Arrived at the familiar activity room.

Song Ziwei was cleaning with a few people.

In a month, the large square table in the center of the activity room was covered with a layer of fine dust.

"Long time no see, Sister Ziwei."

Lin Bai smiled and took the dirty bucket carried by Song Ziwei and poured it into the sink beside him.

Song Ziwei looked at the three people, "Everyone is here, and the meeting will start soon."

Zhang Qiang stretched his body and said, "Why don't we get a projector in the activity room? We can play games here on weekdays?"

However, Song Ziwei objected as soon as he finished speaking.

Staring at Zhang Qiang, Song Ziwei said, "We are a literature club, not a game club."

"Then can I buy one and put it here?" Zhang Qiang said tentatively.

In the dormitory, playing games and watching anime are too easy to be restricted.


Song Ziwei continued to refuse Zhang Qiang's request, "If the teacher catches me, I will be the one who gets scolded."

Zhang Qiang had to sigh and give up.

With the addition of Lin Bai and others, the progress was rapid.

Looking at the brand new activity room, Song Ziwei sat at the main seat of the table.

Just as Lin Bai expected.

Song Ziwei's main work was still in the internal personnel arrangement of the literature club.

"Don't worry about this, senior sister, you are not leaving now."

Du Xiao said with a laugh.

Song Ziwei smiled at everyone: "This is the last semester with you all."

"Everyone can cherish me!"

On the other side, Zhang Qiang raised his hand: "Don't cherish me, I will accompany you until I really graduate!"

Everyone laughed.

At the same time, Luo Xiaoxiao was indeed appointed as the next president.

Next, he will assist Song Ziwei in arranging the affairs of the literature club.

In this way, Lin Bai discovered.

Vice President Zhang Qiang is more like the mascot of the literature club.

But that's true, after all, Zhang Qiang is not a formal staff.

He was elected by the public.

"I was planning to bring everyone to dinner tonight, but I learned that many people have things to do. Let's have dinner on Friday."

"I will inform everyone in the group in advance of the specific location."

Song Ziwei looked at everyone: "It's getting late, there's nothing to do, everyone go back and rest first."

And along the dim path street lights.

Lin Bai, Lu Yulin and Du Xiao walked slowly.

"How is the video?"

Du Xiao smiled and nodded: "It's okay, you don't seem to have watched my video."

Lin Bai smiled awkwardly, he knew Du Xiao's account.

However, he did not think of watching Du Xiao's video during the winter vacation.

Lu Yulin asked curiously: "Which channel, I'll go and see?"

Seeing this, Du Xiao sent his video link to Lu Yulin.

When he reached the intersection, Du Xiao hurriedly left on the pretext of having something to do.

Only Lin Bai and Lu Yulin were left walking on the school road.

Looking at Du Xiao's back, Lin Bai knew that the other party did it on purpose.

However, Du Xiao could no longer keep up with the version!

They walked to the square in silence, at the fork in the road.


Lin Bai waved and said with a faint smile.

Lu Yulin looked at Lin Bai standing in the shadow of the street lamp.

He also stretched out his hand and waved gently.




Su Yunxi and Guo Qin, who were wearing sportswear, did not see Liu Tianxiu.

Replacing the original Liu Tianxiu, standing in front of them.

It was the dark-skinned Lin Xiang.

"The boss can't lead us anymore, I will temporarily take over the boss's job."

Lin Xiang said with some regret.

Su Yunxi nodded, Liu Tianxiu had already joined the provincial team.

The daily training tasks were very heavy.

And there were also cultural classes to take, so there was no time to manage the volleyball club.

Looking at the bright shadowless lights in the gymnasium.

The guy who brought Su Yunxi to join the volleyball club.

Instead, he left the volleyball club first.

Guo Qin also shook her head with regret: "Deputy Captain Xiang, what are you practicing tonight?"

"Basic movements."

Although Lin Xiang is usually frivolous and not serious, he is the deputy captain of the volleyball club.

Although his strength is not as good as many professionals like Liu Tianxiu.

But among amateurs, he is still pretty good.

However, it is said that Lin Xiang's favorite sport is actually basketball.

It's just a pity that he joined the wrong team and joined the volleyball club.

At first, it was difficult for Lin Xiang to change the habit of catching the ball with his palm, which troubled the seniors for a while.

Padding the ball and watching the ball collide on his arm.

Su Yunxi suddenly realized that his skills had improved a lot.

Physical fitness seems to have also improved.A lot stronger.

I didn't catch a cold during the whole winter vacation.

In the past, Su Yunxi was prone to catching colds.


It was past nine o'clock.

Looking at Su Yunxi who had just walked out of the dormitory bathroom, she put on clothes for going out.

Guo Qin asked curiously: "What's wrong, going out?"

Su Yunxi nodded, "Something."

Guo Qin said teasingly: "Meeting a man is meeting a man, what else?"

Su Yunxi pinched Guo Qin's face when she heard it.

"Then you know a lot!"

Sitting on a bench by Ruqin Lake.

Lin Bai looked at the street lamp on the side helplessly.

This woman must have a serious illness, past nine o'clock in the evening.

Send him a message, saying that she wants to talk about VLOG.

What things have to be discussed at night.

Although it's almost March.

But it's still very cold at night.

On the other side, Su Yunxi just walked to the first floor.

I saw Lu Yulin standing in front of the vending machine, buying soda.

Lu Yulin, who was waiting for the soda to fall, also turned his head and saw Su Yunxi.

The two people who had met a few times both had a faint smile.

Nodding was a gesture.

When Su Yunxi came to the lake, Lin Bai was bored and browsing his phone.

"Sorry for the long wait."

"Yes, it's been a long wait." Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi unhappily.

"You didn't let me out before taking a shower?"

Looking at Su Yunxi, Lin Bai frowned and said.

Su Yunxi pursed his lips and explained: "Who knew, you came so early, I thought you would dawdle for a while?"

"You know how to predict." Lin Bai gave Su Yunxi a middle finger.

Su Yunxi talked about Liu Tianxiu leaving the volleyball club.

Lin Bai nodded: "Yes, when will he play the game? I have to go and see him next time."

"I don't know, let's talk about it later."

Yawning, Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi: "No, didn't you say you want to shoot a VLOG? Why don't you tell me what you think?"

"Oh, yes, yes, I plan to..."

Listening to Su Yunxi's talk, I didn't expect that he was quite good at filming.

He could actually find a typical angle for shooting.

"But I can't help you with this, you have to shoot it yourself."

Lin Bai shrugged and said.

Su Yunxi was immediately discouraged and said: "It feels so embarrassing to take a photo with a mobile phone!"

"Haha, you are afraid of the camera, right?"

Lin Bai laughed, "It's okay, you'll get used to it."

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