Perhaps because of the dragon plague just now, the roads of Mondstadt are a bit awkward.

The breath of the wind is raging, sunset fruits can be seen everywhere on the road spilled on the ground, dandelions have also been trampled by countless people, the smell of sunset fruits and the fragrance of dandelions are blended together, slowly evacuating people's fearful hearts.

"Hmm~ Where should I go next?" said Jingliu, standing on the street, looking at the weather that was getting darker.

"It seems like the Fatui have chartered a big hotel in Mondstadt?" Kagageliu thought suddenly.

"But...... Where's the hotel?"

"Somebody ask, but with the Fatui in Mondstadt, I don't know if anyone will tell me." Jingliu thought helplessly.

"Hmm...... That's?" the mirror stream seemed to have discovered something.

A white-haired girl dressed as a maid is cleaning up the sunset fruits that have been spilled on the road, cleaning up the debris left behind after the dragon plague.

Jingliu walked over, and the girl seemed to be cleaning up carefully, and did not notice that Jingliu had come behind her.

Jingliu patted the girl on the shoulder.


The girl hurriedly turned her head and saw Jingliu behind her, looking at the black veil on Jingliu's eyes, Noelle quickly tightened her tone and said softly:

"Hello, is there anything you need help with?" I will try my best to help you solve it. "

Hmm~ This knight lady, I ......" Jingliu was interrupted by Noelle before he could finish his words.

"No, no, I'm not a knight yet, just call me Noelle. Noelle hurriedly waved his hand and said.

Immediately reacted that he was a little emotional, interrupted Jingliu to speak, and hurriedly said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I shouldn't interrupt what you're saying, you go ahead and I'll do my best to help you.

"I don't need to apologize, my name is Jingliu, and I'm a traveler. I just arrived in Mondstadt today, and I want to ask where the Goethe Grand Hotel is?"

"The Goethe Hotel. Noelle thought for a moment and said

, "I know where it is, but the route is a bit complicated. It just so happens that I don't have anything to do now, so I'll take you there. "

Well, that's a problem for you.

"You can't see it, so I'll take your hand." Noelle said as he looked at the black veil.

After saying that, Noelle took Jingliu's small hand, completely forgetting that Jingliu was able to find his position and touch his hand accurately to his shoulder.

Feeling the softness in his hands, Jingliu didn't bother to explain anything.


"Noelle, can you help me carry something off?"

"Sorry, I have other things to do now.

"Noelle, my cat is missing, can you help me find it?"

"Okay, what kind of cat is it? I'll keep an eye on you." "

Noelle, can you help me look down tomorrow morning?"

"Okay, I'll be there on time tomorrow." "


Along the way, many citizens of Mondstadt came to Noelle for help, and Noelle did not refuse to come, and the mirror on the side couldn't help but say

, "Noelle, why do you have to agree to these little things?" I think they just don't want to do it themselves. Not without time.

When Noelle heard this, he shook his head and said

, "But they do need my help, and I am very happy to be able to help them." And it's also good for me to gain experience as a knight!"


The two of them walked all the way to the front of the Goethe Hotel.

"It's here. Noelle said.

"Well, thank you.

"If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me, and I will do my best to help you!"


"It doesn't matter, whether my eyes can see or not doesn't matter to me. Jingliu shook his head and said.

"And, I never said I couldn't see with my eyes. Jingliu laughed.

"Ah, oh, oh, it seems that I misunderstood, so you can come to me for anything in the future. I'll go first.


Kagliu looked at Noelle as he drifted away, remembering the information about Noelle in the game.

"No wonder Jean didn't pass the knightly test for Noelle," Jingliu thought.

Noelle is too weak to know how to refuse, so sooner or later he will suffer a ......loss

"Mirror flow, mirror flow. A voice came, interrupting Kamiliu's thoughts.

Kagami looked up and saw Paimon walking towards him.

"I didn't expect to meet so soon. Jingliu laughed.

"Yes, it's only been half a day, it seems that we are very fateful. Paimon said, and Ying nodded as well.

"You guys should rest at this point," Kagmiryu asked.

Hearing this, Paimon and Ying both said with a bad face.

"It's not because of the dragon plague, many adventurers in the wild have taken refuge in Mondstadt, which has caused the hotels in the city to be full and unable to open rooms at all. If nothing else, we should be on the streets tonight.

"If nothing else? Then you're going to have an accident now." Jingliu said with a smile.

"Come with me,"

he said, and walked towards the front of the Goethe Hotel.

"Jingliu, isn't this place covered by the Fatui? I'm so angry," Paimon said with some annoyance.

"Is that so? Then I'll take you back to the end. "

Well, no, no, I've heard that the Fatui are a terrible organization that burns, kills, and loots all kinds of evil, so let's not mess with them. Paimon said with a little frightened waving his hand.


" "It turns out that the Fatui are so unbearable in your eyes......" Jingliu smiled bitterly.

"Actually, I'm kind of a Fool. Do you think I'm a bad person?" said Kagami.

"Eh, eh, Kagami, too, the Fatui!" Paimon said, a little shocked.

"Uh-huh. Kagamyu didn't have Paimon's shocked eyes and walked towards the hotel door.

Since Jingliu stayed not far from the Goethe Hotel for a long time, the hotel manager stood at the door at this time and waited for Jingliu's arrival.

"Lord Sword Head" saw Jingliu coming over, and hurriedly lowered his head and said respectfully.

"Prepare two rooms for us. "

Understood. After speaking, he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to prepare the room.

"Wow, do you have such a high status among the Fatui? Paimon said.

"It's high. "

The room is open, and you can stay here in Mondstadt." The food in the cafeteria is all-you-can-eat, and I pay for it. The mirror said magnificently.

"Wow, then we're welcome, let's go, let's go. Paimon hurriedly urged Ying to walk to the cafeteria.

"Where's Ma'am?" Kagage-ryu said to the Fatui as Paimon and Ying walked away.

"Madame's Lady is currently outside the city, so I don't know where she is. "

yes, I see.

With that, Kagairu walked towards the room he had prepared for himself.

In terms of the size of the room, it should be considered the most luxurious of the Goethe Hotel.

"Well, let's take a shower and go to bed. Although

this body doesn't need too much sleep, Jingliu is used to sleeping eight hours a day.


"Hmm, have I forgotten something?"

Mirror Stream, lying on the bed, seemed to think of something, but couldn't think of anything.

"Forget it, forgetting should be something that doesn't matter. Jingliu thought, slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


At this time, Columbia, who was far away in the winter, looked at the unresponsive feather in front of her, and her face became more and more gloomy......

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