"Columbia. Do you hate them?" Kaggaryu asked Columbia. It feels like Columbia hasn't spoken to them today.

Columbia shook her head: "It's not annoying, I just don't want to talk to strangers." "

Eh?" Jingliu was a little puzzled: "Then what happened when we first met?"

Hearing this, Columbia slowly hugged Jingliu: "I said, I like your soul very much, and I can feel much more at ease with you by my side." Feeling

the breath of Columbia, Jingliu couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

"Go to sleep...... Mirror whispered as she carried Columbia to the bed.

"Not bathing?"

"Not washing unless you wash with me." "


" "That man today is Morax." Columbia said with great certainty. The strength of the soul is much stronger than that of others, but there is some filth.

"We don't care if he's Morax or not, we just need to watch a show tomorrow. "

Watching a play?" Columbia was a little puzzled.

"Well, as you all know, he will enter a state of suspended animation at tomorrow's immortal ceremony, and then give Liyue a test of whether Liyue can afford to lose her gods.

"I see. Columbia only nodded after hearing this, and didn't pay much attention to it.

"Mirror Stream. Columbia spoke up.


"Good night kiss ......"

Hearing this, the mirror smiled lightly and kissed Columbia's forehead.

"Good night.

After Jingliu finished kissing, Columbia also kissed Jingliu on the forehead.

"Good night. "


In the early morning, Jingliu slowly opened his eyes, looked at Columbia who was still sleeping next to him, and walked out of bed with gentle movements, walking towards the washstand.

Although every morning when I get up, no matter what, my mouth and teeth are fragrant, I still can't change the habit of brushing my teeth every day.

As for why I know that my mouth and teeth are fragrant, naturally when I licked my fingers, I couldn't help but smell it when I looked at the crystal clear saliva on my fingers...... (It is not the author's personal experience, please do not promote the author's behavior.)

After washing, he returned to his room, and Columbia was already up at this time.

"Abba ...... Early...... Ah, Mirror Stream. Columbia stretched, wiped the saliva from her mouth, and said.

"Morning ...... Morning. Jingliu looked at Columbia's saliva-soaked lips even more crystalline, and Jingliu couldn't help but swallow his saliva, wanting to taste Columbia's ......

Phew, what are you thinking? Jingliu hurriedly punched his head to calm himself down.

Columbia on the bed looked at the appearance of Jingliu at this time, and tilted her head in some confusion, looking cute.

Mirror Flow Daily Turbulence (Completed)

But I didn't expect Mirror Stream to go crazy so quickly today, do you want to change it to two times a day in the future?"

Columbia nodded, and in the future, it will be changed to a mirror flow every day.

After thinking about it, Columbia got out of bed and walked towards the sink.

"Whew...... It must be the influence of the Demon Yin Body, damn the Demon Yin Body!" Jing Liu said viciously in his heart. How could he be interested in other people's saliva, it must be the influence of the Demon Yin Body, ......yes!

"Eh, it's early, it's early, I thought I'd let you sleep for a while, I'll call you later, I didn't expect you to get up so early. As soon as the two of them left the room, they saw Hu Tao, who was already dressed in formal clothes.

"Morning. When will the Immortal Ceremony start?

" "Please Immortal Ceremony has an hour, you can finish breakfast before you go, breakfast is on the table outside, and Zhongli is there. Hu Tao pointed in one direction.

"Okay, thank you. Kagairu nodded, taking Columbia's hand and walking in the direction of Hu Tao's finger.


"Well, Miss Kagira, Miss Columbia, good morning. Zhong Li also greeted the arrival of the two.

"Early. Kagyu replied, then looked at the breakfast on the table.

Traditional steamed buns, soy milk and fried dough sticks, Jingliu has not eaten these for a long time.

"This is a meat bun, this is a vegetable bun, and the fritters can be dipped in soy milk before eating. Zhongli also introduced the food on the table to the two of them one by one.

"I wonder what Mr. Zhongli thinks about inviting the Immortal Ceremony this time?" Jingliu said as he ate the buns.

"The Immortal Ceremony is an important annual festival in Liyue, so Zhong is naturally standing and watching. Zhongli said with a light sip of tea.

...... "Well, it seems that this old fritter can't say anything."

Jingliu ate all the fritters in his hand into his stomach, and said to Columbia, who had eaten a bun and a cup of soy milk next to him, "Let's go, let's go to Yujingtai." "

By the way, where is Yujingtai?" Jingliu asked Zhongli.

"Go out and turn left, walk in a straight line, then turn left and go up the stairs. Zhongli said as he blew on the hot tea in his hand.

"Thank you. "


"There are so many people. Jingliu looked at the crowd on the Yujing platform at this time, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Eh, that's ......," Kagaryu saw a yellow-haired man making a wish by the incense burner, and a white floating spirit.

Kagariyu took Columbia's hand and walked towards them.

"Ying, Paimon hasn't seen him in a long time. "

Wow, that familiar voice. Paimon turned his head, "Sure enough, it's you, Jingliu, long time no see."

Ying Wenyan also turned around: "Jingliu, long time no see." "

Who is this?" asked Ying, looking at the closed-eyed girl beside Jingliu.

"This is the Columbia I told you about earlier. "

Hello. Columbia replied with a smile.

"Columbia, I think I heard it somewhere......" Paimon thought as he propped his chin on.

"Foolish...... The Fatui, Three ...... Sanxi!" Paimon instantly hid behind Ying in some fear.

"Yourself...... Is it that scary?" Paimon's actions made Columbia doubt herself.

"Alright, Paimon, she's not a three-seat "girl" right now, but an ordinary person named Columbia. Jingliu couldn't help but say a little speechlessly.

"Good...... All right.

"Hello, my name is Ying, and this is Paimon. Ying introduced.

"Well, hello, my name is Columbia.

Listening to Columbia's gentle voice, Paimon's fear in his heart was much less.

"Alright, please start the Immortal Ceremony soon, let's go over. Jingliu looked at Ningguang, who was standing in the center, and said to a few people.

"Let's go. "


A few people passed through the crowd to the front.

The gaze in front of him looked at the sun overhead, and it seemed that it was already time.

Ningguang took a few steps forward and said to everyone, "The auspicious time has come.

Ningguang exerted his elemental power, and several golden stones appeared around Ningguang, and with a wave of his hand, the golden stones surged towards the Dan furnace.

In the next second, a golden light burst out of the Dan Furnace, soaring straight into the sky! The

sky slowly changed color, and it seemed to be different from the immortal invitation ceremony in previous years.

Ningguang stood below, looking at the sky with some confusion.

The next moment, a huge figure fell from the sky, smashing the Dan furnace and the food enshrined.

The sudden change startled Ningguang. Then he hurriedly stepped forward to observe.

After Ningguang finished observing, he quickly issued an order to the surrounding Millelith Army:

"The emperor is killed!" "The emperor is killed!" "The emperor is killed

! Blockade the whole field!"


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