Lin Bai actually doesn't like wine.

Or rather, he doesn't like white wine.

Compared to the refreshing taste of beer in summer, or the rich and sweet fragrance of fruit wine.

Even if he drinks a lot of white wine.

All Lin Bai can feel is the spiciness.

He can't taste any other flavor.

But sometimes people are like this, even if they don't like it.

But they have to accept it.

With a mouthful of Huangfen down his throat.

The 53-degree alcohol spreads along the root of the tongue to the stomach.

Like a fire snake, it drilled into Lin Bai's throat.

The whole esophagus is under the scorching heat.

No need to say more.

Lin Bai has picked up a piece of rich-flavored pork with preserved vegetables.

Only the greasy fat can neutralize the unspeakable taste of alcohol.

At least for Lin Bai.

On the contrary.

Lin Bai watched Zheng Jinshan drink a mouthful carelessly and picked up a peanut.

He immediately felt something was wrong.

The lower the requirements for side dishes, the lower they are.

They are all old drunkards.

Lin Bai has been on the construction site and has seen many old drunkards.

They can drink two cups of chili paste and garlic.

Seeing Lin Bai's eyes, Zheng Jinshan also said in amazement: "Eat so much, don't be unable to drink later."

Hearing the provocation in Zheng Jinshan's tone, Lin Bai just smiled.

The bragging before getting drunk can be ignored.

Although he doesn't brag, Lin Bai is confident.

With this younger body and the strong will trained at the wine table.

A little Zheng Jinshan is still in control.

This kid may be pretending now.

53-degree white wine is not so easy to swallow.

In Anhui Province, most of them are 42 degrees.

Luo Hao looked at the two and ate the plate of fried celery in front of him silently.

He didn't dare to say much.

He couldn't drink any more now, and he just felt that his stomach was full of cold beer.

He felt uncomfortable.

"Boss, give me ten roasted pork belly, ten chicken gizzards, a handful of small sausages, a handful of veal, and a portion of boiled peanuts."

Lin Bai reached out to the boss and looked at Zheng Jinshan again.

"Come on, take one."

"Take one."

Zheng Jinshan smiled and said, "Boss, give me some garlic."

Lin Bai felt that after tonight, he would gain about five or six pounds.

After all, it was all high-calorie food.

However, this was for Zheng Jinshan.

With the cool breeze at night, the tables around had been removed.

Only a few tables were left.

The boss and others were also free, and were holding glasses to accompany each table.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

It was too late to go back to the dormitory.

Lin Bai and Zheng Jinshan looked at the empty Huangfen.

They each took half a pound.

Although it is not the upper limit, Lin Bai can also feel that his feet are a little light.

Looking at Zheng Jinshan.

The other party's face is also a little red.

It seems that both of them are one catty.

Still drinkable.

But now I can't continue to drink Huangfen, even if Zheng Jinshan falls down.

Lin Bai is also not good, but no one will ask questions.

In fact, the time is ripe now.

Looking at Luo Hao and Xu Binbing sleeping on their stomachs, Lin Bai opened two bottles of Snowflake at room temperature for himself and Zheng Jinshan.

"Boss, tell me."

Zheng Jinshan took the beer, looked at Lin Bai, and sighed helplessly.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong."

Zheng Jinshan said helplessly: "I can only say that it's a coincidence that all the bad things have come together."

Lin Bai clinked glasses with Zheng Jinshan.

"What do you mean?"

Zheng Jinshan drank a glass and shook his head.

"It's Qingming Festival, we're going out to play, but we quarreled over breakfast in the morning."

Zheng Jinshan said helplessly.

"This woman is mentally ill. She clearly said she was going out to play, so she must not care about what to eat in the morning."

"She watched a shitty video and went to Yaohai to eat at a popular restaurant. Isn't this crazy?"

"It takes half an hour to take the subway, and you still have to find it. I said I would just eat something casually."

Lin Bai smiled and looked at Zheng Jinshan, "What did my sister-in-law say?"

"She said we were all going out to play, why should we be so rigid and dogmatic? Isn't it the same to go to Yaohai?"

"Then what?"

Lin Bai asked curiously.

"We stayed in the hotel until the afternoon." Zheng Jinshan said helplessly: "In the afternoon, we were reconciled and went to a nearby hot pot."

"As a result, the next day, we went back to school and quarreled again."

Zheng Jinshan sighed.

"I don't remember the details, but they were all small things."

Zheng Jinshan drank another glass, and Lin Bai filled it up again.

Lin Bai nodded and looked at Zheng Jinshan.

Fortunately, it was just like KeIt was the same with Ming Xue.

The two quarreled over trivial matters that had accumulated over time.

As for the breakfast issue, everyone has their own opinions.

To be honest, there was nothing wrong with either of them.

Or rather, it was not the decision of one party that was wrong, but the way both parties handled it.

The two of them should have had grudges for a long time.

So when faced with a conflict, they both chose to rush forward.

They even expected this conflict to happen in their hearts.

Why did Lin Bai understand so well?

He had experienced it.

After they got married, he thought Su Yunxi was mentally ill.

He and this woman were not on the same line of thought.

Lin Bai had encountered such disagreements over eating more than once.

And it was really hard to tell right from wrong.

The world is not black and white.

Even if one party made an extremely unreasonable request, the other party would immediately jump up and refute it.

If the situation is so tense, can we really tell right from wrong?

It takes time for two people to get along with each other, and it is impossible for two people to be completely consistent.

Tolerance, humility and sincere communication are also part of the survival of love and marriage.

So in fact, if you look at it from a different perspective.

The two are birds of a feather.

In the same bed, they are not the same.

Looking at Zheng Jinshan.

Although it seems to be a small matter, major illnesses are all developed from minor illnesses.

So, once it is not handled and left alone, the gap between the two will only grow bigger and bigger.

To be honest.

Lin Bai is selfish and does not want Zheng Jinshan and Ke Mingxue to part ways.

For this love that has gone from middle school to college.

Lin Bai hopes that the two can wear wedding rings for each other.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Lin Bai asked.

Zheng Jinshan shook his head: "Nothing, it will probably get better after a while."

"What if it doesn't get better?" Lin Bai asked seriously.

Hearing this, Zheng Jinshan opened his mouth and couldn't say anything.

"Or should we go our separate ways?"

Lin Bai said on behalf of Zheng Jinshan.

Zheng Jinshan drank and said nothing.

"Or, you don't like Ke Mingxue anymore, and you must be tired of her. After all, we have been together for a few years."

"Bullshit." Zheng Jinshan shook his head.

"No one likes Ke Mingxue more than me."

Zheng Jinshan looked at Lin Bai and said seriously: "My girlfriend treats me very well. Not to mention buying things for me, we encouraged each other every day when we were repeating the year."

"I will never find a better woman than my girlfriend."

"I will definitely not break up with her."

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