Chapter 153: Zhuang Wu, I don’t want to thank you two emperor riding brothers yet!


Menyaji has not spoken, watching the Tautaros perform the whole time, and he is thinking about two important questions.


Is the current little devil king the future old devil?


Is BlackRX’s world still being reset?

According to the current situation.

Except for Kuuga.

All the knight worlds destroyed by Little Mingge were reset normally, but those knights who were destroyed by Diga’s power…

Things seem a lot more complicated than expected.

Moreover, the little devil is also a big trouble.

Menyashi fought with the old devil king before, and it can be determined that the old devil king does not know him, so the current little devil king…

Of course, the possibility of the old devil king having acting is not excluded.

But that would also be too detrimental to his demon king’s compulsion, right?


Because of chat groups.

The old devil little devil split into unrelated individuals?

If so.

Aren’t things getting more and more fun!


Menyashi has left the task behind, and he is thinking about whether to directly throw Shiwang’s TV up!

It doesn’t matter what the reward is.

The main thing is to pit the old devil again!

In chat groups:

Tautaros: “Eh, senior, his overhaul card has been corrected, although they rule the earth, but they have created a world where humans and weirdos coexist peacefully.” ”

Son of the Sun, Black Sun: “??? ”

Peacharas: “Moreover, there are other knights guarding that world, so seniors don’t have to worry.” ”

Son of the Sun, Kurori: “Is that so?” Humans and eccentrics coexist peacefully? And knights, guarding the world? Creating such a world must be difficult, with sacrifice and bloodshed. ”

Dorothalus: “…”

The emperor (group leader) of the major repair card family: “…”

Amnesiac World Destroyer: “…”

Is it difficult?

It’s not difficult.

Sacrifice and bloodshed?

That’s the point.

Before there was Little Brother Ming, who destroyed all the knight worlds.

Causes the timeline to reset.

Later, there are doormen and destroy the remaining nine legendary knights.

Build an empire of overhaul cards.

I didn’t shed much blood myself.

But all the knights have been squeezed dry!

Tautaros didn’t dare to say anything, when the matter came to this, just let him continue to develop.

A wonderful misunderstanding…

At least there can be fewer unnecessary disputes.


Dorothalus never wants the knight war to happen again.

The other side.

Menyashi was rarely embarrassed.

To put it simply, his great empire was picked up for nothing.

Brother Xiaoming was unusually calm.

Because of the first two “wrong person” incidents, he doesn’t feel very good about other Kamen Riders now.

Son of the Sun, Black Sun: “Please keep that world peaceful and stop war, please!” ”

The emperor (group leader) of the major repair card family: “There can be no more civil war, and there is no way to determine the rest.” ”

Son of the Sun, Kuroshi: “Huh? This…”

The Emperor (Group Leader) of the Great Repair Ka family: “The earth can’t accommodate so much life, so my goal is… Endless universe, build a cosmic empire. ”

Son of the Sun, Black Sun: “Very ambitious goals, but still indispensable war, I hope you can succeed as soon as possible, I think, to reach your kind of realm, there is no need to reason with you anymore.” ”

Dorothalus: “…”

Amnesiac World Destroyer: “Knowing the decision, it seems that this senior is obviously more reliable than some king knights.” ”

Tautaro: “??? ”

My dream is to be king: “Eh…”

My dream is to be king: “Although I know that it is not against me, I still feel that something is strange.” ”

Tautaros: “@老婆鸟anhk! @老婆鸟anhk! @老婆鸟anhk! ”

Dorothalus: “Don’t play dead!” Come out quickly! ”

Wife Bird Anhk: “Play dead? Who pretended to be dead? Speak to me politely! Don’t make it look like we’re familiar! ”

Dorothalos: “What?!! ”

Peacharos: “I am Peacharas!” Kamen Rider Denwang, you stupid weirdo! ”

Wife Bird Anhk: “I care if you are an electric king or a thunder king, if you don’t know, you don’t know, do you have a problem with your brain?” ”

Tautaros: “The photo .jpg! ”

Dorothalus: “Do you remember now?” ”

Wife Bird Anhk: “…”

Wife Bird Anhk: “Get out! ”

Tautaro: “??? ”

All right.

Anhk actually knew who Tautaros was, and the reason why he pretended not to know him, and even opened his mouth to curse, was because he was now immersed in a state of self-satisfaction.

ANHK enjoys the wonderful feeling of “contentment”.

But by the noise of Tarotalos, the artistic conception and joy in the heart were all destroyed!

The Emperor (Group Leader) of the Great Repair Card Family: “If I’m not mistaken, you just got beaten by Aoki and took away a lot of other Greeed core coins, right? ”

Wife Bird Anhk: “How do you know?!” ”

The emperor (group leader) of the overhaul card family: “Because I have been watching, from the single-handedness with OOO, all the way to the rescue of people, how is it? Doesn’t it feel satisfying? ”

Wife Bird Anhk: “You… How to know! ”

Wife Bird Anhk: “Wait! You say you’re watching all the time, that is… Damn it! Secretly spying on me and that idiot, what the hell are your intentions? ”

The emperor (group leader) of the major repair card family: “Attempt? Forget it, let you tie the knot with Eiji Nano… Well, in short, since the chat group has been added, those troublesome things can be omitted, and when I finish playing, I will find an appropriate time to help you. ”

Wife Bird Anhk: “Help me? Joke! Do I still need a human help? Don’t underestimate me! ”

Dorotalos: “Stupid hand, I advise you to talk well, although the bastard group leader is a bastard, his power can destroy the existence of all knights alone, remember the Shuka organization that embarrassed us?” That organization is now the empire that rules the earth, and he is the king of the empire. ”

Dorothalus: “Simply put, if he wants to… You can destroy your world at any time. ”

Wife Bird Anhk: “??? ”

The emperor (group leader) of the overhaul card family: “Forget it, send some evidence to see, although, I may have sent it before.” ”

【Ding! The group leader “The Emperor of the Overhaul Card Family” deleted a medium-sized memory copy! 】

【Ding! The group leader “The Emperor of the Great Repair Card Family” uploaded a medium-sized memory copy! 】

[“Kamen Rider OOO” is up to 46 episodes! ] 】

Wife Bird Anhk: “What is this again?” ”

My dream is to be king: “Memory copy!” I thought it was right, the group lord really had copies of the memories of other knights in his hands, that… Lord of the group, excuse me, is there a copy of my memory? I want to know…”

【Ding! The group leader “The Emperor of the Great Repair Card Family” uploaded a small memory copy! 】

[“Kamen Rider Time King” as of episode 3! ] 】

The emperor (group leader) of the major repair card family: “If you take it away, I won’t send the whole collection, I’ll talk about it later, in addition… You also have Brother Ming in your story, and he still lends you half of his power. ”

My dream is to be king: “!!! ”

Amnesiac World Destroyer: “??? ”

Existing group owners give memory copies.

In the future, there is Xiaomingge to borrow power.

In short, in a word.

Aren’t you ready to thank the two emperor riding brothers?


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