
Lin Bai, who didn't react for a while, looked at Su Yunxi in his arms.

He smiled brightly.

"That's right. We can just have a one-bedroom apartment. It's right next to the school, so it won't interfere with classes."

"We can also invite Guo Qin and Luo Hao to come over to play. How nice."

Su Yunxi nodded: "Okay, then it's settled. Let's start looking for houses during the summer vacation, right?"

"Okay, then I'll have to trouble you to look around more." Lin Bai hugged Su Yunxi's waist and said with a smile: "As long as you are satisfied, there is no problem on my side."

As they spoke, the two were getting closer and closer.

The cheeks could already feel the heat exhaled by the other.

Accompanied by the warm sun pouring into the kitchen.

It was a good time to kiss.

However, accompanied by the footsteps of Yan Yuan in the living room.

The two quickly returned to their actions of looking out the window.

It's not that I'm embarrassed.

I just don't want to abuse the dog.


The three of them played Horse and Horse Eight in the living room for a while, and Su Yunxi was the first to say that he was sleepy and wanted to rest.

So, as if it was an infectious disease.

Lin Bai and Yan Yuan also yawned.

Lying on Yan Yuan's bed.

Lin Bai was going to discuss the issue of writing a novel, but he just browsed social media.

Then he heard Yan Yuan's slight snoring.

This guy's sleep quality is really good.

On the contrary, it was Su Yunxi who sent him a message.

[Lin: Why don't you go to bed? It's already eleven o'clock. ]

[Su: You know it's only eleven o'clock, how can I sleep? ]

[Lin: You have to get up early tomorrow. You have to go out after six o'clock. ]

[Su: Although, it doesn't match my biological clock. ]

[Lin: Then I'll come over and squeeze in with you and chat for a while? ]

[Su: Get out. Can you still leave after you come? ]

Lin Bai looked at the message with a silly smile on his face.

[Lin: Okay, okay, I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes. I'm going to sleep. Good night.]

[Su: Yeah, I tried to sleep too, good night]

Putting down the phone, Lin Bai thought he would toss and turn, but he didn't expect that he would just turn over.

He felt a huge sense of fatigue coming over him.

He fell into a dream before he could react.

When he woke up again.

He heard Yan Yuan's alarm clock.

He opened his hazy eyes and pushed open the bedroom door.

He looked at Su Yunxi, who was also sleepy.

They both smiled helplessly.

Because there was only one bathroom, Yan Yuan was washing up now.

Lin Bai pulled Su Yunxi to sit on Su Yunxi's bed in the study.

Although it was a single bed, it was obvious that Yan Yuan had prepared it in advance.

The bedding and sheets were all brand new.

The texture was also quite good to the touch.

Just looking at Su Yunxi, who was sitting next to him, a little thin, wearing pajamas.

Lin Bai suddenly hugged him.

"What are you doing?"

Su Yunxi twisted her body in Lin Bai's arms and said helplessly.

"I just think you look so cute in your pajamas when you get up in the morning." Lin Bai said hesitantly.

"Are you sick? I always wear these pajamas when I go out at school. How can you do this?"

Su Yunxi said unhappily. Usually when Lin Bai came to see her at night, she also wore this pajamas.

Don't say it's cute.

At first glance, this pajamas is indistinguishable between male and female!

But Lin Bai pushed Su Yunxi down and squeezed them side by side on the small bed.

Looking at Lin Bai, Su Yunxi immediately pursed her lips: "No, don't be silly!"

Lin Bai smiled and said: "It's okay, I'll just look at you, my 19-year-old wife."

"I really haven't looked at her carefully before!"

Su Yunxi smiled and pinched Lin Bai's face, "Then you have to look carefully."

However, in less than three seconds, their faces were already pressed together.

Rubbing Su Yunxi's cheek.

The two were like children playing childish games.

Until the sound of the faucet in the bathroom stopped, they each got up from the bed with a red face.

Lin Bai skimmed Su Yunxi's lips like a dragonfly, and walked out of the study quickly.


This shouldn't be considered breaking his habit of kissing Su Yunxi before waking up in the morning?

Feeling the movement on the lips.

Su Yunxi was a little funny.

The two are not really young college students, but an old couple.

Although the relationship between husband and wife is not harmonious, their married life was quite harmonious before.

I just didn't expect it.

Lin Bai is so innocent now, and it doesn't seem to be pretending.

However, he touched his hot face.

She seems to be like this too.

Maybe it's because she is in contact with young boys, so she is like this.After washing up, it was already seven o'clock when we went out.

Blowing the air conditioning in the breakfast shop, I finished a big bowl of spicy duck blood vermicelli soup.

The pain of getting up early disappeared instantly.

When I arrived at Xuanwu Lake, I looked at the clear green water.

There were also weeping willows by the lake.

The morning breeze in May at seven or eight o'clock brought a little warm coolness.

Then it was the Drum Tower.

Then it was to the museum.

At noon, the three of them slurped another bowl of duck blood vermicelli soup.

Looking at the pan/tilt in Su Yunxi's hand, Yan Yuan asked: "When can I watch this video?"

Su Yunxi smiled and pointed at Lin Bai: "That depends on how fast this guy edits."

Yan Yuan nodded and patted Lin Bai on the shoulder: "Hurry up, I want to see it!"

"Our best encounter was in such an April..."

Before the phone ringtone finished a whole sentence, Yan Yuan had already answered the phone.

Watching Yan Yuan walk to the side, Lin Bai and Su Yunxi waited there.

Although I couldn't hear, I could see the joy on Yan Yuan's face.

As the call ended, Yan Yuan hurried over!

"Great, let's go to the music festival tonight!"

Yan Yuan looked at the two excitedly: "I just found out yesterday that there is a music festival here tonight, and asked a scalper to get three VIP tickets."

"We will go directly there when the time comes!"

Lin Bai and Su Yunxi looked at Yan Yuan: "Music festival?"

"Yeah!" Yan Yuan looked at the two and then asked: "Can you all go?"

"Sure, of course." Lin Bai said with a smile.

Su Yunxi also smiled and nodded.

We were just out to have fun, and the music festival was quite lively.

"But, Brother Yan, you spent a lot of money on the scalper tickets, right?" Su Yunxi asked tentatively.

But Yan Yuan waved his hand: "It's not much money. The show is about to start. The scalper tickets will also drop. The main thing is that you are here. I am too lazy to go even if someone gives me tickets."

Lin Bai smiled and said: "Okay, brother, what time does it start? Are there any famous people at this music festival?"

Sitting in the car.

Yan Yuan sent the link to Lin Bai.


Lin Bai exclaimed immediately, and Su Yunxi also leaned over curiously and whispered:

"Mao Buyi, Hua Zhou, Escape Plan, Good Sister Band!"

Looking at Yan Yuan who was sitting in the driver's seat with a smug look on his face.

Lin Bai already had a clue in his mind. Yan Yuan must have spent a lot of money.

After all, the ticket price on paper is 499.

No matter how cheap the scalper tickets are, it is unlikely.

And this kind of music festival with many popular singers will not worry about selling tickets.

Especially the most expensive VIP tickets.

"Are there any bands or singers you like?" Yan Yuan asked, looking at the two people in the rearview mirror.

Lin Bai thought for a while and said, "A good sister, right?"

"Why?" Yan Yuan asked curiously.

Lin Bai looked at Su Yunxi, with an uncontrollable smile on his face:

"Because this song was the background music that played when I first fell in love with someone."

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