Chapter 108: Ultra Knight Team Armor, Linkage!


“It’s really like a game, but unfortunately, this game says that you will die, even if you are an immortal body, the moment you are strongly attacked and lifted your transformation, you will die.”

Menyashi hit the extremely excited Tanlidou and turned to face one familiar face after another of his familiar faces.

Ultra World:

Sero, Leo, G&D, Beria.

Knight’s World:

Little Mingge, shrimp dumplings, peach taros.

Clan World:


The battle world has only Marbellas of the Pirate Troops.

But it doesn’t matter, there are five people in a team!


Menyashi snapped his fingers, and two small three-dimensional walls appeared in the air.

The Hao Clipper and the Electric King Train crossed out of the large dimensional wall at the same time, and the small dimensional wall left a person behind.

Yusuke Goyo…

“After reading the memory copy, everyone should know who is who, so prepare as soon as possible.” Menyaji said.

As soon as the words fell, the shrimp dumplings appeared behind the door as if teleporting, squinting his eyes and his expression was a little mysterious.

“Is this Lord of the Group? It is worthy of being an emperor, and this momentum alone makes people tremble. ”

“Can I keep my distance when I speak? Shrimp dumplings, you make me very upset like this. ”

Menyaji glanced at the shrimp dumplings behind him, and when he saw his beaten expression, he almost couldn’t help but raise his foot and kick over.

“Hey, why do you call me shrimp dumplings? Isn’t Tanli Doushen bad? Lord of the group, I think we can have an in-depth exchange, I need your help, only if you are willing to help me, my divine talent must be maximized. ”

Saying that, Tan Lidou opened his arms, closed his eyes, his expression was extremely proud, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Menyashi spread his hands helplessly, quickly raised his foot, and kicked it over mercilessly.

“Oh yes!” Tan Lidou seemed to have anticipated the attack, and quickly took a step back, perfectly dodged.

“This is doable, beating up your own group members is not a good group leader’s behavior.”

“You still have the face to say, where the gamekeeper beats the player, is it time to swallow manure and kill himself?”

“No, no, no… Our identities are different, and besides, I, the game master, are not under your control? ”

“I think I should talk to them more, they will soon let you know the value of life.”

“Mr. Shi!”

Monyaji and Shrimp Dumplings were clashing, and Yusuke Goyo waved and shouted, and rushed forward.

“Hey! That, that…”

Seeing the fifth generation of Yusuke, Momotaros couldn’t say his excited words, and after a short hesitation, he swooped over and hugged the fifth generation Yusuke.

“Kuuga-senpai! It’s great to see you again, I’m Momotaros, Kamen Rider Denko! ”

“Wow ?!!!”

The appearance of the Metamorphosis Alien Demon God is a monster, and Yusuke Wushiro frowned, subconsciously taking it as Gulangi, and when he was about to transform into a battle and prepare for battle, he heard the follow-up words and made him stop abruptly.

“Kamen Rider… Denwang? ”

On the other hand, the countdown has just begun.

Zhengtai Sero, Fengyuan, Uncle Face Beria, and nineteen-year-old Xiao Lu…

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, a little embarrassed.

“Huh! Brat! Beria looked at Shota Sero with disdain, and a mockery popped out of his mouth.

Although he said this, he was particularly shocked in his heart, Sero is too young, so young has such a powerful power, and what will be the strength in the future?

Look at his own “son” G&D …

In addition to the feeling of feeling connected by blood, there are other Ultraman’s energy responses.

“Bastard! What do you guys call me! ”

How could the young and frivolous Sero endure Beria’s ridicule, and he was about to rush forward in anger.

“Calm down, Sero!” Fengyuan pulled Sero back and said, “Our opponent is not him, now facing the same enemy, we need to unite.” ”

“Old fellow, jealous of my youth, just say bluntly, do you think that being older is an advantage? Give Young Master Ben a little more time and leave you behind right away!” ”

Can’t do it, Shota Sero scolded angrily.

“Old? Old guy? What did you say?! Beria was poked in the underbelly, his gaze moved away from Xiao Lu, and he was equally imposing and wanted to rush towards Sero.

“Nope!” Xiao Lu saw that the situation was not right, and quickly stopped Beria, “Father, unite!” We want to unite! There are only a dozen seconds left, there is no need for infighting! ”


Hearing the word father, Beria was stunned for a moment, looked at Xiao Lu with a complicated expression, and grabbed Xiao Lu’s shoulders with both hands.

“What did you just call me?”

“Father… Father? ”

Another, the other side.

Xiao Mingge took his small camera, took a photo for everyone, took out the photo with the photo washing function of the chat group, glanced at it calmly, then raised his head, glanced at Marbellas next to him, and threw the photo away without changing his face.

Sure enough, I still can’t take pictures…

It is possible to take a distorted picture of everyone.

“It doesn’t look very reliable.” Marbellas clasped her hands to her chest and looked at everyone with some seriousness.

“However, each of them is a solitary existence, believe me, when the battle begins, they will unite, well, to be precise, should believe in His Majesty the Lord of the Group.” Brother Xiaoming said while pulling out his pockets.

“Alone? Including the one at your feet? ”

Marbellas pointed to Wu Gang, who was lying next to him, with a picture covered in his face.

Brother Xiaoming: “…”

“I don’t want to do this, it didn’t take long to finish the fist of the group leader, and now I can rest for a minute is a minute.”

Wu Gang said helplessly, took the photo on his face and looked at it casually.


As if taking stimulants, Wu Gang sat up abruptly and said, “What kind of camera did this take?” Such a novel photographic technique has never been seen before. ”


Brother Xiaoming’s face was not red, his heart did not beat and put away the camera, and said flatly, “It’s probably the group leader…”


As everyone spoke, the ground suddenly began to tremble violently.

【Warning! The countdown is over! Void Godzilla has been awakened, please prepare all the members for battle! 】


ps: The plot of the team does not dare to write more, it is too unpopular, he

It is said that the new era Ultraman and Kamen Rider will have a linkage theatrical version, and I don’t know if it is steamed or not, looking forward to it.

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