"To ...... It's here.

Sangonomiya Kokomi led the two to a relatively hidden cave.

The cave is not big, but it doesn't look oppressive, but has a sense of warmth. The cave is very simple, with a table, a lot of books, and some documents from Watatsumi Island, maybe when Sangonomiya Kokomi is not at peace, he will come here with documents to do things.

"Only...... Only, I showed you the diary...... You're not going to tell me about it, are you?" Sangonomiya Kokomi found the diary he had placed on the table, holding it tightly in his hand, and looked at Kagami with a nervous expression.

"Of course, I never disdained to deceive people, and you don't deserve it. Jingliu said lightly.

"Really...... Really?" Sangonomiya Kokomi was obviously a little unconvinced, after all, the Fatui were very famous on the Teyvat continent.

"Since you don't believe me, forget it. Anyway, I'm afraid of ghosts, and it won't be good to say it. After Jingliu finished speaking, he prepared to leave with Columbia.

"No! don't!" Sangonomiya Kokomi quickly let out a startled cry, and then stood in front of Kagmiryu and Columbia.

"Give...... Here you go...... Look, please don't talk about it......" Sangonomiya Kokomi blushed and handed the diary to Kagami's eyes.

"Well, that's not good, since you don't believe me so much, then I can't help it. Kagami pushed away the diary handed over by Sangonomiya Kokomi and pretended to be helpless.

"No, no, I believe you. Sangonomiya Kokomi looked at Kagami's expression, obviously anxious, for fear that Kagami would tell the story.

Sangonomiya Kokomi looked at Kagmiryu with a casual look, gritted his teeth, and once again handed the diary to Kagami:

"Please...... Please, look...... Take a look. I'm ...... Trust you.

Kagamino looked at Sangonomiya Kokomi's expression as if she was about to cry in the next moment, and she also stopped washing her thoughts, and reached out to take the diary.

Sangonomiya Kokomi saw that he took the diary, and he was also a little relieved, completely unaware of the importance of the diary.

"Today, there are a few Vision owners of Narukami Island who have taken refuge in Watatsumi Island, and their energy is +2. The influence of the Eye Hunt Order is growing, and many Vision owners have voiced their opposition. "

Today, I learned that those vision-holders ate and drank for nothing on Watatsumi Island, doing nothing, and had an energy value of -2. The wielders of the Vision can act as a deterrent even if they are not directly involved in the war, but they are ...... Watatsumi Island may not last long.

Sangonomiya Kokomi listened to the contents of his diary from Kagami's mouth, and his face turned red as if he was about to drip blood. His hands kept rubbing the corners of his clothes, and he wanted to find a slit to stuff it into.

"Today, the two of the Fatui executives came to the Sango Palace, it's very troublesome, and it's still in the most critical period of Narukami Island and Watatsumi Island, I'm afraid that they won't be good, and they really don't know how to solve it...... Energy -50. The two executive officers are not something that Watatsumi Island can handle, so they can only pray that they don't go too far......

" "Huh?" Jingliu looked at this sentence and was slightly stunned, and said to the heart of Sangonomiya, who was already self-conscious: "I didn't expect that our appearance would actually deduct 50 energy points, so how much energy do you have left now."

Sangonomiya froze in place, and didn't answer Kagami's words, maybe she didn't hear what Kagami said at all.

Kagami and Columbia glanced at each other, looked at Sangonomiya Kokomi, walked over, and gave a gentle push.

In the next second, Sangonomiya Xinhai's body leaned and fell to the ground.

Mirror Stream: ......

Columbia: ......

"She's ...... Fainted shyly?" Kagamiya looked at Sangonomiya, who had fainted on the ground at this time, and asked Columbia beside her suspiciously.

"Isn't that obvious?" Columbia asked rhetorically, and then looked at Kagyuru in surprise,

"I didn't think Kagami was still interested in it."

Jingliu touched her nose in embarrassment, and then looked at Xinhai lying on the ground:

"Send her back to the Coral Palace, it's not good to lie here."

After Jingliu finished speaking, he was about to pick up Sangonomiya Kokomi.

"I'll do it. Columbia interrupted Kagami's movements and used her mental power to lift Sangonomiya Kokomi up.

"Well, okay, let's go. With that

, Kagmiryu covered the cave again, put away the journal of the heart of the Sango Palace, and then walked towards the Sango Palace.


"Shan...... What have you done to Sango-sama?" Before he

could enter the Sango-miya, he was stopped by the guards at the door. The guard looked at the heart of the Sangonomiya floating in the air behind the two, and hurriedly summoned all the guards beside him and asked questions.

"She just fainted, and nothing happened. Kaggaryu explained to them.

Although there is no need to explain to them, I still want to spend a few more days on Watatsumi Island, and I don't want to offend all the people on Watatsumi Island.

"Do you think we'll believe it? Give it to me, and save Sango-sama. The guard obviously didn't believe what Jingliu said, and with a wave of his hand, he took the lead in rushing towards Jingliu.


Forget it, Jingliu is too lazy to say it, since they don't believe it, then they will believe it if they are beaten down.

"What are you doing, stop!" Just

as Jingliu was about to make a move, a voice came, interrupting the movements of both parties.

"Goro-sama, you're here.

Gorou stood between the two sides and asked the guard, "What are you doing, what happened?" "

Is that the ......?" the guard explained why.

"I see, go down. Gorou nodded and spoke to the guard, then looked at the Sangonomiya Kokomi floating in the air.

"Kokomi-sama's room is right in the middle of the Sango Palace. Gorou said to Kagami, not suspecting that Kagami-ryu would lie to themselves, after all, with their strength, there was no need to lie to us at all.

"Gorou-sama, this ......" The guard looked at Gorou with some confusion, suspecting that Gorou had misheard what he said.

Gorou didn't pay attention to what the guards said, and walked away after settling the matter here.

"You ......" Before the guards could speak, Kagmiryu walked into the Sango Palace with Columbia and the Sangonomiya Kokomi floating in the air.

The guard looked at the backs of the two, a little unwilling in his heart, wondering why Gorou was on the side of the Fatui.


"It should be this one, right?" Jingliu looked at the only room in the center of the Coral Palace in front of him, opened the door, and walked in.

The room was very simple, it seemed to be a place to sleep entirely, without a trace of entertainment.

"Put Kokomi Sangonomiya on the bed. Kagyuki said to Columbia.

Columbia nodded, controlling her mental power, and the heart of the coral palace slowly floated to the bed, and Columbia also intimately covered the coral palace heart with a quilt.

"Let's go. Kagami watched as Sangonomiya Kokomi breathed steadily, and walked out of the room with Columbia, gently closing the door.

"I think Sangonomiya Kokomi will thank us when she wakes up.

Columbia looked at the mirror with a speechless face, scaring people into dizziness, and waking up to thank you for your ......

"It seems that Kokomi of Sangonomiya hasn't had a good rest for a long time for the sake of Watatsumi Island, and I'm 'helping' her to rest now, shouldn't she thank me when she wakes up?"

Columbia: ......


"It's good if you're happy." "

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