"Isn't it what you call the Heavenly Master level?"

The shadow of Jiang Yun spread his hands.

As if he had answered a nonsense.


It wasn't too surprising. Elder Yun just nodded. It seemed that Jiang Yun's strength was stronger than he had imagined.

Of course, it didn't exceed the scope of SS level.

The reason was simple. Elder Yun couldn't think of it.

He dared not even think of this result!

"What if... I mean if, those ghosts you are referring to, are they likely to disguise themselves as Heavenly Masters? I don't mean only now, is there a possibility in the future?"

This question came to him on his way here.

He suddenly remembered it.

The main purpose was not to point the finger at the other two Heavenly Master-level ghost-binding envoys.

But he wanted to find out from the side.

What is the strength of the other party?

He didn't believe that without any strength to support it, a ghost could perfectly disguise itself as a Heavenly Master to deceive everyone.


However, the scene that Yun Lao didn't want to see the most appeared. Jiang Yun didn't answer him immediately.

Instead, he fell into silence.

Jiang Yun was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly smiled.

"I suddenly regretted it."

"Some things are common sense to me, but for you, or from your standpoint, those things are very important. Isn't it a bit of a loss for me to answer you like this?"

Hearing this, the puzzled Yun Lao gradually reacted.

But before he took the initiative to speak.

"Why don't we add another deal? You can ask me unlimited questions. If some questions are important to you, I still want A-level ghosts. If some questions are irrelevant, it doesn't matter to tell you."

"Yes, I have the right not to answer."

Finally, Jiang Yun added another sentence.

Not to mention that there are some things he can't say.

Even if he can say it, he has to consider his own interests and can't tell Yun Lao or the Ghost Department everything.

"Okay! I agree!"

Who knows, Yun Lao didn't even think about it.

It's just an A-level ghost. There are still many of them in Yan Country. If it can be exchanged for important information, it is worth it.

And long before returning to Shangnan City.

Elder Yun had made preparations in this regard.

He also specifically asked the Holy Land Temple how many A-level ghosts were suppressed so far, which means that he was ready to bleed heavily.

Because the recall of the global ghost arresters has been slowly realized.

So many master-level ghost arresters are coming back.

He must exclude dissidents!

"Then do you still want to ask this question? The price is an A-level ghost."

Jiang Yun also asked directly.

He has been with Elder Yun for quite a few times, and he has roughly understood his personality. Sometimes he is very decisive.


Elder Yun did not answer immediately.

Of course, he wants to know more detailed information about those ghosts.

Now he is just thinking.

Is there a better question to replace it, and try to make one question to get more information.

"I want to change it!"

Soon, Elder Yun had an idea.

"If there is a ghost that can disguise itself as a Heavenly Master-level ghost-binding envoy and can deceive all of us in the Ghost-binding Department, then he... You can understand this question this way..."

"Is his Heavenly Master-level state related to his own strength? Or can a ghost disguise itself as a human who is stronger than itself?"

After all, the time is a bit short.

Yun Lao inevitably made some incoherent remarks.

Even Jiang Yun grinned.

"How many questions do you have?"


Yun Lao also laughed. It was a bit awkward to say this, but he really had to consider all aspects.

If you want to ask, ask more comprehensively.

"But I understand what you mean. People have their own rules, ghosts have their own rules, and the world naturally has its own rules. The so-called power will not change its essence without any external force."

"Rules...external force...essence..."

Yun Lao said a few key words thoughtfully.

He has understood what Jiang Yun meant.


But the essence is never possible.

That is nothing more than a so-called sleight of hand, just like a paper tiger, seemingly ferocious but actually shattered at the slightest touch.

In other words, no matter how a ghost disguises himself, if he wants to avoid being exposed, he can only disguise himself as a ghost-binding master corresponding to his own strength.

A-level ghosts disguise themselves as general-level.

S-level ghosts are grandmaster-level.

SS-level is naturally the heavenly master-level.

Of course, there is another situation...

"You said that the B-level ghost outside, the human he disguised himself as, is just a follower of a master-level ghost-binding master, and the downward compatible disguise is not easy to be exposed, right?"

"That's right."

This question is irrelevant.Jiang Yun gave the answer immediately.

"In this case, I'm relieved."

I saw that Yun Lao was relieved, and it was obvious that he had got the answer he wanted.


But Jiang Yun was a little confused.

"Your new question is different from the old one. Don't you plan to continue asking?"

Hearing this, Yun Lao was stunned at first.

Then he just smiled after reacting.


In fact, there is a fundamental difference between these two questions.

The answer to the first question he wanted to know was whether the other party's strength could reach the level of Tianshi.

The second question was that considering the strictness, even if there was a ghost disguised as a Tianshi, his true strength was hard to say.

But the reason why he chose the second question.

was that he suddenly thought of something.

"It's actually very simple. You answered my second question, so the question I wanted to know about in the first question is no longer important. After all, only SS-level evil spirits can disguise themselves as heavenly masters."

"But if he is an SS-level evil spirit, what's the point? He wants to destroy the Holy Soil Temple in Tianfu, what can we do?"

At least they can't do anything about it.

But Old Yun is still talking and laughing.

After all, there is the old man, but the main problem is that the old man will not take action easily.

So he doesn't need to ask the first question.


Jiang Yun nodded.

Although he can still refute.

For example, the other party just doesn't want to be exposed or there are real strong people in Yan Country, but he doesn't care about this kind of thing, so he doesn't plan to talk about it.

After chatting for so long.

Jiang Yun then looked at the Holy Soil Box on the ground.

After waving his hand and taking it in his hand, he checked it one by one, and put it all away after confirming that it was correct.

"You should have other things."

Jiang Yun took the initiative to ask.

Elder Yun was not surprised by this. After all, in his speculation, Jiang Yun could not have been unaware of the SS-level evil spirit in Australia.

"Of course."

Elder Yun changed his usual behavior.

"A brand new SS-level evil spirit appeared in Australia, and Tian Qingyan also appeared in Australia, so... did you know about this a long time ago?"

"Looking at your posture, are you blaming me?"



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