Chapter 144: All Knights Gather Faiz? Information on Peacharas!



Menyashi (DC–FAIZ) and Qianqiao (Burst Faiz) are the first to slash a sword, and the fifteen-fold enhancement plus the special increase that comes with their own physique and dark gold decade.

No doubt!

Even if you enter burst mode, this sword slash, the end of Qianqiao’s previous situation, will still not change now!

The red glare exploded between the collisions of the two swords, and Qianqiao (Burst Faiz) could not withstand the pressure, turned into a red arc in the air again, and flew out upside down…

Sure enough, a world without idealism is comfortable.

No matter what the ultimate form, hard power is not enough!

DC–Faiz thought comfortably, with Faiz’s world view and story line, because it is too real, there can never be impossible things such as “miracles” and “you turn”.

Don’t forget, our skillful, clever master…

Be a true tragic hero!

And this world is also a world of pathos!

Prepare for the realm of death and fight to protect others!

After many years, “Kamen Rider IV” filled in the pit left by the first part of “Faiz”…

In the subsequent battle with King Ofie Enoch, all of Qiaoye’s partners, including Truth… All sacrificed!

Qiao Ye finally fulfilled his promise.

Killed all Ophie Enoch except Begonia!

At last.

Qiao Ye lay alone on the lawn, sanding with the wind…

“Kamen Rider Faiz” is a knight series recognized by tokusatsu fans as one of the best plots.

Speaking of which, one of the four favorite characters of Menyaji, Qiao Ye is at least in the top two.

Of course.

Like to like, should fight or fight.

Think of it as a big fan meeting.

Finish beating first.

Who let them be the first to provoke?

DC–Faiz raised his hand and rubbed the laser-flashing blade of Faiz’s blade, throwing it away.

Taking out the Faiz cursor from the side of the four-dimensional pocket and installing it on the notch on the outside of the right leg, the door Yaiz (DC–FAIZ) quickly pulls out the special card, and after driving, he assumes the classic pose of Qiao Ye.

Faiz rogue squat!


【CrimsonSmash (Crimson Electric Drill)!!! 】

Special sound effects fall.

The DC–Faiz jumps up, and when the cursor on his right leg is flipped in the air, it projects a red cone-shaped pointer to lock on the Qiqiao (Burst Faiz) that has just fallen to the ground.

Faiz’s Killer Knight Kick comes with a locking feature.

The upper body of Qianqiao (Burst Faiz) is locked by a red forbidden symbol that emerges, and the Shattered Sword of Light automatically returns to normal Burster mode due to the heavy blow taken by the bearer.

“How so?!”

Qianqiao (Burst Faiz) struggles hard, even trying to use the Faiz Burster’s Light Destruction Cannon mode against the Knight Kick.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he struggled, he still could not break free from the control of the forbidden symbol…


Menyashi (DC–FAIZ) pays tribute to the plot again, pays tribute to Qiao Ye, makes a roar of the same tone, and kicks towards Burst Faiz!

The other side.

The match between Kiba (Burst Kaixa) and Little Mingo (DC–Kaixa), after the confrontation, each side takes a few steps back.

In the next second, when they were about to continue attacking, the special effect sound of the crimson electric drill suddenly sounded in their ears!

Kiba (Burst Kaixa) turned his head to look at Qianqiao (Burst Faiz), and without any hesitation, immediately activated the Spur Skill, instantly blocking in front of Qianqiao (Burst Faiz).

The situation is so urgent that they now have no time to think about why Burst Faiz and Burst Kaixa can’t beat ordinary Faiz and ordinary Kaixa and other problems…


“Qianqiao, continue to do what you want, I can help you, as long as that’s all!”

In just a short moment, the two completed the soul conversation.

Kiba, who is also a tragic character, finally figured it out when he was facing death.


Or that Pony has never been blackened.

If Kusaka hadn’t gotten in the way, Kiba would have been one of the companions of King Ophie Enoch who guarded the world and conquered it.


Menyashi (DC–Faiz) kicked down at great speed, and at the moment when he was close to bursting Kaixa, Bursting Kaixa and Bursting Faiz were one after the other, and two neat red laser drills appeared on his chest!

Through the laser drill, DC–Faiz disappeared out of thin air as if traveling through space, and then appeared behind the two instruments.



With a shake of his hand, Menyaji calmly lifted the faiz form, returned to the normal dark gold decade, and then habitually clapped his hands.





Qianqiao (Burst Faiz) and Kiba (Burst Kaixa) were stunned in place, pre-prepared cry of pain, frozen in their throats, and their expressions under the knight’s mask were full of doubt.

It is clear that it has already been attacked… Why doesn’t it hurt?

Even the knightly armor was not lifted?

“With this bit of strength, you still want to protect humans? Huh…”

Menyaji unwound his transformation boringly, took his hands into his pockets, and asked with a light smile.

“Now, can we talk about it?”

Qianqiao (burst faiz): “??? ”

Kiba (Burst Kaixa): “??? ”

“Your Majesty the Group Lord…”

Little Mingge (DC–Kaixa) came over and saw that the owner of his group dissolved his transformation, and he also removed the drive in the center of his belt, and walked over with the same doubt, saying as he walked:

“Is that the end of it?”

“Well, let them know the strength gap, and then there is nothing to find trouble, then it will be another matter.” Menyaji replied.

“Threatening?” Xiao Mingge stretched his frowning brows, and complained with relief, “This style of doing things is really not like you.” ”

“Forget it, I have the biggest problem in this matter, how to deal with it is up to you, I will watch from the side.”

Because of the original incident, Xiao Mingge has always felt guilty about Menyashi, and this incident amplified this guilt again. He doesn’t care on his face… It’s actually very complicated.


Monyaji nodded flatly, and after stretching his waist, he planned to complete the task of Qianqiao and Kiba first.

However, before he could speak, the conscious chat group was frantically beaten.

Peacharas: “@大修卡家的皇帝! @大修卡家的皇帝! @大修卡家的皇帝! ”

Peacharas: “@失忆的世界毁灭者! @失忆的世界毁灭者! @失忆的世界毁灭者! ”

Peacharas: “Bastard pack master!” Bastard Bob! Get out of that world! No. 1 leads the knights and is gathering to the world of Faiz seniors! They…… Found you! ”


ps: I originally wanted to write four thousand big chapters, but it turned out that something happened, alas, I pricked one piece in my heart, and I will continue tomorrow.

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