwise, I will fool her ...... with something

"Okay, this is your three-color ball. When

the mirror came back to his senses, the vendor had already handed over the three-color dumplings. Reaching out to take it and biting it gently, the sweetness of the dumplings instantly bloomed in your mouth.

Perhaps because of the lifting of the eye hunting order and the lockdown order, the three-color dumplings at this time are more sweet than before.

Suddenly, Columbia stopped what she was doing, and there were still five three-colored balls floating in the air on the skewer.

"I was reminded of a very serious matter. Columbia looked at the mirror with a serious face.

"I forgot to bring Mora today. Columbia leaned into Jingliu's ear and whispered.

"Isn't it Mora, I'm ......" Kagami chuckled, signaling Columbia not to worry, and then pulled it out of her body.

Then the smile froze ......

"I didn't bring ...... either"

Jingliu and Columbia glanced at each other, and the five three-colored balls in their hands became a little bitter.


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