Looking at the three people wearing thin green military training uniforms and still full of vigor, Lin Bai smiled bitterly.

They will have a good day soon.

It’s not that the intensity of the military training is so great, but the sudden urgent training and fairly strict management are not something that these students can adapt to quickly.

This point was not clear to everyone until Luo Hao was found scratching his head while standing at attention and did 20 push-ups.

"Stand up straight, report any problems first, and if I see any of you making small movements, all of you must do push-ups for me!"

"Do you understand?"

The dark-skinned instructor said sternly at this moment, but Lin Bai knew that the other party was just pretending.

Such instructors are usually seniors in the school. After returning from conscripted soldiers, they are asked by the school to be instructors and will be rewarded with some credits.

They are also hard-working workers.

"Got it."

Listening to the uneven voices of the crowd, Lin Bai looked at the instructor with a bit of pity.

Sure enough, the instructor shouted at the top of her voice: "Didn't you eat? The girls on the opposite side are louder than you!"

Hearing this, the girls in the girls' team opposite to Lin Bai's team burst into laughter.

Then, the female instructor on the opposite side also started to shout at the top of her voice.

The so-called military training is very destructive to the instructor's voice.

Lin Bai stood in the last row, looking at the girls' team on the opposite side, but his expression was not so good.

He had already seen Su Yunxi's figure.

The girl had a high ponytail today, which was rare. She looked very tall in the green military training uniform.

And obviously, the female instructor was very dissatisfied with their laughter just now.

"Laugh, laugh, laugh!" The female instructor said with a glare: "It's funny, right?"

"No, it's not funny." At this moment, a girl in the first row said weakly.

Su Yunxi sighed when she heard this, and never answer the instructor's words during military training.

As expected, the female instructor looked at the girl and said seriously: "Who told you to talk?"

Looking at the group of people, the female instructor said: "Everyone, squat and get ready!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the female team squatted down instantly.

However, squatting down is actually more tiring than standing.

At this moment, the boys' team stood in military posture, while the girls' team squatted.

Both sides were under the scorching sun, and sweat ran down Lin Bai's neck.

However, his eyes were firmly fixed on Su Yunxi.

The woman was no longer free to look at him, Su Yunxi was not in good health.

In high school, Su Yunxi was the last in sports, and the activity in physical education class was to sit under a tree and drink soda and chat.

Su Yunxi's job at the sports meeting was to serve tea and water, and she never participated.

Lin Bai was very upset. He was upset that he kept thinking about whether the woman was comfortable or not. What did it have to do with him?

As Lin Bai began to squat, Su Yunxi stood up.

But it would have been better if she didn't stand up. The dizziness of standing up instantly reached Su Yunxi's brain.

Before she could sigh that her body was still so weak, Su Yunxi's vision narrowed rapidly.

She was about to faint.

With a stumble, Su Yunxi's feet suddenly softened.

At the same time, Lin Bai subconsciously wanted to rush over, but before he moved, he saw Luo Hao beside him trying to take a step.

However, Lin Bai realized it at this time and immediately stopped Luo Hao with his eyes.

There was a commotion in the girls' team, but fortunately the team was densely stationed, and the people around him held Su Yunxi back so that she didn't fall directly to the ground.

At this time, Lin Bai suddenly saw a boy in a white short-sleeved shirt running hurriedly not far away. He said something to the instructor, and then helped Su Yunxi to the side, and Guo Qin followed him.

Looking at the direction, it should be to the infirmary.

But Lin Bai is not thinking about this now.

Who is that man?


Su Yunxi only remembers being dragged by someone in a daze, and then turned her head and saw someone supporting her.

Looking at the other person's face, it was somewhat familiar.

At the same time, the dizziness caused by getting up suddenly just now has gradually recovered.

"Senior Liu?"

Su Yunxi's voice was a little dry.

Hearing this, Liu Tianxiu turned his head to look at Su Yunxi and smiled faintly: "Is everything okay?"

Looking around, Su Yunxi realized that she had walked to the infirmary.

Frowning and drinking a bottle of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, Su Yunxi's mind has been completely sober.

Guo Qin sat next to Su Yunxi and looked at her with a worried look.

"Thank you, Senior Liu." Su Yunxi smiled at Liu Tianxiu standing in front of her."It's okay. I just happened to be nearby and saw you fainted. It just so happens that your instructor is actually my classmate."

Liu Tianxiu waved his hand and said, "By the way, are you feeling better now? You won't go to training today. Let your roommate take you back to the dormitory to rest for a day."

"Yeah." Su Yunxi nodded, but found that Liu Tianxiu was about to leave and suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong? Are you still not feeling well?" Liu Tianxiu turned around and looked at Su Yunxi with concern.

Su Yunxi felt her face getting hot. Looking at Liu Tianxiu with a sunny smile, she asked timidly, "Senior Liu, can I add you on WeChat?"

Liu Tianxiu nodded and took out his mobile phone with a smile. He opened the QR code interface and said with a smile, "Of course, you can always contact me if you have any questions. I am studying finance."

As he spoke, Liu Tianxiu looked at his WeChat and said with a smile, "Your name is Su Yunxi, right? OK, contact me if you have anything later."

After that, he looked at Guo Qin and said with a smile, "Take her back to the dormitory. I will ask for leave from the instructor for you later."

"Thank you, senior!" Guo Qin nodded and said.

As Liu Tianxiu left, Guo Qin pinched Su Yunxi's waist and said with a smile: "This senior is so handsome!"

Hearing this, Su Yunxi nodded, and did not comment on Lin Bai the same way as last night, but said seriously: "Yes, so handsome!"


Watching Lin Bai flipping the dumplings in the bowl over and over, it almost turned into noodle soup.

Zheng Jinshan asked curiously: "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Bai stopped his action after hearing this, smiled and shook his head: "Nothing, too hot, no appetite."

At the same time, he looked up at Luo Hao, who was a little absent-minded.

After eating and walking out of the cafeteria, looking at the bright moonlight, Lin Bai did not go back with the three people.

Instead, he wandered around the campus of Luda University.

Looking at the sparkling Ruqin Lake in front of him, Lin Bai and Su Yunxi had also walked here before.

Sighing, walking into the convenience store next to him, Lin Bai prepared to buy a bottle of milk and go back to type.

But as I was choosing, I suddenly felt a pain in my waist.

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