"That's what it is...... Deceitful punishment"

Jingliu's cold voice came into Bai Heng's ears.

"Punishment ......" Bai Heng looked at the ice sword left behind after the mirror flow dissipated with a hollow look.

Bai Heng trembled and hugged the ice sword tightly in his arms. Feeling the last trace of the mirror flow disappear completely.

How Bai Heng wished that he was just having a nightmare at the moment, as long as he woke up from the dream, Jingliu would reappear in front of him...... But the chill emanating from the ice sword in his arms irritated his skin, proving that it was not a dream.

It's a ...... that really happens


"This sword intent...... What happened there?" The

movement of the sword just now was very loud, and the power emitted by the sword qi shocked several people on Jianmu's side.

"General...... I'd like to go over and see. At the moment when the sword intent appeared just now, Jing Yuan's heart twitched violently, feeling as if he had lost something important.

"Go ahead, let Ying Xing go with you. Danfeng will be left to me to take care of. Teng Xiao nodded.

"Ying Xing, let's go faster. Jing Yuan hurriedly urged, and there was always an ominous premonition in his heart......

"Let's go!" Ying Xing's expression was also a little dignified, obviously the same as Jing Yuan.

"The breath of the suddenness disappeared completely, and the breath of the mirror stream could not be sensed......" Looking at the backs of the two, Teng Xiao clenched his fists hard, his eyes full of self-blame.

Apparently, Teng Xiao had already understood what was going on......


When Jing Yuan and Ying Xing arrived at the scene, they only saw Bai Heng sitting on the ground next to a Xingcha.

"Bai Heng, where is Master?" Jing

Yuan saw this scene and hurriedly went up to ask.

"Master, Jingliu, ......"

Bai Heng heard this and turned to look at Jing Yuan.


Yuan looked at Bai Heng's appearance at this time, and his heart suddenly tightened.

Bai Heng's face was full of tears, and his eyes were empty. Although his palms were frostbitten, he still held the ice sword in his hand.

"Mirror flow her...... She went to a far away place to play, and when she had enough, she would come back. Bai Heng said to Jing Yuan with a smile that was more ugly than crying.

"......" At this moment, no matter how stupid Jing Yuan is, he understands what happened.

"Bai Heng...... Are you alright......" Ying Xing stretched out his hand to comfort Bai Heng, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

"What? What can I do? Of course I'm fine. Bai Heng showed a smile without the slightest smile again.


Just when a few people were indulging in sorrow, a ray of light fell in front of Bai Heng, showing a cone of light.

In the cone of light, the gradually shattered body of the mirror stream held the Tanhua Sword that shone brightly in his hand and blocked it in front of Bai Heng. His eyes looked firmly at the flickering of the distant escape, and with the swing of the Tanhua Sword in his hand, the mirror stream also turned into fragments, leaving only Tanhua in the white heng.

"Dynamic Light Cone - All Kinds of Past, Make Use of This Sword

" "Streamer Heavenly Monarch?" Bai

Heng looked at the light cone in front of him stupidly, stood up tremblingly, touched it gently, and the next moment, the light cone turned into a streamer and fell into Bai Heng's body.

Bai Heng felt the breath in his body, and walked towards Luofu in a daze.

Ying Xing wanted to follow, but was stopped by Jing Yuan.

"We can't help her, Master's death...... It's too much harm to her, to me, to everyone. Jing Yuan shook his head, and there seemed to be a few tears in his eyes.

"Alas...... I know. Ying Xing seemed to have become older at this moment.


"Where is this?"

"How did you get here......" Bai Heng muttered to himself as he looked at the giant tree in front of him.

Bai Heng walked towards the giant tree and gently placed the ice sword beside him. Looking at his frozen red palms, he didn't hesitate to dig into the dirt under the tree.

In a short time, a bottle of wine buried in the soil was dug up.

"Let's go, Jingliu, let's drink this......" Bai Heng picked up the ice sword and held it in his arms, picked up the wine bottle with one hand, and walked towards the pavilion.

Bai Heng placed the ice sword on the opposite side, and took out two saucers from the pavilion and placed them in front of the "mirror stream" and in front of himself.

Bai Heng opened the wine bottle, and in an instant, the aroma of wine wafted, and the whole courtyard was surrounded by the aroma of wine. It is enough to see that this wine is a well-deserved peerless wine.

Bai Heng filled the plate of "Mirror Flow" and his own plate, put the wine away and said to "Mirror Flow":

"Drink it...... It's the best bottle of wine I've ever drunk.

"Eh, don't you want to drink it?" Bai Heng saw that "Jingliu" hadn't moved for a long time, tilted his head slightly, and said with a smile: "Then I'll drink it first, don't blame me for not leaving you some at that time, hehe."

After Bai Heng finished speaking, he drank the wine on the plate, and then wiped the remaining water stains.

"Why does this wine smell salty? Am I being deceived? I'm so stupid, hehe. Bai Heng knocked on his head and smiled.

"Eh?" Bai Heng also found something at this time, and raised his hand to wipe it from his eyes: "It's strange, why am I crying."

Bai Heng hurriedly wiped away the tears with his hands, then looked at the wine saucer in front of "Jingliu" that still hadn't moved, and said, "Why don't you drink it, don't you want to do it?" There's no way, just let me feed you, who made me your good sister.

Bai Heng leaned over and picked up the plate in front of "Jingliu", ready to send it to "Jingliu"'s mouth.

Just when the saucer reached the mouth of the "Mirror Stream", perhaps it was the bursts of cold air emanating from the "Mirror Stream" that stimulated the wound on Bai Heng's hand. Bai Heng's hand shook slightly, and the saucer slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.


The saucer shattered into several pieces as the sound sounded. The wine in the saucer flowed down the floor of the pavilion into the dirt.

Bai Heng looked at the broken saucer in front of him blankly, and once again remembered the scene where the mirror flow dissipated into fragments.

Bai Heng looked up at the opposite side, there was no figure, it was just an ice sword.

Bai Heng's emotions finally couldn't stand it anymore at this moment, and he collapsed to the ground, recalling all the things he had been with the mirror, and tears poured out like flowing water.

"If you dare to lie to me, be careful that I punish you. The

words that Jingliu had said to himself rang in his ears again.

"That's what it is...... Punishment?" Bai Heng looked at himself in the ice sword stupidly.

"I don't want it, I don't want it...... I was wrong, I was wrong, I'm sorry. Bai Heng broke down and cried.

"You're back...... I won't dare next time...... I beg you...... Come back...... I'm really ...... Wrong. "

In the boundless moonlit courtyard, the girl was left alone to break down and cry.


Outside the courtyard door stood three figures.

Feeling the cry inside the door, one of the figures tried to rush in, but was stopped by the other two.

"Ying Xing! Going in now will only irritate her. "

These three figures are the other three of Yun Wu.

“...... I understand. Ying Xing also calmed down at this time.

"Mirror flow her...... It's really ......," Dan Feng said without saying anything.

"Master, she...... I just went to a far away place......" Jing Yuan said with a little choked voice.


" "Let's go."

After Danfeng finished speaking, he clenched his fists, and his heart was full of self-blame ......

"If you weren't careless, wouldn't the ending be different, and Jingliu wouldn't have died...... "

Self...... Is it considered to have killed Jingliu indirectly......

"Let's go......"

Looking at Danfeng's departing back, Ying Xing lowered his head and said.

"Hmm. "


In the courtyard, the girl had stopped crying and fainted ...... pavilion

"I'm sorry...... I was wrong......" The girl's mouth was still open with these few words.

How the girl wished that when she woke up, she could see that familiar figure appear in front of ......

But...... After all, it's just a girl's luxury......


"Dynamic Light Cone - All the Past, Spend This Sword" This

is the girl's last sword, and it is also everything that the girl burns.

Life, memory, and soul were all abandoned by the girl at this moment.

"Even if it's a star in the sky, I can cut it down.

This is a promise from a maiden to a maiden.

On this battlefield that burns everything, the girl fulfills this promise. Towards the divine envoy in the heavens, he swung this sword.

Unleashed a sword that would make even the stars sigh.


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