Wen Cai Qiusheng, who was still making lunch bitterly, saw a beautiful woman walking over.

The eyes straightened instantly.

Halfway through lunch.

Hang a dog-licking standard smile on your face.

I walked straight over.

“Hello, this young lady, who are you looking for?”

“Don’t pay attention to him, he’s a rogue, just ask me about anything, I know everything about this Renjia Town!”

“Hey, Wencai, what do you say!”

“Say you’re a rogue! Hurry up and stay away from the young lady! ”


Looking at Wen Cai Qiusheng, who seemed to be about to fight again.

Nian Ying frowned.

“Hello, may I ask if Master Zhengying is here.”

Lin Zhengying!

This is exactly the name of the Ninth Uncle in the world.

And he is the ninth in his family, and everyone is used to calling him Lin Jiu.

After a long time, the title of Ninth Uncle also appeared.

And Wen Cai Qiusheng heard this.

In an instant, the mind of making a fuss was put away.

Said with some doubt.


“Why did you come to Master?”

“Oh young lady, in fact, the matter of finding my master, you can put it aside for the time being.”

“We can talk about what to eat for lunch first, just as my aunt’s rouge shop has a few new goods, I can show you a little later…”

Qiu Sheng’s words are not finished.

I suddenly felt a dark breath from behind!

Wen Cai Qiusheng, who had been sanctioned many times, reacted instantly.

Not good, it’s Master!

Before the two could dodge.

The next moment.

The familiar snap reappears!



“Hmph, you two rebels, don’t cook well and talk to the young lady here!”

The two who were sanctioned heard the reprimand of the Ninth Uncle.

Don’t dare to say more.

Grinning, he continued to make lunch.

And at this time.

Ninth Uncle also looked at the beautiful woman in front of him.

Said with some doubt.

“I am Lin Zhengying, may I ask you what is the matter with me?”


Nian Ying’s eyes lit up instantly.

Some said excitedly.

“Master Zhengying, I finally found you!”

Seeing Nian Ying so excited.

Ninth Uncle was even more puzzled.

“Did anyone ask you to come to me?”

It’s no wonder Uncle Jiu thinks so.

After all, so many years have passed.

There are only a few people who know his layman’s name.

“My brother-in-law recently had a strange illness, and my sister wants you to visit him.”

“What’s your sister’s name?”



Ninth Uncle was instantly struck by lightning!

The whole person is in place!

The mouth couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Sister Lian?!”

This exclamation.

It grabbed everyone’s attention in an instant.

Until a while later.

The Ninth Uncle gradually eased up.

He responded with some anticipation and a somewhat apprehensive look on his face.

“I’ll go back and clean up, that person is my junior brother Jiang Yu, you stay with him first, and we’ll leave together in the afternoon.”

Finish speaking.

The Ninth Uncle ran back to Yizhuang.

Only a few people were left with a confused look.

At this time, Ren Tingting and Yue Qiluo also stepped forward to receive Nianying.

The three quickly mingled.

There is no barrier! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

See this scene.

Jiang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

I thought to myself.

A new world story is about to begin

And right at this moment.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng walked over with mysterious faces.

Whispered to Jiang Yu.

“Uncle Master, who is Sister Lian, and why is Master so shocked when he hears this name.”

“Yes, yes, especially Master’s complicated expression just now, gee, I have already made up a million-word drama in my brain.”

Hear the words of the two.

Jiang Yu smiled faintly.

A look of memory flashed across his face.

“I really heard about this back then.”

As soon as the words came out.

Wen Cai Qiusheng’s face immediately showed an excited expression.

It’s exactly the appearance of a melon-eating mass!

I saw the two of them come behind Jiang Yu one by one and press his shoulders.

One crouches down to hammer his legs.

The look of anticipation in my eyes is simply desperate!

See this scene.

Jiang Yu said a little helplessly.

“Well, no, I’ll tell you that.”


“Uncle yyds!”

Take a sip of tea.

Jiang Yu said slowly.

“This lotus sister, that is, Michelin, is your master’s lover who has not yet entered Maoshan, and the relationship between the two is very good, like glue, and everyone at that time thought that the two were talented and beautiful.”

“I will also live happily in the future, but later, because your master entered Maoshan and needed to concentrate on cultivation, he gradually broke off contact with Michelin, and Michelin is also an infatuated lover.”

“After waiting for your master for many years, she has not received a result, and at this time her age has reached the limit of marriage, forced by the pressure of the family and the rhetoric of the outside world.”

“Michelin had to marry into a prestigious local family and become a woman!”

“And your master was also a spirited young man back then, and he was inseparable from that Shi Jian, and almost everyone at that time thought that the next head of Maoshan.

“It will be decided between the two, and even your master’s reputation in Maoshan at that time will overshadow Shi Jian, but after he knows about it.”

“But he turned white overnight, lost all fighting spirit, and in his head he didn’t want to do anything else except cultivation, and even the position of the head no longer competed with Shi Jian.”

“As for what happened later, you also know, but the interesting thing is that this girl’s name is Nianying! And your master’s lay name is Jeongyoung! ”

“What is the connection between the two, then it is self-evident…”

Hear this.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng’s faces instantly showed shocked looks.

I can’t taste it for a long time!

“It turns out that Master still had such an experience back then!”

“Gee… Master is really miserable,”


And just when the two were full of emotion.

Ninth Uncle has returned!

I saw him dressed in a delicate tuxedo suit and holding a gold-encrusted cane in his hand! The whole person instantly changed from the original old-fashioned and serious incorruptible Taoist.

Become a successful person!

See this scene.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

“This, this, this… This is Master?! ”

Ignoring Wen Cai Qiusheng’s two villains.

Ninth Uncle walked up to everyone and said.

“I’m ready, when do we leave?”

Hearing this, Nianying also quickly replied.

“My sister said the sooner the better!”

“Good! Then let’s go now! ”

Then the Ninth Uncle looked at Jiang Yu.

He asked with some anticipation in his eyes.

“Junior Brother, do you want to go with you?”

After all, this was the first time Lian Mei had contacted him in so many years!

Or even a request to yourself!

In order not to make Lian Mei sad.

Ninth Uncle will go all out!

And Jiang Yu Dao’s method is profound, and it is already a half-step Jindan Zhan.

If there is a horse for him.

Then nothing will be a problem anymore!.

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