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Nothing unexpected happened while the two were walking on the sea, and they soon arrived at Haiji Island.

As for the thunderstorm surrounding Inazuma? Under the perception shield of Jingliu, it was completely impossible to observe the traces of the two of them.

"Haiji Island is quite beautiful." Jingliu couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the environment of Kaiji Island.

The trees are tall and straight, with lush branches and leaves, and are full of green. The unique vegetation adds a mysterious touch to the island.

The water around the island is crystal clear and sparkling. The sun shines through the clear water and shines on the corals and fish on the seabed, like a beautiful picture.

Columbia closed her eyes and looked at the scenery in front of her with her mental strength. She nodded and agreed with Jingliu's view.

With a completely different scenery from Mond Liyue, Haiji Island is a place full of mystery and beauty.

Columbia looked at the gradually darkening sky and asked Jingliu beside her: "By the way... what should we do if we stay overnight?"

"It's okay, there is a kind person on Haiji Island who will take us in." Jingliu heard this, thought for a while, and showed a somewhat evil smile.


"Let's go before it gets completely dark."

"Where to go?"

"Coral Palace."

The Coral Palace is a beautiful palace surrounded by large corals. There are huge corals around, and the color of the nearby vegetation is different from other places.

"Stop, I seem to have never seen you before. Tell me your name and explain your purpose of coming."

When Jingliu and Columbia arrived at the outskirts of the Coral Palace, they were blocked by the guards outside the Coral Palace.

The guards did not let down their guard just because Jingliu was wearing a black veil and Columbia had her eyes closed. I have never seen them before, which means that these two girls are not residents of Kaiji Island.

Since they are not residents of Kaiji Island, their identities are somewhat intriguing.

"Let me tell you, "Miko, the Living God," that there are two Fool Executives sitting at the front outside the Coral Palace. "

"She has two choices now. One is to come out in person and invite us in. The other is to let us in ourselves."

Jingliu raised one hand, and his calm tone reached the guard's mind.

"Two fools and executives!"

Listening to Jingliu's words, the guard's heart tightened. Although I don't know why I emphasize that the seats are in the front, I know that this matter is no longer something that my little guard can handle.

"You two, please wait a moment. I will go in immediately and inform Mr. Coral Palace." The cold sweat on the guard's face flowed down his cheeks to the ground. He said respectfully to the two of you and hurriedly ran into the Coral Palace.

As for whether there is any doubt about the identity of the two pretending to be executives of the Fools, the guard feels that there is no such possibility. No one will take the courage to pretend to be an executive, unless... they are people of the same level as the executive...

Time did not pass long, and soon a girl in a dark blue skirt hurriedly came to him.

The girl's appearance is like a blooming flower, beautiful and moving. But perhaps because of the arrival of Kageryu and Columbia, the girl's face was a little nervous. The moment she saw the two of them, the expression on her face instantly disappeared, and then she revealed a holy and kind expression. .

"Welcome to Kaiji Island, you two. I am Coral Palace Shinkai, the "Mikomi of the Living God" of Kaiji Island. I wonder what happened to you two? As long as it doesn't harm the people of Haiji Island, Xinhai is willing to serve you. "

"Oh? Can't we harm the people of Haiji Island? What if I came here just for this matter?" Jingliu looked at Coral Palace Xinhai's appearance, and he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​playing a trick in his heart.

Hearing this, the expression on Coral Palace Xinhai's face froze, and her hands tightly held the hem of her skirt. Then he adjusted his mentality and showed a smile:

"Haha, Mr. Executive Officer is really good at joking. Please, let's go to the Coral Palace to chat." Coral Palace Xinhai pointed at the Coral Palace in the depths.

Jingliu did not move, but looked at Coral Palace Xinhai with a cold expression, and slowly said: "Do you think I am joking?"

Coral Palace Xinhai looked at Jingliu as if he didn't seem to be joking, and fell silent.

Coral Palace Xinhai lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking. Jingliu was not in a hurry and stared at Coral Palace Xinhai quietly, waiting for her answer.

"Haiji Island signed an agreement with the Fools, you can't..." Coral Palace Xinhai was silent for a long time before holding back this sentence.

But before Coral Palace Xinhai could finish the sentence,

Jingliu interrupted him: "You seem to have made a mistake. The power of the executive officer is far greater than that of the members of the Fools. As long as I want, the agreement can disappear now."

"You!" Coral Palace Xinhai looked at Jingliu angrily, but quickly calmed down.

"I understand, what do you need me to do?" Coral Gong Xinhai looked at Jingliu calmly, but his slightly trembling body and clenched fists could tell that he was uneasy in his heart.

Jingliu looked at Coral Palace Xinhai's appearance and almost couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I'm kidding you." Jingliu controlled his smile and said to Coral Palace Xinhai in a calm tone.

"We are new to Inazuma, and we plan to live in the Coral Palace for a while."

"Of course, I won't treat you badly during this period. I may give you some help. As for what kind of help, you will know later."

Coral Palace Xinhai clenched her fists tightly, wanting the two of them to leave Haiji Island and go to Narukami Island to find accommodation. But... I, or Haijijima, do not have this strength.

"I...I understand, Coral Palace welcomes you both." Coral Palace Xinhai forced out a smile and said to the two of them.

"There seem to be many rooms in the Coral Palace. I'll ask Wulang to find some for you." Coral Palace Xinhai waved to Wulang who was not far away.

"Two adults, please come with me." Wulang lowered his head and said to the two of them respectfully.

"Well..." Jingliu nodded, took Columbia's hand, and followed Goro into the Coral Palace.

Coral Palace Xinhai looked at the backs of the two people entering the Coral Palace and felt that his whole body had lost strength.

"Alas..." He couldn't help but sigh, and walked towards his "secret base" in despair.

As for the help Jingliu said, Coral Palace Xinhai didn't believe it at all. I just hope that the two of them are really here to stay, come and leave safely. This is the best ending for Kaijijima.

Coral Palace Xinhai looked at the beautiful scene of Haiji Island and felt a few years older inside.

The resistance army and the shogunate army are at a critical stage. At this time, two executive officers suddenly appeared. I really don’t know what to do...


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