The deeper the mirror flow in the oasis

, the more shocked it became.

"It seems that I still underestimated the impact of the power of abundance on this place.

Jingliu looked at the lush vegetation around him, as well as the giant trees that reached to the sky, and the flowers and trees around him were full of life.

"I feel like I'm like the protagonist, entering a secret realm, and then there's a voice in my head to guide me forward......" Jingliu silently complained.

The river is full of water, the vegetation is lush and lush, and if there are animals, it is a real oasis. But there seems to be something missing in this oasis

?"Wait!Animals!How can there be no animals here?No, even if there are no animals, there will be monsters, right?""

Besides, the neighborhood seems to be a little scary.

Kagami looked around, but could not hear anything but the sound of the leaves swaying and the flow of water, as if it were calm before the storm.

At the moment when Jingliu was thinking, a black shadow quickly passed through the grass and swooped towards Jingliu's back.

But before he could touch Jingliu's body, the blood spilled and fell into the earth, and in an instant, the black shadow separated and fell to the ground, unable to die again.

"It's a ...... Hilichurls?"

The mirror turned over to look at the corpse, and it was clear what it looked like.

"If you change to any Vision owner, I'm afraid you'll have to be killed on the spot. "

Although it's nothing to the mirror stream, the combat power below the demon god should not be able to avoid this surprise attack. After all, this is a hilichurl, huh...... It's about the same as 1.5 Dvalin's combat power, right?

" "Is it because of the power of abundance?"

Mirror Flow felt the power in the hilichurls' body, and there was indeed a trace of abundance power.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, you can't get in from the outside, and you can't get out from the inside. "

But ......" Kagami looked at the endless green, and didn't know how big ...... it was

"When I entered here, there was always a voice in my head, always reminding me to go in a certain direction.

Jingliu looked in the direction of the voice in his head, where the abundant power was extraordinarily strong.

"You can't really be the protagonist of a novel, right?" Jingliu rubbed his head and complained silently in his heart.

Then I walked in the direction I was pointing in.


The more the mirror flow goes to its destination, the more abundant the power becomes, and the stronger the strength of the monsters it encounters.

There are two Dvalins, three Dvalins, five Dvalins, and eight Dvalins.

"Oh, and this one, this one should have about ten Dvalins. Jingliu raised his sword and fell, slashing the monster in front of him under the sword.

Kagliu looked up at the position in the distance that was being directed in his brain.

"I'm getting closer to my position, and the abundant power in the air is getting stronger and stronger, but I don't seem to be affected in any way......"

Jingliu observed the state of his body for a while, and it didn't seem that anything had changed. If it were an ordinary Xianzhou person here, I am afraid that it would directly turn into a demon yin.

"Isn't it true that you won't be affected by the power of abundance and become a demon yin body?"

"That's not right, in the dream realm, you will still be affected after you enter the spirit, although the impact is not big......" Jingliu shook his head and thought.

"But why is the abundant power here so strong?"

"It's just the power that emanates and that's it......" Kagmiryu didn't dare to wonder what caused the ......

It feels like it's almost the same as the Jianmu in the Xianzhou plot in the game......

"Let's take one step at a time, it's all here, and it's rude to look back. Kagami shook off the thought in his head and continued to walk in the direction of the guide.


"Here it is...... Destination?" looked

around him, and there was nothing but grass and trees. But the power of abundance here is indeed the most intense ......

"Hmm. The

voice in his head became more and more intense, as if he was fighting in his head, and Jingliu had to cover his head with his hand to relieve the pain.

"Tell me where it is. Jingliu was a little irritable at this time.

In addition to the trees, there are flowers and plants around. I don't know what it is.

"Then get rid of the flowers and trees that are in the way. A

voice appeared in Jingliu's head.

"yes, just get rid of all the things that get in the way, and it's a lot easier. "

The mirror flow seems to be becoming a little abnormal at this point.


"Ha ah~ha, haa~"

Jingliu stood in place and breathed rapidly.

"Yourself...... What's going on? These ...... I did it?" Jingliu couldn't help but ask, looking at the Tanhua Sword in his hand and the mess around him.

The former oasis had long since become a mess, and all the flowers and trees had been frozen and turned into fragments, scattered in the cracks of the potholes.

"What the hell is wrong with me, why did you become like this?" Jingliu covered his head, a little confused.

"Have you been affected by the power of abundance?"

The voice in his head has also stopped a lot......" Jingliu breathed a sigh of relief.

"But ......," Kagaru looked at his surroundings. "What to do now. Jing

Liu felt the aura around him, and the power of abundance was still very strong, and it had not decreased.

"It seems that this abundant power has nothing to do with those flowers and trees. "

Hmm...... What's that?" Mirror Stream saw a bright light, from which the power of abundance seemed to emanate.

Jingliu cautiously walked slowly towards the bright spot. After experiencing the incident just now, I must mention the spirit of twelve.

"This is...... A small box?" Kagami saw the object inside the bright spot, a brown box that exuded an ancient aura.

"The power of abundance came from the box. Kagami squinted and felt the power contained in the box.

The box seems to be a seal, and there may be a seal of something about abundance ......

Jing Liu didn't dare to act rashly at this time, just relying on the abundant power emanating from the sealing void, how terrifying should the things sealed in it be? I'm afraid it wasn't a rich star god sealed.

"It doesn't seem like a good idea to put it here. Jingliu hesitated for a moment, slowly approached the box, and gently picked it up.

"Whew, fortunately there were no accidents. Kagyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next......" Kagmiryu looked at the box in his hand. "Open, or not?"

"Open, open, open!"

At this time, the voice in his head came out again, trying to guide the mirror to open the box.

"Hmph. Jingliu chuckled, open your head, I don't know what's inside, just relying on the power I exude almost made myself crazy, I finally solved it, and now I don't dare to take risks.

Just when Jingliu decided whether to open or not, the box in his hand suddenly shook violently.

"Wouldn't it?" Jingliu had a bad premonition in his heart.

The next moment, the box in his hand exploded instantly, and the power of the seal in the box surged towards Jingliu's body.

"Damn!" Jingliu only had time to say a dirty word, and his vision slowly darkened, and his body fell straight to the ground......


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