[Doctor] was obviously stunned for a moment, didn't he come to find himself?So what are you doing here?Visiting?Visiting the laboratory, isn't it?[Doctor] thought for a moment, and then asked Akiryu and Columbia in confusion

, "Those two are here?"

"Oh, of course they're looking for you." What do you think it is?, visiting your lab?", Kagami-ryu said as a matter of course, looking at [Dr.] with a foolish expression.

[Doctor]: ......

"Haha, if you two want to visit my lab, of course I'd be very happy. [The Doctor] chuckled, not being affected by the expression of the mirror.

"So, what are you looking for me

?" "Why? I can't look for you if it's okay?" said Jingliu lightly.

It can be seen that Jingliu's opinion of [Doctor] is a little bit bigger, of course, maybe not a little ......

"Haha, of course, whatever your purpose for coming to me, I would welcome you very much. "[The doctor's] expression didn't change, it was still the same smile.

"You're very welcome?oh~ It seems that you only welcome one of us, so ...... Do you not welcome Columbia, or do you not welcome me?" continued as Kagaru picked at the words in [the doctor's] words.

[Doctor: ......

.] Although [Doctor] still had the same smile on his face, for a moment, his smile trembled a little, and he was obviously a little nervous.

"Haha...... Haha, I was abrupt, no matter what the purpose of the two of them looking for me is, I welcome the arrival of the two of them. "

This time, [the doctor] organized his language a little before he spoke, obviously a little afraid of the mirror stream picking out the words again.

"Two?" said Kagami, and then a dove slowly appeared in his hand, apparently the one that had led the way for Kagami and Columbia earlier

: "Then you don't welcome it?"

[Doctor]: ......

Columbia: ......

Columbia couldn't stand it at this time, how could she like such a person, the moment they first met, the pure white and flawless soul they perceived must be fake......, right?

Columbia looked at the pigeon in Kagami's hand:

"Why is the pigeon here

?" "Uh-huh?" Kagrompia snorted lightly, and instead of answering Columbia's question, he looked at [Dr.], waiting for his explanation.

[Doctor] didn't know what to say at this point, but now he almost understood that although Jingliu's purpose might not be to make trouble, she was doing ...... right now

"Haha, yes...... It's me who ignores him. "What else can [the doctor] do? Otherwise, if you come to the sword again, you won't have a slice again.

"Won't you invite us in?" Jingliu said lightly, as if as long as [Doctor] said a "no", the next second, he and the laboratory behind him would turn into dust.

"Of course, please. "[Doctor] leaned to the side, reaching out to the lab.


"I don't know if you're coming, you didn't prepare anything, I hope you'll forgive me. "

[The doctor] took Kagami and Columbia to a break room in the lab and said apologetically.

"Well, I see. But apologize, show a little sincerity, is your so-called apology just talking?" Jingliu nodded, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked.

I don't pretend, I have a showdown, I'm here to make trouble.

[The doctor] listened to Kagami's words, was silent for a moment, and then said

, "I don't know what you like, so I'm going to make my promise a gift of apology." "


"Hmm...... Yes, it didn't help me, but I'll take it. Jingliu pretended to be very generous and waved his hand.

[Doctor]: ......

[Doctor] couldn't help but feel a little tired, if he wanted to become someone else, he would have slapped him a long time ago. But the person in front of him is the mirror stream, the super bug in the Teyvat continent, the kind that can't be repaired at all, the kind that can slap himself to death with a slap, so he can only follow his heart.

"It's been a long time since I've experienced this kind of forbearance...... [Doctor] thought silently in his heart, recalling the last time the emotion of "forbearance" appeared, I'm afraid it had been hundreds of years.

Although it is forbearance, [Doctor] will not think about seeking revenge after his strength surpasses Mirror Flow in the future, and in terms of strength alone, [Doctor] has no confidence to surpass Mirror Flow.

In his eyes, Jingliu's strength will always be a mystery. Whether it was the sword in the snowfield that first noticed her existence, or the sword that she had given herself across half of the Teyvat continent before.

Even the inexplicable enchantment that appeared in the snowfield, no one could shake the enchantment in the winter, but she could solve it alone and easily, at least so she thought.

All her actions seem to be so easy, and the strength that Jingliu is currently showing may only be the tip of her iceberg.

It's true that [Doctor] is crazy for revenge on this monster, but madness doesn't mean stupidity, and you have to be stupid when it's time to take it from your heart.

"I need you to tell me a question. Jingliu lightly stated the purpose of coming to [Doctor] this time.

"What's the problem?" "Mirror

Flow didn't speak in a hurry, but first took out the two god hearts of Wind and Rock, and said under [Doctor's] puzzled eyes

, "I want to know, after [Skirmisher] becomes a god, I give him these two god hearts, including the Grass God's god heart, what strength will he have?" Although I don't

know how Mirror Stream knew about [Balladeer] becoming a god, I still thought about it carefully for a while:

"It takes enough energy to drive the heart of God, and that puppet doesn't have that energy. So, I intend to use the dream power of all the people of Sumeru City to help him drive the Heart of God.

"As for what you said, wind, rock, thunder, and grass, the four divine hearts are driven at the same time, and the energy required is probably incomparably huge.

"Of course, if the power is sufficient, it may not be impossible for the four divine hearts to drive at the same time.

"If you can really do it, after that puppet is familiar with this power, its strength may be able to jump to the strength of a top-level demon god. "[The doctor] did a rough calculation of the theoretical value.

Of course, these are all theoretical, and the real situation has to be observed experimentally.

"I see, you just need enough energy, right? Kagairu nodded, asking [Doctor].

"Yes. "[The doctor] said with certainty.

"But this power is probably very large, and if you compare it with the dream energy, it may require the dreams of the entire Teyvat people. "

Okay, I'll look for you then." Jingliu didn't ask much, got up and left with Columbia.

[Doctor] looked at the back of the two of them leaving, and was also a little looking forward to the experiment driven by the four divine hearts at the same time.

As for energy? [Doctor] believes that Mirror Flow can handle it.

"It's the puppet...... I'm afraid it's even worse than I imagined...... "

Even if the strength of [Skirmishers] reaches the strength of a top-level demon god, in the eyes of [Dr.], it is just a toy for the mirror stream."


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