I Just Became An Immortal, My Descendants Beg Me To Come Out of the Mountain

Chapter 514: To the divine law of the Tao, the arrival of the Dao Yan

The ancestor of Tao!

Jiang Changsheng became even more curious when he heard Taishangtian's words, and he immediately responded in accordance with Taishangtian's words.

Taishangtian didn't talk nonsense and waved his sleeves at Jiang Changsheng, a burst of bright light burst from the sleeves, drowning Jiang Changsheng's vision.

A huge amount of memory melted into Jiang Changsheng's mind, and gathered into four big characters.

Supreme Taoism!

This divine method is different from the great merit divine method. The Supreme Dao divine method can not only integrate the power of the Dao, but also integrate thousands of forces and even display it in a short period of time. The more powers fused, the stronger the power.

After Jiang Changsheng had finished accepting this memory, he opened his eyes, and there was no Taishen figure in front of him.

He turned around and saw that the countless attics on the magnificent sky had been emptied, and the ashram was extremely silent.

Jiang Changsheng jumped up, appeared out of nowhere on the Black Dragon Stone Bridge in the distance, and walked towards the light gate.

"Since it's fate, let me remind you that you are in a cage, and even I can't see through this cage."

The voice from the sky came, with an indifferent tone.

Jiang Changsheng turned his head to look, although he couldn't see Taishangtian's figure, he still had a smile on his face, and said, "Thank you, Daoist friend, for your kindness!"

After all, he stepped into the light gate without hesitation, and then felt the world spinning.

The orthodox return to the gods is over!

Jiang Changsheng's senses recovered, and his consciousness returned to his true self.

He slowly opened his eyes, frowning.

This time the orthodox return to the gods has gained a lot, and the trip is worthwhile, but he has a lot of confusion.

He could no longer tell whether he was going to the past or the future. The white-clothed **** he met this time was suspected to be his descendant, which made him question it.

Before starting the Taoist return to the gods, he went to the world of the Taoist return to the gods when he was crossing the catastrophe, and the Xiao and Niangniang he met there. In the crossing calamity, he went to the future and met Jiang Xun.

If the world he went to when he crossed the catastrophe was really the same as the Daotong Huishen, then what he went to was the future, but it belonged to a different place.

Jiang Changsheng recalled the introduction of the Daoist return to spirit function.

[Taoist karma: Consume Taoist karma points, return to various preaching dojos in the era of cultivating immortals in the past, and comprehend the powerful Taoism of the ancient era. The more Taoist karma points you consume, the deeper the dojo you go to]

The old days of cultivating immortals!

Isn't this the past?

Jiang Changsheng thought about the words of Taishangtian again, could there be a force in the dark that is swaying him?

The system will never go wrong, and the problem lies in the last tribulation. Could it be that some kind of power has entangled him in that catastrophe?

Time and space backlash?

Jiang Changsheng frowned tightly, lost in thought.

If it's time and space backlash, wouldn't the orthodox revival function harm him?

"Forget it, you can't figure it out if you just think about it. It's better to practice first, and you will know sooner or later."

Jiang Changsheng put aside his distracting thoughts and began to practice Taoism.

After listening to Taishangtian’s preaching, it is very easy to practice the Supreme Dao Divine Law. The Taishangtian’s preaching is about creating the Tao, which is essentially the same as the Supreme Dao Divine Law, but it is impossible for him to pass his unique knowledge through preaching. Passed on to the seekers, the sermons are about his experience, and the supreme Tao and divine law are the real inheritance.

At this moment, Bai Qi had just started preparing for alchemy, she didn't know that her master had just gone through a long period of time.

The dark clouds were churning, suppressing the heaven and the earth, the cold wind mixed with blood was blowing recklessly, and the mountains above the desolate land were shrouded in dust.

Jiang Yi sat meditating on the edge of the cliff, his black hair fluttering in the wind, his black armor was stained with blood, even with his eyes closed, his face was murderous and fierce.

Elder Tianji Xuan was suspended in the air behind him, and he was staring at Jiang Yi's back with cloudy eyes.

Accompanying Jiang Yi in the Sea of ​​Tongyou for thousands of years, for Jiang Yi's talent, he has evolved from being shocked to appreciating and looking forward to it, and now it has become jealous.

This kid is growing up too fast!

As he devoured more and more power, his temperament also changed subtly. He remained silent, but his attacks became more and more ruthless.

Elder Tianjixuan couldn't figure out Jiang Yi's cause and effect, but he was also afraid that one day he would die in Jiang Yi's hands.

It is not uncommon to kill teachers, not to mention that they only have the reality of masters and apprentices, not the name of masters and apprentices.

Thinking about it, Elder Tianjixuan suddenly wanted to go back to the endless void.

"Old Xuan, something is approaching."

Jiang Yi's voice brought Elder Tianji Xuan's thoughts back to reality.

Elder Tianjixuan frowned, and said, "Why didn't I notice it?"

Jiang Yi stood up and said, "The senses can't detect it, but I can feel it."

He stared into the distance without saying a word. He felt like he was being targeted by a natural enemy.

When Elder Tianjixuan heard this, he immediately began to deduce that in the Sea of ​​Tongyou, he is not the strongest, and there are always existences that can evade his perception.

However, no matter how he deduced it, it would not count.

"Go first..."

Elder Tianjixuan spoke, but before he finished speaking, his expression changed drastically, and he turned to look towards the horizon.

Jiang Yi then turned his head to look, his brows furrowed.

The dust in the sky dissipated slowly, a huge black hole appeared out of thin air, and expanded rapidly, and extremely huge green dragons flew out of it, baring their teeth and claws, like a wolf just out of the cage, all of them were wrapped with huge chains, strangled them, the chains It is full of various rune imprints.

A total of seven green dragons flew out dragging a huge hanging island, on which stood a palace occupying the entire hanging island.

Around the Xuandao there are figures exuding a powerful aura, and behind the Xuandao there are countless giant beasts, such as dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, white tigers, tortoises, etc., either carrying palaces on their backs or dragged by chains.

In less than three breaths, the black hole was already bigger than the sky, as if half of the world had been swallowed up. A mighty army flew out, and the gathered aura enveloped the whole earth. Even Jiang Yi felt like his mana was solidified.

It was the first time he had such a terrifying force after coming to the Sea of ​​Tongyou for so long.

Elder Tianji Xuan saw the palace on the huge hanging island, he frowned and thought for a moment, his face instantly became terrified.

"How is it possible...could it be..."

Elder Tianjixuan trembled all over, immediately raised his hand, took Jiang Yi over, grabbed Jiang Yi's shoulder, and wanted to escape from this place.

"If you don't worship Daoyan, you will know what a crime it is!"

There was a cold snort, which made Elder Tianji Xuan stiff all over. He immediately jumped off the stone rosette, and then bowed down to the huge hanging island in the distance with Jiang Yi, his forehead pressed tightly against the ground.

Jiang Yi was held down and couldn't move. He could clearly feel Elder Tianjixuan's trembling, and he was shocked.

How powerful Elder Tianjixuan is, since he came to the Sea of ​​Tongyou, he has met too many strong men, but no matter how strong he is, Elder Tianjixuan can always take him away.

This is the first time, kneeling before fighting!

Jiang Yi was aggrieved, but more confused, what happened to them?

A strong wind whizzed in, and there were dragons, phoenixes, tigers and all kinds of strange and frightening roars, one after another, making this world even more terrifying.

Jiang Yi clearly felt countless gazes sweeping over him, and even had a murderous intent that chilled his soul.

He instinctively had fear, he could feel that as long as he raised his head, he would die.

It was the first time he faced such a terrifying force, and the gap was so wide that even a proud person like him couldn't resist.

The two of them lasted like a year, and the vast army flew for a long time before completely disappearing.

Jiang Yi raised his head slowly, and Elder Tianji Xuan did the same, and stopped pressing him.

The two stood up, looking at each other speechlessly.

a long time.

Jiang Yi broke the silence and asked, "Old Xuan, who are they?"

Elder Tianjixuan was in a trance, and when he heard his question, he woke up suddenly. With a look of fear on his face, he gritted his teeth and said: "Daoyan, from the inner void, to be precise, their power is also distributed in the inner void. I don’t know the exact history.”

"Dao Yan came to the endless void, this is the catastrophe coming..."

Jiang Yi had heard him mention the existence of Inner Void before, but he refused to say anything about Inner Void.

Dao Yan...

Jiang Yi memorized the name silently, and he asked, "Old Xuan, how strong is Dao Yan that you know?"

Elder Tianjixuan was silent for a moment, then sighed: "I don't understand at all, but one thing is certain, that is, Dao Yan existed longer than Martial Dao, and even older than Ancient Art."

Jiang Yi was moved. He didn't even know how long martial arts existed. Dao Yan was even older than martial arts and ancient arts combined...

"As far as the past is concerned, there are many existences who can kill me, and the person who spoke has locked me in. If I don't bow my head, you and I will die in an instant."

"If Dao Yan came here, if he aimed at the endless void, then the endless void would definitely be swept away."

Elder Tianjixuan sighed, he wanted to go back to the endless void before, but now he doesn't want to.

Jiang Yi couldn't help thinking of the immortal way, and he began to worry about whether the immortal way would be affected.

"Old Xuan, can my grandfather..." Jiang Yi asked with a frown.

Elder Tianjixuan interrupted: "He is indeed powerful, and I can't see through him, but facing Dao Yan, I can't see enough. There are countless powerful existences in Dao Yan. Even in the peak period of martial arts, it is impossible to compete with Dao Yan." Confrontation, I am also confused now, why such a terrible Dao Yan from UU reading www.uukanshu.com returned."

Jiang Yi asked: "Is Daoyan a family, a sect, or a way?"

Elder Tianjixuan smiled wryly and said: "I don't know, don't inquire any more, it's easy to offend them, remember one thing, don't inquire about everything in the inner void, the existence there is beyond your imagination, sometimes a word of yours can make you fall into a place beyond redemption .”

Jiang Yi was silent, he turned to look in the direction where Dao Yan disappeared, wondering what he was thinking.

In Zixiao Palace, Jiang Changsheng, who was sitting on the Qianyuan God Seat of the Great Dao, opened his eyes.

It took him nearly a hundred years to practice the Supreme Dao Divine Technique. This technique is indeed profound, and after mastering it, he can even integrate supernatural powers.

He began to try to integrate the power of the great way that he had mastered. At the first attempt, the power of the great way resisted each other and almost exploded. Fortunately, he already had experience and did not let his power of the great way leak out.

With his current cultivation base, even if the power of the Great Dao leaked even a little bit, it would be enough to shock Mu Lingluo, Bai Qi, and Bai Long to death.

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