
Haijingliu stood on the tattered floor with the Tanhua Sword in hand, looking at the ruins not far away.

"The Demon Yin Body seems to have returned to its original state, is it really my delusion?" thought to Kagami.

But yesterday's Demon Yin Body was indeed a little sluggish, otherwise he wouldn't have won so easily.

And the humanity in the eyes...... Could it be ......

""Forget it, I may have mistaken this. Jingliu shook his head and shook the thought out.


"It doesn't seem like there's anything to do during the day today, and it's also a matter of the evening to discuss countermeasures with Wendy and the others. At this time, Jingliu was sitting in the cafeteria of the Goethe Grand Hotel, eating the breakfast that the hotel manager had carefully prepared for himself.

"Morning, Mirror Flow. A

voice rang out, interrupting Jingliu's thoughts.

Jingliu looked up and saw a yellow fur and a white floating spirit walking towards him.

"Good morning, Ying and Paimon. "

Hmm, what's wrong with Paimon?" asked Kagami, looking at Paimon, who was hiding behind Ying's shoulder.

Paimon's expression was a little awe and fear of himself?Kag-ryu was a little puzzled, did he do anything to hurt Paimon?

"Yes, that's ......" Ying hurriedly explained to Kagami-ryu what Diluc had said to everyone last night.

"I see. Kagami sighed, and continued

, "Don't worry, Paimon, I'm getting along with you as Kagami, not as the Sword Head. My name is Jingliu, and I'm just a traveler from the Solstice Country.

Paimon was relieved, but he still didn't dare to look into Mirror Stream's eyes.


had no choice but to come up with his ultimate nirvana against Paimon.

"Paimon, good, I've got you covered on the table. Kagami pointed to the feast on the table and said to Paimon.

"Okay, well, it seems that you are still Jingliu!" When Paimon heard this, he threw himself on the table and ate it in an instant.

Paimon's actions make Kagami and Ying laugh.

"That's right, Ying. I don't have anything to do today, do I need help? Jingliu asked towards Ying.

"Hmm...... The Adventurers' Guild may have heard that I was able to fight off the dragons, so the task I was entrusted with was not low, and it would be great if Mirror Stream could help!" Ying said happily.

"Okay, if there's nothing else to do, let's go and commission it when Paimon finishes eating.

"Okay. "


"To the stars and the abyss, welcome to the Adventurers' Guild. Catherine said a rare word.

"I'm here to pick up today's daily order. Ying leaned on the front desk of the Adventurers' Guild and said to Catherine.

"Okay, I've got you covered, your daily assignments for today are:

Climb the Danger

, Safe Transportation

, Evil Expansion,

Danger," Catherine said, handing Ying a list of tasks.

"It's all about fighting. Paimon grumbled from the side.

"I'm sorry, because of the recent appearance of the Wind Demon Dragon, adventurers don't dare to go out of the city easily, which has caused the monsters to become more and more arrogant...... Don't worry, I'll give you more money.

"Okay! I agreed. As soon as she heard the increase in money, Ying immediately took the task list and said.

"Okay, and who is this?" asked Catherine, who also noticed the mirror behind the glow.

"This is Jingliu, you want to complete the commission with me today, is it okay?" Ying hurriedly introduced.

"Hmm...... This is generally not a no-go. But if it's you...... Yes, I don't think anyone in the Adventurers' Guild will question your prowess. Catherine said.

"Great!Then let's go

!" "For Mora!".

"For the sake of good food!".

"For the rough stones!".

Hearing the rough stone, Ying and Paimon were both a little puzzled.

"What is a rough stone?"

"It's a very precious thing that everyone loves." Jingliu explained with a smile.

Ying and Paimon were even more confused when they heard this.


"The danger of climbing is closest to us, let's do this first.

"Then, the danger of climbing is to destroy the ......

" "I know, oh, it is to destroy the two watchtowers built by the hilichurls. Jingliu interrupted Ying's words.

"Eh, did Kagami ever be an adventurer?

"Guess?" Jingliu just smiled and didn't answer.

"Hmm...... Okay, with the mirror stream flying, can Ying and I be able to touch the fish? Paimon clapped his hands and said happily.

"You've been fishing. Ying complained.

"I'm an ordinary Vision owner now, how can I take you fly?" Jingliu pretended to be confused.

Paimon had a big question mark in his head.

"Okay, okay, here, it's the one in front. Ying interrupted Paimon and looked at the watchtower not far away.

"Uh-huh, look at me. After Jing Liu finished speaking, he used the ice elemental power to condense a bow. Charge up and shoot in the direction of the watchtower.

As a result, he shot in the middle of the two watchtowers, and missed any of them.

"Poofha, you missed the mirror. Paimon laughed as he looked at Kagami's appearance.

"Paimon, don't worry, read on. Jingliu reminded.

In the next second, the location where the arrow fell exploded, sending the watchtower and the surrounding hilichurls away.

"O" Paimon's mouth is showing an O-shape at this point.

"Wow, Jingliu, you're so good. Ying said with a clapping app.

"But are you sure you're the owner of an "ordinary" vision?" Paimon said a little speechless.

"Of course, after all, there are also three, six, nine and so on in the owner of the Vision. Jingliu said with a smile.

"Are you sure it's 'normal', then?" Paimon said, hunched over.


"What do you mean!!


With the help of Jingliu, all the commissions were completed quickly.

"Ah, it's so comfortable, it's quick and easy to do it for the first time! Paimon said with a stretch.

"It's not you. Ying said with some unhappiness.

"Hmm, I'm also a contribution, okay?" Paimon shouted.

"For example, when the fight starts, I don't know which bush to run to cheer on?" said Kagami.

"Spiritual contribution is also a contribution. Paimon said with some embarrassment.

"Huh. Ying just sneered and didn't speak.

"Alright, let's go and submit the commission. You have to treat me to a big dinner today, right?" said Jingliu and smiled at Ying.

"Of course, it's going to be deducted from Paimon's food bill. "

Oh, no, no!", "Oh, no, no!"


"...... to the stars,"

Catherine could say before she could finish her sentence when she was interrupted by Ying.

"Catherine, I'm here to submit today's daily commission.

"Eh, is it so fast today? I'll take an inventory. "

Well, okay, the commission is done, it's your pay. Thank you for completing today's daily commission

" "Well, thank you Catherine.

"No thanks. "

Let's go, let's have a big meal with Jingliu!" Ying said with a wave of his big hand.


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