After saying goodbye to Wendy, Kagaki-ryu sets out on his way back to Solstice.

"I knew I wanted a map from Wendy.

Jingliu looked at the unfamiliar environment in front of him, and couldn't help but have a headache.

"Just ask someone about it.

Kagyu looked around and finally saw a young girl dressed in Mondstadt's costume.

"Looks like it's still in Mondstadt. Kagyu thought, lifted his foot and walked towards the girl.

"Hello. When

the girl heard this, she turned around and was stunned for a moment when she saw the black veil in Jingliu's eyes, and then hurriedly spoke:

"May the wind god protect you, stranger, is there anything wrong?"

the girl asked softly.

"I'm a little lost, how do I get to Jingfu Port?"

Jingliu listened to the girl's tone, and knew that she seemed to have misunderstood something, but Jingliu didn't explain.

"Jingfu Port, it's still some distance from Jingfu Port, and I just happen to be going too, so why don't you follow me." The girl pondered for a moment and extended an invitation to the mirror.

"Okay. "

Do you need me to hold your hand?" the girl asked, looking at the black yarn in front of her eyes.

"I can see it even though there is a black veil in front of me.

"Ahh The girl thought that Jingliu was just shy, so she didn't pay much attention to it, but reached out to hold Jingliu's hand.

Jingliu felt the softness in his hands, and didn't bother to explain, after all, who could refuse the initiative of a beautiful girl? Jingliu

quietly looked at the girl beside him, with long pale blonde hair, delicate facial features, and a sweet voice like an angel, although it was still worse than Columbia. If you have a vision, it must be a five-star self-machine character.

Kagami-ryu didn't see the Vision of God from the girl, so maybe this is the one who is not watched by the gods.

"By the way, my name is Anqi, what about you?" Anqi asked.

"Mirror Stream. "

I don't think you look like a Mondstadt, do you? Listen to your name, you're from Liyue?" asked Anqi as she looked at the garment on her body.

Hearing this, Jing Liu shook his head slightly.

"I'm a Solstice. "

Sort of?" Anqi was a little confused.

"I live all year round in solstice. Kagmiryu explained.

"Oh~ I see, are you going back to Solstice this time in Jingfu Harbor?"

"Well, if you came to Mondstadt, you have to go back to Solstice for a while. "

That's nice. Anqi said with some envy.

"What about you? Why are you alone in the field?"

"Me, I'm training in the field. "

Field training?"

"Well, my wish is to be an adventurer and travel the world as an adventurer!" Anqi said with some yearning.

"But...... You can see it from me, maybe my desire is not strong enough, and the eyes of the gods will never fall on me. Anqi couldn't help but smile a little wryly.

"So, if you can't use elemental power, you're going to improve your wilderness survival experience?"

"Well, even if you don't have a vision, there are not a few adventurers who don't have a vision, so I'm sure I can too." Anqi encouraged.

"Come on, I'm sure you can. Jingliu looked at the girl full of blood and vitality in front of him, and was embarrassed to hit her.

Without the Vision of God but able to travel around the continent, not everyone is Ying. And although Ying doesn't have a vision, she can use elemental power.

So Jingliu doesn't think that the girl can do it on her own.


"Mirror Stream, Squat!" Anqi said in a sudden low voice.

"Huh?" Jingliu was puzzled, but still did as Anqi instructed. Then he sensed it and found that it was just a hilichurl camp. The scale is similar to the one cleaned up with Amber before.

"There's a hilichurl camp ahead, so let's just take a cautious detour and walk there. Anqi crouched down and whispered.

"Actually, you don't need to ......

" "Don't worry, I have experience in dealing with this kind of thing." Anqi thought that Jingliu was scared and comforted.

"...... "Okay, whatever she wants." Jingliu is not in a hurry about the time of this meeting.

However, when faced with this matter, the gap between those with and without the Vision suddenly came out.

If Amber was here, he would have rushed to clean it up, and Anqi would have to take a detour ......

Anqi clasped Jingliu's small hand and sneaked through the grass, picking up the grass and quietly moving forward. But when Anqi once again picked up the grass, he saw a hilichurl ...... untie his hands

The two of them looked at each other, and the two looked down at the same time, and the hilichurl looked at the two of them, and then looked below them, and the air was a little quiet for a while.

The hilichurls hurriedly covered the underneath and babbled, attracting the attention of the hilichurls in the camp.

"Oh no! let's run. Anqi, who reacted, hurriedly grabbed Jingliu's hand and ran backwards.

"Anqi, I'm ......" Jingliu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Anqi.

"Don't worry, Jingliu, I won't leave you!" Anqi said solemnly.


Anqi's words, listening to Jingliu speechless for a while, if he is really an ordinary person who is powerless, and he is successfully rescued after experiencing this incident, he will definitely promise Anqi his body.

"I knew that I would have asked Wendy for a glass ball, and putting it on my body as a vision would save me a lot of trouble. Jing Liu regretted a little in his heart, forgetting his ability to condense one with the ice element.

"Anqi must think of herself as a poor girl who is innocent and romantic who is separated from others, but has lost her eyes for some reason. Jingliu complained silently.

As an ordinary person, it didn't take long for him to be caught up by the hilichurls.

"Whew. Anqi knew that he would not be able to outrun the hilichurls, so he stopped, took a deep breath, released the hand holding the mirror flow, and took out his saber, preparing to face the hilichurl head-on.

"It's inexplicably a little burning. Jingliu looked at the scene in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he remembered the picture of Noelle holding a big sword and facing Xiaobao.

If there are no accidents, there will be no accidents, Anqi is okay with one or two hilichurls, but it is obviously a little insufficient to deal with a camp.

Jingliu looked at Anqi's appearance that he couldn't hold on immediately, tomorrow it's time to go up and pretend to be forced by himself, phew, save the scene.

Anqi didn't pay attention, the sword was knocked out by the hilichurls, and looking at the hilichurls who were attacking him, Anqi slowly closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Kaggaryu. "

Anqi is a little sorry for Jingliu, and said to protect her.

The next moment, a cold wind blew.

"How can there be a cold wind here?" Anqi opened his eyes with some confusion.

See a few hilichurls all turned into ice sculptures.

Anqi hurriedly looked over, only to see bursts of light from the Vision of God that appeared out of nowhere. (The mirror stream just rubbed it by hand.)

"Mirror Flow...... You. Anqi was a little shocked.

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