The sun may miss the dividing line of dusk with the moon.

But about the next brilliant dawn.

We will meet again eventually.

Leaning on the fence.

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi held hands and watched the rising sun in the east, which spread to the distant city buildings little by little.

The glass curtain wall reflected the morning light, and Luzhou also woke up from the coldness of the night.

Showing the vitality of this city.

Just thinking about it, I heard the movement behind me.

It was the sanitation worker of the forest park who came to clean the trash can.

After a particularly big yawn, Su Yunxi slowly said:

"Let's go back, I still have classes."

Looking at Su Yunxi, Lin Bai stroked the girl's cheek and asked with a smile: "Can you still go to class in this mental state?"

"Hehehe, then I'll take a leave, I'm going to go back to sleep, I can't, I haven't stayed up all night for a long time."

Leaning on Lin Bai, Su Yunxi said helplessly.

If lying in bed and staying up late to play with mobile phones and watch TV shows is normal.

Too many things happened this night.

It was too mentally and physically exhausting.

Holding each other, the two walked towards the foot of the mountain in a trance.

At the foot of the mountain, there were many uncles and aunts walking towards the top of the mountain.

"When we get old, we will also do morning exercises here."

Lin Bai looked at these people and said to Su Yunxi.

"Don't lie to yourself. When you get old, you will probably stay in the bedroom playing games, or go to the chess and card room to play cards with old ladies!"

Su Yunxi snorted and laughed, and Lin Bai did not refute it.

He didn't think he would climb mountains when he was old, after all, he didn't like to move when he was young.

Naturally, he was even more unwilling to move when he was old.

Since they had decided to take a leave, the two felt that their vitality had recovered a little.

Sitting in a breakfast shop.

Eating steamed buns and drinking hot sweet soy milk.

"I say, should I tell Lin Mo and the others?"

Su Yunxi said with jealousy, looking at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai smiled and said, "Wait a minute, and see if Lin Mo can find out by himself."

"Don't tell Lin Mo secretly." Lin Bai added.

Su Yunxi pouted, "If Lin Mo finds out, he will beat you, but I won't help you."

"Okay, okay, you guys can just bully me, a lonely boy." Lin Bai shook his head and said.

However, the original vitality was full.

After eating a tray of steamed dumplings, he became drowsy again.

When he dragged his tired body back to school again.

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi both showed a look of relief.

Finally, I can sleep.

Love is good, but sleep is more precious.

"See you tonight."

"See you tonight."

After hugging for a while in the square, Lin Baihe waved to Su Yunxi.

The upper eyelids were already fighting with the lower eyelids.

When he opened the door of the dormitory, Zheng Jinshan and others were brushing their teeth and preparing to go to class.

"You're back. How many battles did you fight last night?"

Luo Hao said teasingly while brushing his teeth.

He heard from Guo Qin that Su Yunxi didn't come home last night.

What good can a single man and a single woman do?

In fact, Luo Hao and the other three wanted to call Lin Bai at midnight last night to check on him.

But they didn't do it because they were worried that Lin Bai would faint.

Looking at the three people's eyes that understood everything.

Lin Bai had already climbed onto his bed.

"Last night, I fought a decisive battle on the top of Dashu Mountain. I was exhausted. I'm taking a leave. Don't lock the door when you go out."

As he said that, regardless of how rich and wonderful the expressions and imaginations of these people were, Lin Bai had already covered himself with a quilt.


My brain was about to explode.

And on the other side.

Looking at Su Yunxi, who was tired, stretching out her arms, Guo Qin waved away with disdain.

"If you have a man, don't cheat on me anymore."

Su Yunxi looked at Guo Qin aggrievedly: 'I'm innocent.'

"Just lie to your sisters, don't lie to yourself." Guo Qin said cunningly: "Are you going to the class later?"

"No, I've asked for leave."

Su Yunxi said and was about to climb up.

"Hey, hey, hey, you haven't taken off your makeup yet!" Guo Qin said hurriedly.

The other two roommates also looked at Su Yunxi with a smile.

Su Yunxi blushed: "I put on lipstick yesterday before going out."

As for now, the lipstick has long been transferred to Lin Bai's stomach.

She just wants to sleep.

When she wakes up, she will take a shower and then go find that guy.


Accompanied by the crackling sound of the keyboard, Lin Bai opened her eyes again.

Luo Hao and Xu Binbing were playing games in the dormitory.

She looked at the time.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

I have slept for the whole morning.

I walked into the bathroom silently and took a hot bath.

Lin Bai felt that he wasA new life came to him.

After snatching the half-eaten Crispy Commander from Luo Hao, Lin Bai rubbed his stomach.

So hungry.

Opening WeChat, Su Yunxi did not send a message.

Probably not awake yet.

"I have food in the bedside cabinet." Xu Binbing looked at Lin Bai and said with a smile.

Luo Hao said teasingly: "Our great lover will probably go out to have a sumptuous dinner with his childhood sweetheart later, and he will not look down on your snacks."

Lin Bai punched Luo Hao after hearing this: "How was your chat with Guo Qin last night?"

"It was quite good. Guo Qin and I talked about you and Su Yunxi for two hours." Luo Hao said with a smile.

"Damn, I said I felt cold on my back last night, and it turns out that you two were talking about me." Lin Bai also said with a smile.

Just as he was about to get Xu Binbing's snacks.

But the phone dinged.

[Su: I can't fall asleep after waking up. I'm so hungry. ]

[Lin: Then get up and take you to eat. ]

[Su: Thank you, brother, brother is so nice. ]

[Lin: OK, OK, I'll wait for you downstairs. ]

[Su: Love you]

[Lin: Love you]

Lin Bai typed this sentence somewhat unnaturally.

Compared with the previous life, how could this not be a novel experience?

The hand that originally opened the cabinet directly opened the door of the dormitory.

"Hey, what did I say, what delicious food did the love saint go to eat."

"Clay pot chicken, bring you a portion when you come back?" Lin Bai said with a sneer.

"Go away, go away, stop nagging." Luo Hao waved his hand in disdain, and said to Lin Bai with Xu Binbing with a smile.

Walking on the way to the female dormitory.

Lin Bai felt that his steps were particularly light.

I don't know if it was excitement or hunger and a little hypoglycemia.

Su Yunxi on the other side.

At this moment, he began to take a bath and wash his hair in a hurry.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she still put on light makeup.

However, she still had dark circles under her eyes from staying up late last night.

But overall.

She was still a young and beautiful girl.

After confirming that there was no problem, Su Yunxi slowly closed the door of the dormitory.

When walking downstairs of the female dormitory.

Lin Bai was already squatting on the curb bored, playing with his mobile phone.

"Didn't I tell you that I'll take a shower and ask you to come later?"

Lin Bai waved his hand: "It's okay, let's go and eat."

Su Yunxi hugged Lin Bai's arm, just like those familiar days.

He walked on the way to find food.

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