"Collei, since you're back, ...... Huh?"

the boy was slightly stunned when he saw Jingliu and Columbia behind Collei. This seems to be the first time in his memory that Collei brought someone he didn't know home.

Seeing the young man's puzzled look, Collei hurriedly stood up and explained:

"Tighnari teacher, they are my friends, and they just happened to come to Sumeru today, so I ......"

Collei seemed to be a little afraid of being lectured by Tighnari, and said cautiously, his eyes constantly observing the changes in Tighnari's expression.

"Collei's friend?" Tighnari looked at Collei with some confusion, and then at Kagami and Columbia behind Collei.

"Hello, my name is Jingliu. This is Columbia, and we are travelers passing through here. Kamiliu introduced Tighnari with a smile on his face.

"Kagami, Columbia?" Tighnari silently read the two names in his mind, feeling as if he had heard them somewhere.

"Hello, my name is Tighnari, the forest ranger of the Daocheng Forest. In this case, though, Tighnari didn't think much of it, and introduced himself to Kagmiryu and Columbia.

"Since I'm a friend of Collet, I won't say anything, please feel free. "

That's right, Collet. Tyrina suddenly thought of what she was going to say to Collet, and commanded

, "I won't be back in the evening, but if you don't mind in the evening, you can stay here for the night."

Tighnari gave Collei an order, then nodded to Kagami and Columbia.

"Huh, is the teacher going to patrol the forest at night?" Hearing Tighnari's instructions, Collei was a little puzzled, it seems that there is nothing to do with the teacher to patrol the forest at night recently, right?"

Hearing Collei's words, Tighnari shook his head and said slowly under Collei's puzzled gaze

, "It's something on the Akademiya's side, I don't know what it is, but it feels very important."

Tighnari scratched his head, a little puzzled as to why he had summoned himself at this point in time.

"Huh?" Listening to Tighnari's words, Jingliu also had some doubts, shouldn't he be waiting for Ying's arrival in the Daocheng Forest at this point in time?"

Jingliu thought about it in his heart, and he could only think of this one reason.

But think about it, as a god of a country, in the face of three foreign gods with unknown purposes, it is impossible to sit idly by and ignore anything.

Truth be told, Kag-ryu wanted to tell Nahida that the best way to deal with this matter was to leave it alone. Otherwise, find someone to make yourself anxious, and you really go to burn the World Tree.

"Anyway, that's it, we still have to go through to find out. There is a high probability that I will not come back in the next few days, so during this time, Collei will go to patrol the forest by yourself, and be careful not to go too far. Tighnari instructed Collei for fear that he would crawl into trouble while patrolling the forest.

"Don't worry, Mr. Tighnari, I've been studying hard in the past few years. "

You...... Hey, forget it, you better not go patrolling the forest during this time. Tighnari looked at Collei and felt even more worried.

"You should spend time with your friends. Tighnari looked behind him at Kamiliu and Columbia.

"Ah, I really can!" Collei said to Tighnari, a little unconvinced.

"I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm informing you. Tighnari's expression became serious.

"Hmm...... Alright then......" Collei looked at Tighnari's serious expression, and he was a little afraid to speak.

"Hey......" Tighnari glanced at Collei and sighed, then continued, "

I'll take care of the matter of Dao Chenglin, and after that, I'll go straight to Sumeru City, and I don't need to prepare my dinner."

"Remember, you should stay in the castle during this time, and don't go to patrol the forest.

With that, Tighnari cleaned up the house as well, and then once again instructed Collei to leave.

When he walked to the door, he deliberately glanced at Jingliu and Columbia.

"Mirror Stream and Columbia...... Where did I hear these two names...... "

Forget it...... There shouldn't be any problems......


Kagnari watched Tighnari's movements and expressions, but didn't pay much attention to it.

He didn't deliberately hide his identity, even if he was known by Tighnari, it didn't matter, rather, even if his identity was known by all of Sumeru.

It's still the same sentence, and I'm not here to do things. Now

that I'm in the mood to do something, Mondstadt Liyue Inazuma hasn't done anything, and Sumeru has to come to a big one.

Jingliu secretly thought in his heart that he wanted to have fun, how could he have fun if he didn't do things? Anyway, he could come back in the end, it doesn't matter how he does it, right?

Thinking of this, Jingliu couldn't help but show a smile that he didn't know how to describe. looked at Collei a little confused.

"Mirror flow, this is ...... What's wrong?" Collei looked at the smile that came out of the mirror, feeling a little panicked.

"It's okay, it's old. Columbia shook her head and said lightly, indicating that Collei didn't care at all.

"Uh......" Collei looked at the mirror flow, no matter how he thought about it, he didn't look like he had no problem......

Forget it, since there is no problem, then there must be no problem......

"Sit here for a while, and I'll prepare you supper." Collei said as he posed a few chairs to Kagami and Columbia.

"By the way, do you have any taboos?"

"No, we can eat anything, as long as it's food, we like it." Columbia smiled at Collei.

As for the mirror stream beside him, he was still thinking about how this plan could make a big wave in Sumeru.

"Okay, wait a minute, dinner will be ready soon. With that, Collei trotted out of the house and went outside to prepare the ingredients.

After taking Collei away, Columbia looked at Jingliu who was still in a state of madness beside her, and couldn't help but punch

her: "What do you think? Think about it for so long?"

Jingliu, who was punched by Columbia, also came back to his senses, and said to Columbia: "Columbia

...... Wasn't Sumeru

City built on top of a giant tree?" "It should be, what's wrong?"

Sumeru City was built on a giant tree, and I still heard of it.

"You say...... At the base of the tree, I put a flame that cannot be extinguished. The flames slowly burned up along

the giant tree...... "When the time came, the entire giant tree and Sumeru City would be ablaze, forming a pillar of fire that reached the sky. Wouldn't that be interesting?"


Do you have any attachment to setting fire to trees?


(ps:It doesn't have to be really burned.,It may also be really burned o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ.。 Of course, if it is really burned, it will not cause any deaths to the people of Sumeru City. After all, the protagonist is the "Three Good Citizens of Teyvat").

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