"Eh, how should I use this canned knowledge......"

Walking on the way back to Sumeru City, Jingliu fiddled with the canned knowledge in his hand with some confusion.

Columbia looked at Jingliu who was distressed about how to use canned knowledge, remembered which friend Jingliu said before, and asked in a flat tone

: "What? Isn't your friend going to use it? Why is

it that you are using it now?" Hearing this, Jingliu scratched his head awkwardly: "There are some things, as long as you know it in your heart, I will be a little uncomfortable saying it."

"With the thickness of your skin, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

"Where is my skin thicker? Kagmu felt that Columbia had a filter on herself now, no! she had to smash it right away.

"Good, good, not thick, not thick, very thin, very thin. Columbia waved her hand at it very perfunctorily, seemingly not believing the mirror stream at all.

"I ......"

Kagamliu just wanted to retort out loud, but Columbia put her finger against her lips.

"Don't dwell on this matter anymore, let's think about how to use canned knowledge, or you will become illiterate."

After Columbia finished speaking, she put her hands behind her back and walked in front of the mirror, looking relaxed and happy, with a lively girlish feeling.

"Illiterate, illiterate, in front of you, it seems to be pretty good to be illiterate all the time......"

Jingliu looked at Columbia's appearance and smiled from the bottom of his heart. Then he put away the canned knowledge and followed quickly.


"So...... Along the way, you haven't studied how to use canned knowledge?"

"There are no steps to use this thing......" Jingliu muttered quietly, it was useless to stick it on his head, and it was useless to absorb the air inside...... The mirror stream of qi wants to smash it directly, when have I ever been wronged like this in my life?

" Isn't there a way to use canned knowledge recorded in the Void Terminal

?" "How could there be?" Mirror Stream pinched Columbia's face speechlessly, hmm...... It's so soft......

Ahem, he came back to his senses and explained to him: "The use of canned knowledge is illegal in Sumeru, how can this be recorded in the void?" "

Even if it is recorded, I'm afraid it will be blocked by the people of the Akademiya, and it can't be found by normal methods." "

Wait, the normal way ......

Columbia listened to Jingliu's words, and also realized something, and reached out and pinched Jingliu's face, which can be regarded as a little revenge.

Feeling Columbia's fingers pinching his face, Jingliu didn't pay much attention to it, but instead used the highest authority of the Void that the Great Mercy Tree King enthusiastically gave to the two of them to search.

It didn't take long to finally find knowledge about the use of canned knowledge in a blockaded corner.

Jingliu looked at this knowledge, and couldn't help but want to slap himself a few times, what he was doing along the way.

It's like writing your own homework, knowing that the answer is on the side, but you just don't see it, and you write it down.

As a result, I found that I didn't know all the questions, and I wrote them all wrong.

Just when I had no choice but to give up and got up to leave, I found that there was a full answer on the side that had been ignored by me.

At that time, I will regret it very much. I regret why I spent so much time writing and didn't learn anything at the end of ......

It's better to copy the answer at the beginning and then spend the time researching why this is the ...... answer

Forget it, no matter so much. Jingliu threw out the thoughts in his mind, and according to the usage method recorded in the Void Terminal, he took out the canned knowledge and used it for himself.

In the next second, the canned knowledge gradually became dim, and in its place, there was a lot of knowledge about words in Jingliu's head.

This process did not last long, and the knowledge of canning became completely dim, and Jingliu's mind was also full of all kinds of knowledge about words at this time.

Feeling the extra knowledge in my brain, the mirror flow at this time swelled up a little.

"Let's go, Columbia, let's go to dinner! I'm in for a treat!" Kagamliu waved his hand and took Columbia towards the best restaurant in Sumeru City as mentioned in the Void Terminal.


"This, this, this, and this, give me a copy. Kagairu pointed to the items on the menu and read their names out one by one.

On the Teyvat continent, after being illiterate for three years, this feeling of being able to understand suddenly is really cool.

Columbia looked at the mirror and drank the drink in her hand quietly, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but outline a little smile.

"The Flower God Festival is about to begin, and there will be a lot of fun things to do.

After the excitement was over, Jing Liu put his hand on the table, propped his chin, and looked at the crowd of people outside the window a little bored.

"Then wait for a while. Columbia curled her loose hair with her fingers, her eyes fixed on the side of the mirror's face.

Although people are a little stupid, the more I look at it, the more I like it......

"Hmm...... Then let's make a big wave during this period of time. "

What's the big one?" Mirror

Stream chuckled lightly, and instead of replying to Columbia, he entered the Void Terminal, not knowing what he had done.

"What did you do?" asked Columbia, curious.

"Go and see for yourself in the Void Terminal. Kagmiryu replied with a smile.

"Hello, this is the dish you ordered" At this time, the dishes that I ordered before were also put on the table one after another, exuding bursts of aroma and smelling very delicious.

"I'll see. Columbia searched the Void Terminal.

"Earthly Seven Concourses, God of Grass, Mirror Stream......" Columbia looked at this sentence in the Void Terminal, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

It's not a small or big range, is it...... It's basically a ...... that has brought Sumeru to the point of turning it upside down

"Would this Sumeru really believe


"I don't know, if I don't believe it, I don't believe it. Kagaru shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

It's best to believe that, and you can enjoy yourself for a few days. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, it's just a matter of play.

"But I do have the feeling that most people in Sumeru City will believe it, and a small number of people may be skeptical.

"After all, in their eyes, the Void Terminal means everything.

"Even if they doubt themselves, they don't doubt the Void Terminal. Jingliu smiled lightly, and seemed to be very confident in this.

Then he looked at the full array of delicacies on the table, and put these questions aside for the time being.

"Okay, let's eat first, it looks delicious. "

I don't know what it tastes like. "


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