Columbia, who was walking ahead, suddenly stopped. Then he sighed and said to Jingliu

, "The Empress asked me to take you to the Winter Palace to find her

" "No, right...... After Kong Ying gained the elemental power, the gods ignored it, and Barnabas was so serious," Jingliu said.

"Maybe it's not for this matter, don't make the Empress wait too long," Columbia took Kagami's hand and walked towards the Winter Palace.


"Jingliu, the Empress just asked me to bring you over, and she didn't have the idea of letting me in, so I won't accompany you in the future, and the rest is directly up to you," Columbia stopped in front of the door and said to Jingliu worriedly.

"Well, don't worry, it shouldn't be a big deal," Jingliu comforted, then pushed open the door and walked in.

What greeted you was a simple room, with only a few seats and a table, one of which sat the Ice Empress. There was no expression in the cold expression.

"I don't know what the Ice Empress is looking for me, I guess I haven't touched the laws of Solstice," Kagami asked, puzzled. Then he continued

, "If it's for the ice elemental power in the idol, I can return the elemental power,"

Barnabas shook his head when he heard this.

"I'm not looking for you for this, sit down first," Barnabas waved.

Kagami was even more confused, but he listened to Barnabas and sat down.

"Listen to my story

" "Once upon a time, there was a kingdom without the protection of gods, not because it had a god who died or forsaken them, but because it never had a god ......

" "Before the establishment of the Seven Gods, a group of people who did not believe in gods gathered together to form this godless kingdom"

A country founded entirely by humans, this country is unprecedentedly prosperous, and in the field of science and technology, it once overshadowed the rest of Teyvat

" "However, the prosperity did not last long......

"Hundreds of years ago, they tried in vain to infect the power of the abyss! Finally tore the false heaven! Countless abyssal monsters were recruited

" "The final result was also obvious, that prosperous country was defeated by the abyss monsters.

"But the power of the abyss can't be ignored, so Tianli ordered the Seven Rulers of the Mortal World to curb the spread of the abyss

" "In the end, the first generation of the seven gods, only the two gods of Wind and Rock are still

...... in the human world", "The great ancient kingdom has been punished unjustly", "The people of the great ancient kingdom have been distorted into monsters", "


The two were silent for a long time, and finally Jingliu broke the silence by speaking.

"So, what is

this country?" "The land of people "Kanria" "Hmm~" Jingliu thought for a while, and then said, "So, what does this have to do with me?"

"I heard that in the ancient country of Kanria

, there was a blonde boy who traveled to the countries of Teyvat, and just like you, he could gain elemental power just by touching the idol," Barnabas said to himself.

"I don't know if it's like this for all people outside the world,"

"So after talking so much, it's not because of this in the end," Kagmiryu complained in his heart.

"I am a first-hand witness of this war, watching the raging abyss and the fall of the gods, I understand that strength is the only criterion!" (I personally think that the first generation of ice gods died before the Kanria War, so it was the second generation of ice gods who participated in the Kanria War, which can also explain the problem of the great change in temperament.)

"Therefore, I have changed from a God who loves people to what I am now

" "Heavenly Principles...... She is the murderer of everything

!" "So, I will be the god that people will never love again, and I will also be the god who will never love people again, and one day, I will raise

my rebellion against Tianli!" "And now, Tianli is in a deep sleep, and the Advent is about to wake up, and at this moment, it is the best time for the banner of rebellion

" "You, do you want me to join you?" asked Kagami, looking at the ice god with a serious face in front of him.

"No, you don't have to make a move, you can even sit next to the show. I just want to ask you to protect Solstice, and if in the end, I fail, please protect the people of Solstice," Barnabas said with some pleading.

Jingliu was silent for a while, and then said

, "You, you don't trust yourself so much?" "

I have the confidence to succeed, but ...... There's always going to be a backhand, isn't it? Barnabas replied.

"Well, then what can I gain?"

"I don't know, I can feel that your strength is even much stronger than Tianli...... So I don't know what you lack, what you need, I can only promise that I will do whatever you ask of you, within the limits of what I can afford!" said Barnabas solemnly.

Kagyu looked at Barnabas in front of him.

"Forget it, I'll help you, I still like Solstice," Jingliu said immediately.

"Thank you," Barnabas said with a deep sigh of relief.

"I know that if you want to collect the Seven Elements, I will give you the status of an executive officer, so that you can also legally enter and exit various countries without a lot of trouble. After speaking, Barnabas hurriedly explained:

"It is an executive independent of the eleventh executive, and his status is the same as mine, and he does not need to obey anyone's orders

" "I will inform the people of the whole winter tomorrow, let's go and have a good rest today, the executive robe can be worn by Columbia first, and I will have someone process it for you when the time comes

" "Well, then I'll go first" After Jingliu finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the gate. Leave Barnabas alone.

"Heavenly Reason," Barnabas said, looking at the ceiling.


"Jingliu, Jingliu, are you okay, what did the Empress tell you?" Columbia, who was waiting at the door, saw Jingliu coming out and hurriedly ran over and asked.

"I'm fine, the Ice Empress has something to do with me," Kagmiryu said with a smile.

"What's a good thing

", "We'll be "colleagues" from now on

", "Really?", Columbia was also very happy when she heard this.

"Well, I just don't know how many seats I'll be," Kagami wondered.

"Now that there are only ten seats in the eleventh executive that are empty, could it be that you will become ten seats?" Columbia thought for a moment, and then said.

"I don't want to think so much, I'll know the first few seats tomorrow, let's go celebrate now"

After saying that, Columbia pulled the mirror away.



at Columbia sleeping next to him at night, Kagmiryu smiled, then closed his eyes.

A large part of the reason why I will help Barnabas is because of Columbia, after all, the solstice is also Columbia's home.

Okay, let's see if I'll enter the Star Chariot Sea again.


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